Spring has Sprung in CA

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
A few pics from the weekend’s adventures… joined in on the first half of Geoff’s ride down 25 on Saturday… no pics from the first half as it was a go-go ride and no time for photos or flower sniffing. After lunch, Susan and I headed back the same way and I did take the time to take a few photos…

Lonoak Rd.




I think this is about all we’re gonna get for spring this year…


Just before you get to 25 on your right are a bunch of wrecked cars buried in the dirt... not quite the Cadillac Ranch but they gave it a go!

Love the gradation of colors in the hills on 25…

Lots of yellow on 25 on the way to 101…

And movie set hills to the west…


The next day was a newbie-friendly ride with my riding group, Dangerous Curves… we met for coffee and I was delighted to see several new women who were venturing into the wonderful world of motorcycling…


We wound our way through Los Altos and Woodside then up 84 where the plan was to regroup if anyone got separated but holy hell… I’ve never seen STP so packed full of cars, bicycles, motorcycles, people milling about, and one really crazy woman in a BMW who got out of her car and started yelling at everyone to get out of the way because it was private property and clapping her hands at me to get out of her way, etc. I was tempted to head butt her but decided against it and set a calm example for my riders… we continued north on Skyline to 92 until finally arriving at our day’s destination, Filoli Gardens. Even in the parking lot, the spring spectacular was starting…

It too was crowded but we managed to time it pretty well for some lunch and chit chat…

And of course checking in on the electronic leashes…

And then set out to see what wonders were in store for us in the gardens… I’ve been several times but try to visit at different times of the year as they change from season to season… we walked in the gate and the smell of wisteria lilted through the air… it was heavenly…

My friend, Steve, is training for the Komen walk and hoofed it from San Mateo to meet up with us… about 11 miles one way… impressive!

We hit just the right time for the spectacular tulip display… the colors were just astounding…




Some other colorful splendor as I wandered about the various sections of the gardens…

And then I found myself behind the main house and a huge field of daffodils with poppies intermixed here and there… there was a bench under a tree that I sat myself down on to just co-exist with nature for a bit as a cool breeze blew on my face… one of those “timeless” moments that we oft times get too busy to remember to enjoy…


Loved seeing the younger generation out enjoying it too…

The main house is surrounded by different displays of floral plumage…

It was getting near time to meet back up with everyone so I passed by the pool surround by tulips again and caught one or more two shots that didn’t include anyone’s head or feet in them!

And found more beauties in the parking lot just a different type of flower…

This was my first big riding weekend of the year due to my mum having some health issues and my focus going there for awhile… I have a few sore muscles today but it feels good and I look forward to many more (s)miles in the coming months and getting back into good riding shape… it was a fantastic start!


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Awesome! Thanks for the beautiful pics Tyler!

I am glad to see there is some green on hwy 25 now. This pic I took a month ago.


With the temperatures in the mid-20s for highs today in PA, it's a good reminder that Spring exists somewhere...just not here. I have been out to ride during the warmer weather breaks this year, but this has been a long, cold, snowy winter here. Thanks for the break. Looks wonderful

Nice ride report and pics Tyler. Getting a good photo of tulips is hard, they seem to wash and and never look as they did in person but you nailed it.

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Ah, Miss Tyler. Thank you for sending a ray of color and happiness into my otherwise gray and miserable day.

While I wish I had your skills and I wish I had your eye for beauty what I really wish is that I had been there with you.

Your photography skills are second to none. What a colorful expression of natures beauty...... Always enjoy your RRs. Thank you for taking the time.

Well done, Tyler - par for the course.

My favorite picture in this ride report is the one with the little girls discovering in the field. It just speaks to me - "Welcome Spring".

I don't think I have ever seen tulips growing in a field. I shall have to add that one to my (ever growing) list.

Awesome! Thanks for the beautiful pics Tyler!
I am glad to see there is some green on hwy 25 now. This pic I took a month ago.
We've had a little rain so got some green but it will be gone quickly... bad year for moisture. :(

Well that certainly picks things up! Thanks, we all need a little color in our life's.
Glad to oblige, Kev... B)

Purty as you, gurrl!
Aw shucks, DC... :wub:

Nice ride report and pics Tyler. Getting a good photo of tulips is hard, they seem to washing and and never look as they did in person but you nailed it.
I think it was really good timing... they seemed to be at their peak and will most likely be done by next weekend.

Nice pics Tyler.
What kind of bike is that Silver one??
I believe that's a FZ1 but help me Tyler, I thought Susan rode a Red FZ?
It is an FZ1 and Susan does normally ride a red one... but her's is in the shop so she absconded with her hubby's bike... ;)
