FJR Leaves Its Mark On Florida

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Trading miles for memories
FJR Supporter
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
So I am out riding to unwind from Christmas rush at the Post Office and on the side of the road sit 4 Harleys unattended. I look off further back from the road and see the 4 riders relieving themselves in the bushes

just under the trees in the nearby woodline. I chuckle to myself and the thought comes to my mind "They are making their mark".

I continue riding and the traffic slows as I approach a flatbed truck with a beautiful late model BMW motorcycle sitting upright on the back of the truck. By now my speed is so slow I notice that the BMW has indeed left its mark too.

AND a beautiful mark it was in the light rain:


I start thinking how these bikes and their riders have left their "Mark" in or on Florida. After careful consideration, I feel compelled to leave a mark of my own. However My bladder is not full and my final drive has been going strong for nearly 180,000 miles…

What to do?

This was my solution:

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Very nice!You may have invented a new sport here.

What was the mileage required for this feat?
I started December 26th at 6:30am out of West Palm Beach and Rode to Vero Beach where I was to begin. I went to fill up my tank and realized I had left the gas cap key at home (Don't ask)

I rode back to West Palm Beach, then back up for a restart. I ran no fuel cell.

Day one :

"F" and "J" lasted 23 and 1/2 hours 1347 miles

December 27th

Day Two :

"R" After sleeping at home- 11 or so hours and 600+ miles

Rode some new roads and enjoyed Christmas light displays (Especially Gainesville Hospital)

Had fun and set up for my rolling 50k for the year on my '05 on the following Monday, returning from Alabama (Stagecoach)

A good year it has been!

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I can recode that lock for ya, we can make both keys fit.

The Christmas rush isn't quite over just yet. Your employer was entrusted with a small package to me that has been in limbo for a week now.

I wouldn't have noticed yet but the seller emailed me requesting feedback lol

damn thats a lot of miles in a day....

LOL Most excellent Tony!

So THAT was your special 2 day ride eh? Thoroughly enjoyed it, especially in light of having just spoken with someone recently last Aug. (I wonder who that was?) about spelling stuff with the SPOT. That really takes some planning to pull off.

LOL Most excellent Tony!
So THAT was your special 2 day ride eh? Thoroughly enjoyed it, especially in light of having just spoken with someone recently last Aug. (I wonder who that was?) about spelling stuff with the SPOT. That really takes some planning to pull off.

You know I couldn't PLAN anything very well ...

But I sure had some fun doing it. BTW there was a parts pick up involved where I got to meet Dangerous Dave. His forum should have been Generous Dave! (Thanks Dave)

Just the meet up made the ride worth while.

BTW Mike... No application here for you know what.

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Good job, I see you got the tech part of the drawing worked out. Hope it wasn't too bad for ya, I remember us discussing that a while back and I was wondering if you were going to turn something out. I had no idea it'd be anything like this. Nice job sir. That's some crazy riding around the boring state of Florida for sure.

Very Good Stuff! I applaud the lead in story as well as the video.
Who was the artist for the music in your video?
Alan Parsons Project- Put out some really good music.

Good job, I see you got the tech part of the drawing worked out. Hope it wasn't too bad for ya, I remember us discussing that a while back and I was wondering if you were going to turn something out. I had no idea it'd be anything like this. Nice job sir. That's some crazy riding around the boring state of Florida for sure.
I wish I could have done some of things you did, but mine was a real low-tech method. Maybe in the future I could learn...

I tunes slideshow with music selection.


You might consider using a still shot of the final moment of that video and making a new avatar... to commemorate your accomplishment. It was such a unique idea.


I am impressed! What a great way to finish off 2013.

I assume you managed this by switching the spot on and off at selected times; at least to skip between letters? I would love to see something like this done for North America! That would be epic.

I am impressed! What a great way to finish off 2013.
I assume you managed this by switching the spot on and off at selected times; at least to skip between letters? I would love to see something like this done for North America! That would be epic.
I also tried to wait at the corners for 10 minutes assuring the SPOT fired off a signal there.

Ahhhh North America (?) "FJR" could be done in 1 day with a group SPOT (Shared Page) and designated highways for participants to ride with their SPOT on.

Thinking of designing a 10/10ths around this feat myself.

The SPOT 3 (3RD gen) would have been nice, as I had 10 minute intervals with the SPOT2 and needed to retrace my path for effectiveness.

The SPOT 3 lets you choose the interval timing and will allow maximum "Pings"

Headed south into the Everglades on highway 29 it failed to signal twice, but fired on the return back north. I actually looped the "J" back to the north for 20 miles

and had no signals sent. (?)

Very few curved roads here in Florida, and with the season of short daylight hours, most of the riding was done in the dark.

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