2012 FJR1300A, Cobalt Blue

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Well-known member
May 31, 2012
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San Antonio, TX
Being 5.5, 168lbs and 30yrs of riding experience, I’ve always loved the strength of Big-Bore motorcycles. Learned on a Honda 250, first purchase, 1982 Yamaha XS400, 1983Honda 700Magna. Ok, time to move/man-up B) , the 1985 FJ1200 caught my eye and held its place for 5yrs, left for England for a 3yr tour with great roads to explore until an accident pushed me into the 1990 Kawasaki ZZR1100, returning stateside and forced to leave the “non-US” compatible MC behind, I met (and loved) the 2002 Kawasaki ZZR1200, 2006 and a FAT 240 rear-end with a beautiful silver body came the 2006 M109R – sport cruiser, best of both worlds.

Like most people wanting a new motorcycle I had questions, like - So, what brand, make, model to buy? Do I want to get the 2009 AE or the 2012 1300A (both new)? I still enjoy my 2006 Suzuki M109R invested with upgrades, this machine is awesome. Should I go with a full sport bike that would require me to visit a chiropractor if I ride it for more than 90 minutes? Or something with a more relaxed riding position for this 50-something-year-old body? There’s also a need to carry a few things like my lunch bag and rain gear and other assorted necessities of modern life, so some type of detachable luggage would be convenient :bike: .

The 2012 contenders:

*Honda ST1300 – it was a brief look. Cost and (to me) lack of features coupled with a bland look.

*Kawasaki Vaquero, Plasma Blue – Similar ride to my M109R, v-twin muscle @ 1700cc’s, 6 speed, 5.3 tank, music, hard bags weighing 835.7lbs…hmmmm, that’s alotta bike. My M109R weighs less even with two-up riding.

*Concours 14ABS – 688lbs dry with the most tech of the sport touring bikes , 1,352cc’s strongest of the contenders, ABS, 5.8 gal of juice, seat height @ 32.1 offer a good mix of technology and comfort. Not so favorable: cost for the bike and maintenance, look/style, the hole behind the front wheel, feels tall for my taste.

*FJR1300A – ABS, 644lbs, 6.6 gals of riding bliss, easy cost saving maintenance, adjustable seat, steering, suspension, etc.

After much consideration and visiting the showrooms to sit on the various models I narrowed my choices to the 2012 Kawasaki Concourse 14 and the FJR 1300A. Calling my insurance agent revealed that, as a second bike, the FJR the least expensive and the overall cost wouldn't be too painful (I highly recommend contacting your insurance agent before you buy anything. You’ll be amazed at how much one model can cost over another as certain models have a reputation that drives up their ratings and in turn their cost of insuring). Also, be sure to shop around. Rates can vary from one carrier to the next by the hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

After reading the reviews, goggle, trips to dearlerships and research on the Yamaha FJR1300, it seemed to have everything I’d come to favor on a bike, power windscreen, ample cargo storage, ABS brakes, shaft drive, beautiful lines, fully adjustable suspension, not to mention plenty of power. I had often thought this might be a bike that I’d like to own. I contacted different dealers for each brand and was frank about being able to pay for it, but unsure of which model to buy. Now, you would think they would practice their best sales tactics on me to try and sway me to their particular brand, but, surprisingly, that was not the case.

Out of the many TX dealers, 1 had both bikes to show and was more than willing to adjust and park the bikes side-by-side – decisions, decisions :hehe: . Both have tremendous sex appeal; however, the Kawi is more high maintenance. Still, they look so good even sitting stationary! Both evoke images of fast, great handling with the FJR (IMHO) looking sexier of the two :brunette: . The smooth lines of the FJR when the cases were removed (tabs added) vs the “hooks” of the Kawi didn’t appeal to me, nor did the dirt-bike like rear wheel.

Since I was anticipating putting 10,000 to 15,000 miles per year on this bike I wanted something I would spend more time riding than repairing or servicing. For the Kawi, the maintenance cost, (poor) accessibility of getting to parts (getting to the oil filter and plug, battery, fuse box, shaft drive to name a few) and the limited number of dealers (compared to Yamaha) willing to “feel at ease” working on the bike (for that matter, include me) tilted the scales towards the Yamaha. Thus, I reasoned, the FJR was the better choice for me. So, having read all the latest reviews on the 2009-2011 FJR and how the heat issues seem to have been resolved, I figured this was the time to pull the trigger.

Out of curiosity, I went to the other “stealership” as he had a new/leftover 2009AE FJR AE (electric shift) available. While there, I met fellow forum rider who brought his 2009AE in for service. I asked questions (a lot) comparing the auto shift vs conventional shift. Keep in mind, he is use to and loves the AE version. Now, the doubts started to appear in the back of my mind. It's called "buyer's remorse", and this must be the mind’s natural defenses or brain overload. The doubts started ringing in my head. Did I REALLY want or need a second motorcycle? Is this a practical thing to do? I’m familiar with conventional shifting; do I want to learn this type of auto shift/ride? Thankfully, this passed quickly and so did the doubts.

I gave it a few days until the weekend and went to the current dealer. Upon entering the showroom I had to take one last long look at the Kawi (that bike not catching my eye :beee: ) before moving across to the FJR. After looking the bike over I again I wanted to view it outside the showroom and in the sunlight. In the time it took me to get all my gear off he rolled it off the showroom floor and out to the parking lot. It sparkled. We went over the usual instructions, controls, etc. In the end, I signed for the bike and made arrangements to take delivery of it the upcoming weekend.

