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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. exskibum

    Dave Higgins / Highlander

    So hard to get here this late and find this thread. One of the best people in any crowd. Dave and Diane carved the best and fastest two up lines. They were a pleasure to follow, and their company always made the crowd friendlier and more fun. I met Dave in Auburn on my first FJR ride and rode...
  2. exskibum

    Ray Slocomb, FjRay - Now on second honeymoon with Patti

    Can't add to much that John (CAJW) said, except to say that Ray was more than a huge part of the forum, but had a heart and frienliness about him that was even bigger. Long long time ago. I won't be making it this weekend but the bike that I had at that first 2012 Reuben Run will be availablle...
  3. exskibum

    Ray Slocomb, FjRay - Now on second honeymoon with Patti

    Sad, sad news. Ray will not be forgotten. Humble, kind, always the first to offer assistance and an expert in most things mechanical. He had a heart of gold and a great sense of humor, always fun to talk to. It turns out that Ray was working in a small garage/automotive shop on Topanga at...
  4. exskibum

    2008 FJR - only 8400 miles ***SOLD***

    talk about low hanging fruit, Ray. I mean, you can suck on that fruit (maybe) or you can get kicked in the testicles, but you're a true master mechanic if you can get any other maintenance result.  Back to the bike: I know I'm not the only one thinking these kinda $$ are getting a LOT of...
  5. exskibum

    WTB Muzzy 4 into 1

    REDDOG -- check your PMs - I just sent you one with my phone number -  exskibum (Rich)
  6. exskibum

    Sad News

    So very sorry Ray. I know you'll remember the good times and all you shared. Sometimes that's what makes grief the hardest, but we all know that you've been blessed with a true partner for all these years. May Patti rest in peace. 
  7. exskibum

    WTB Muzzy 4 into 1

    Sure looks like a full system to me, and I just looked at mine on my '05 next to a couple of those photos. There is no cat and the collector is right where mine sits. These things are increasingly rare and his ad is for parting it out, so for those who want a sweet pipe, better jump on it...
  8. exskibum

    WTB Muzzy 4 into 1

    Will do, Bob. Long story, but I've been doing construction tasks and moving from Grass Valley to Lincoln the last several months. Walk-through today with buyers of GV house, after which I will at least have everything in the considerably smaller Lincoln house that I haven't already tossed or...
  9. exskibum

    WTB Muzzy 4 into 1

    Yeah, Mike. Mary Ellen and I were recalling forum adventures and characters on the phone a couple days ago and I was describing how thoroughly wet we got escorting Robin to the summit. That was late 2010 or 2011. He'd crashed his FJR in '08, I think, and Tyler gave him her Triumph Trophy (after...
  10. exskibum

    WTB Muzzy 4 into 1

    I have one on my '05 and know how you feel about the way it sounds, the reduced weight and improved accel. Approx. 50K miles on the pipe, titanium can (QuietCore installed but also have unused power core) plus PowerCommander. I've owned the bike since '05 and pipe since '07 (1st owner of...
  11. exskibum

    08 Goldwing and Bushtec trailer

    Good lord, Dougie! Didn't see this coming, esp at that kinda price. Gayle enhanced your touring experience for a lotta miles over the years you've owned that 'potamus, . . . but she ain't going back to harrses, is she? (You poor bastid.)  So, whatcha gonna repace it with? (And don't BS us with...
  12. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    Naw, Doug. It was just a tacit admission that I couldn't keep up with you. If we ain't on skis, you're going to run away from my aging a$$. Went for a short ride on the plugged tire yesterday with GF - as you know: everything's green, there's lotsa water in the creeks and rivers, Covid-19 is...
  13. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    I used glue (rubber cement), and it just happened that I had a 10 yr old *NOS* sealed tube of it, still runny inside. My strings are 6 or 12 yrs old, but pretty good condition - double wrapped and in a tubular plastic container. I'll keep checking the air pressure to monitor, as you suggest. 
  14. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    Thanks, George. I'll consider the "Master Plugger's" advice as authoritative on those issues. 😉  Explains the uniformity of responses I was getting, too.  
  15. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    So you guys are recommending the lazy way. THAT's something I can get done!  Only thing is: this patch just went too smoothly. Two kind older ladies (I know - contemporaries) in an extra cab pickup stopped, drove us home (3 miles away); then we grabbed a 'Baru, portable air pressure tank* and...
  16. exskibum

    Tire Repair (internal patch) in Sacramento/Auburn area?

    Yesterday (4/16/2020), I got a clean nail sized hole in my rear tire about 3 miles from home. Nothing stuck in it, so probably caused by a glass shard. I repaired it with sticky string, inflated it and rode home. Now, for the first time in a dozen years, I'm looking for someplace to patch it...
  17. exskibum

    COVID-19 Catch All

    Saw this yesterday on local media; today I came across it on national media in a format I could copy and paste. Pretty objective video presentation (free of political content, I believe) by a thoracic surgeon of what this virus does to the lungs and why it is so dangerous: ...
  18. exskibum

    COVID-19 Catch All

    Flattening the curve -- probably the most important thing we can do to avoid the most dangerous: medical resources and services getting overwhelmed. Thanks, Iggy - for that reminder and the anticipation of an interesting RR.  Many of us here are in the "senior" category, so here's a couple...
  19. exskibum

    COVID-19 Catch All

    Did I just read that correctly? I have a significant amount of cut, aged and split wood. But it would be a grave mistake to be wrong about the precondition that it would not be protected against foraging criminals with selfish intent. 
  20. exskibum

    Sunday Jan 12th foothill ride

    Ray, the hardest thing to get used to is the ACCELERATING rate of decay, both mentally and physically. So when those two squids (one speeds and the other jumps his bike off cliffs) get pulled over and take off their helmets, you know the LEOs break out laughing. 