The week passed pretty quickly, despite the wait, and then it was finally Saturday. I hooked the trailer to the truck, got stuck in traffic, and thought I was going to be late and they would close – yeah right, phone was ringing off the hook wanting location, :biggrinsmiley: . After going through the usual settlement procedures it was out to the lot for a go over of the bike itself. There it was, all shined up, absolutely beautiful. Mentally it was: “Come on! Let’s get this done so I get this baby out of here! I can read the owner’s manual at night, Kyle.”

Finally we were finished and after they topped off the tank he handed me the keys. I thumbed the starter button and the motor sprang to life with that low throaty sound :bb2: which spoke to me, come on, let’s GO! Loaded her in the trailer for the ride home, parked and went in the house reading manuals and paperwork. Since it was so late, I waited until morning to unload. Like giving birth, bring her out the trailer was awesome. Having ridden nothing but the cruiser style M109R I had to get used to controls and location, bringing my feet back along with the different sit and the rest of the world uses. No big thing, just some personal retraining. So off we go. Seems my hands and feet had been programmed for the clutch and throttle action of my M109R and the FJR was totally different, so I wasn’t very smooth with the shifting at first. Surprisingly, this passed rather quickly.

Fast forward – Finally…600 mile service and took her to visit the Three Sisters, uhm, more on that later :hyper: .

My observations:

While I rode the hell out of the FJ1200, loved my ZZR1200 especially my TX to TN trip, oh my butt didn’t want to feel anything else, for the next few days, I preferred standing. The FJR1300 has all of the power I need for the street and it’s not fully broken in yet. It’ll get you to triple digit speeds in no time if you’re not paying attention and it doesn’t feel like you’re going that fast at all. I must admit, I miss the 6th gear yet I’m getting use to having only 5.

From the 1st ride to present day, loving the brakes/braking system. Just two fingers on the front brake lever will do the trick. Use all four and you’ll feel the ABS kick in too! The rear brake seems to have just the right amount of stopping power. I’m getting 40+ mpg combined highway and back roads on regular fuel, which beats using premium I have to use in my M109R. The wind protection is adequate yet there’s still enough air flow over the body to keep comfortable on a hot day, although I’m use to sport bike wind feel, the windscreen seemed right for my 5.5 frame and better than hitting the road on the M109.

You only need to look at a turn and the bike’s there, much better than the Kawi. The finish is flawless and that blue is stunning in the sunlight. I’ve gotten nothing but praise for the looks. The headlights are great!

So here's the conclusion: I’m seriously hooked :hyper: , satisfied with this new ride. Leave the bags on and it looks like a touring machine, take them off and she’s sport sexy as hell. It’s not an out and out sportbike and can’t hang with some of them (Busa’s, ZX14), but it’s no slouch and I bet I can ride her all day. Oddly enough, I’m not looking at other bikes (my other honey, the M109) with keen interest as before (yet). I guess the FJR virus has affected me. While I do ride each (gotta keep the M109 :battery: charged and oil flowing) both machines bring their own style and joy for any journey. See you on the road with the “Ultimate Sport Touer”! :superman2:

Good model comparison and details there Mr Smooth :)

I'm sure you made the right decision (for you) but those other make & model owners are probably so use to their setups it's natural for them and to come over to a Feejer... oh boy! My g/f has a BMW (car) and it doesn't have any park. When I drive it I'm all discombobulated that I have to find Reverse and throw on the Park brake. She is so use to it I guess it's natural for her. The FJR AE is the same for me (now), I don't even think about it I just do it.

Congrats on your preferred decision!

I think you like it :D

Ohhh, yeahhhh! :yahoo:




:yahoo: :yahoo:

One statement in the original post caught my eye and that was that the C14 has 'the most tech'. I suggest that the K1600GT holds that title, albeit for a bunch of kilobuck bills more.

And, of couse it is the 'best colour', because it appropriated the '06 blue.

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Good model comparison and details there Mr Smooth :)

I'm sure you made the right decision (for you) but those other make & model owners are probably so use to their setups it's natural for them and to come over to a Feejer... oh boy! My g/f has a BMW (car) and it doesn't have any park. When I drive it I'm all discombobulated that I have to find Reverse and throw on the Park brake. She is so use to it I guess it's natural for her. The FJR AE is the same for me (now), I don't even think about it I just do it.

Congrats on your preferred decision!
Thanks Top Speed. Yes it was the "right" decision for me - the FJR1300 that is :D . As each rider of this gr8 machine does have his/her choice of year, AE or conventional shift, either direction is (IMHO) smooth move ;) . For me, its the feel of the shift as with others, the ease of auto-shift. Kind of like my previous Volvo 850GLT, loved the 5speed even in traffice. My truck, love the automatic even in traffic - getting older :rolleyes: . Gr8 point Top Speed and thanks for the post.

One statement in the original post caught my eye and that was that the C14 has 'the most tech'. I suggest that the K1600GT holds that title, albeit for a bunch of kilobuck bills more.

And, of couse it is the 'best colour', because if appropriated the '06 blue.
To further explain the comment/post, "the most tech of the 3 I mentioned/considered". Honda, Kawi and FJR... hmmm, thought I covered that (not the K1600GT in "my" choices). Yes, the K1600GT is very tech, heavy and a gr8 machine - and others love it ;)

Wanna talk FAST Big Bore.......check out a 2000 Kawi ZX12, Damn things were so fast in 2000 (first year I think) they detuned it a little starting in 2001 cuz too many people were crashing them!!


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