Black Hills Gathering - An Ode to Spearfish and BigJohnSD

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
After months of waiting and forum foreplay, it was finally here... the Black Hills Gathering! As usual, I took a ton of photos and I know there are a few folks who might be interested in seeing themselves along the roads we traversed... I won't post all of them but they are located on my SmugMug page here... you're welcome to use any of them that you'd like!

I flew in to Gillette, WY and arrived late Wednesday evening... as soon as I stepped off the plane, I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto!

On Thursday morning, I called Todd at Action Motorsports - BigJohnSD had hooked me up with him as he had a dealership that included Spyders and we made a deal for an extended demo. He picked me up at the hotel and took me over to the dealership and told me the news... he had sold the demo unit the day before I arrived. Ummmm... oh. So I had to take a brand new unit out and break it in for him. Ummmmm... oh DARN! :)

Brian/festar met me in Gillette and, once I got the bike packed up, we headed out toward Spearfish... the long way! John had mentioned a road to take to get to Devil's Tower but we never found it so we just kept going and ended up doing a big loop north into Montana, east, and then south... which actually seemed to be a good choice as we skirted around some rainstorms that others had not been so lucky to miss... every time it looked like we would be going right into some weather, the road would turn and we would miss it... oh DARN!





We stopped for gas in Alzada and a group of FJRs went by honking and waving... found out later it was FJRay and his merry band... I found out later about the tiger lady that ran a bar or something in Alzada (Stoneville Saloon I think?) so I missed getting to meet her... oh DARN!

We arrived at Devils Tower and this was our first view...

The sun wasn't good at this side of the Tower for great photos but that would be remedied once we got to the other side...

The road into the park was really lovely...

And we managed to find a parking space to tuck the bikes into...

Now I've seen lots of photos of Devils Tower and, of course, the iconic imagery in "Close Encounters" but I was completely taken away with the grandeur and energy of this amazing earth creation... it's hard to describe unless you've been there in person but it is just awe inspiring... we decided to walk the trail up to the base of the Tower and about a 1/4-mile around it... the views and shape of the Tower changed as we walked around it...





The land is revered by the Native American tribes and we saw brightly colored prayer cloths scattered throughout the trees as we walked...

View of the valley floor facing away from the Tower...

Given our one-hour trip had turned into close to three, it was getting late in the afternoon so we high-tailed it for Spearfish...

We arrived to find lots of folks at the various hotels already settling in for the evening... seems the FJR crowd had taken over most of the motels and there were bikes everywhere... by this time, we were getting pretty hungry so John offered me, Brian, and Kevin/AbercrombieFJR a ride in his big truck to Beulah for a steak dinner at a local restaurant... he was greeted by the two sisters that own and run the place with big smiles and hugs... seems BigJohn is the BMOC in this neck of the woods...

We felt like we were being watched...

Great dinner and conversation and then it was back to the motel for parking lot hijinx... I left my camera in the room so just enjoyed everyone's company instead of trying to document everything... we all drifted off to get some rest for the next day's adventure...

Next up, moto attack on the Black Hills... FJR style! B)

Nice, Tyler.

Don't those wide open spaces just do something special to your soul?

Devil's Tower is certainly the coolest thing, but just the overall riding between places, the wide open spaces... it took our breath away. Yet, we are but lowly easterners.

(subscribed for the rest)

PS - Abercrombie dioesn't look anything like what I pictured. Big John, erm... yeah, that's what a Big John. is supposed to look like

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Don't those wide open spaces just do something special to your soul?
Devil's Tower is certainly the coolest thing, but just the overall riding between places, the wide open spaces... it took our breath away. Yet, we are but lowly easterners.

(subscribed for the rest)

PS - Abercrombie dioesn't look anything like what I pictured. Big John, erm... yeah, that's what a Big John. is supposed to look like
Yeah the wide open spaces and clouds that float so low you feel like you could reach up and touch them... magic.

Isn't it funny how you kind of make up what someone looks like in your mind and then they are completely different than you imagined? That happened with Crumpadump... he's way younger than I thought he would be... and Gramps is way younger!

I'll have a bunch of pics of people at the BBQ so you'll be able to put faces with names... B)

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What a timely post! I just returned this past Sunday from a solo ride that took me out West (Pike's Peak, Teton's Yellowstone, Glacier etc..) and ultimately through the Black Hills area (RR coming in the next week or two). One of the very few disappointments of my adventure was missing Devils Tower. It was on my target list but due to time constraints I had to zoom past the exit on I-90 that day on my way to meet my brother in Deadwood. He had driven up from Dallas with my 7 y.o. nephew to meet me as I passed through the area and then run down to view Mt. Rushmore with me. I could see the tower way off in the distance from the interstate as I drove by and knew I was really missing something special, but since I didn't stop I wouldn't know. So thank you for your pictures! They are fantastic! At least I am able to really kick myself now for not stopping and just making my brother wait.

What a timely post! I just returned this past Sunday from a solo ride that took me out West (Pike's Peak, Teton's Yellowstone, Glacier etc..) and ultimately through the Black Hills area (RR coming in the next week or two). One of the very few disappointments of my adventure was missing Devils Tower. It was on my target list but due to time constraints I had to zoom past the exit on I-90 that day on my way to meet my brother in Deadwood. He had driven up from Dallas with my 7 y.o. nephew to meet me as I passed through the area and then run down to view Mt. Rushmore with me. I could see the tower way off in the distance from the interstate as I drove by and knew I was really missing something special, but since I didn't stop I wouldn't know. So thank you for your pictures! They are fantastic! At least I am able to really kick myself now for not stopping and just making my brother wait.
Well, family is important too... it's a balancing act sometimes! And you would have needed at least 2 hours to get in/out, find parking, walk around, etc. So put it on your bucket list for the next time you're out that way... and Needles Hwy and Spearfish Canyon too (pics coming on that). B)

Excellent Tyler, looking forward to the rest...


PS - coming from Smithers BC tonight!

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The next day, as is the norm with these gatherings, there were lots of small groups going different directions... I chose to stick with BigJohn as I figured he was the local yokel with knowledge of what to see and where to go... but before we started out for the day, it was time for the most important meal of the day... coffeeeeeee! I was joined by Brian/festar, Brandon/Erixun, and Mike/SacramentoMike...

Our route looked something like this... may not be exact but gives you an idea...

The skies were clear and the temperature rising as we headed off into them thar Black Hills...


We spent some time finding...

And enjoyed the open sweepers along the way...



Pactola Reservoir (I think?)...


Never saw any...

Our fearless leader with a couple of new friends at our gas stop... they were a little wooden so he didn't spend much time with them...

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Up and over what a few called the pigtail bridges on Iron Mountain Rd (aka 16A)... nicknamed so because you'd drive under the bridge and then do a full 360-degree turn in the road crossing over where you had just been... they were fun!


Through tiny tunnels...



Perfectly paved one-way roads...


Tight and twisty hairpins...


I was tailed by HDChris who had been invited along by his forum friend, JerryB... he got a little ribbing for being the only HD rider but took it all in stride and kept up just fine... we also picked up Chad/burns1 along the way so he jumped in with our merry band...


Beautiful roads and scenery and perfect riding weather...



And even a little native wildlife to spice things up...


We arrived in Custer and found the perfect place to eat...


To come... Needles Hwy, Mt. Rushmore, and one of the best BBQs ever!

Wow, it takes me back, while at the same time getting me to think about when I need to go back... the area is absolutely beautiful and the riding is just as good! I have not had a chance to go through my pictures or videos yet-- things come up in life sometimes. But hopefully 1/8 of my photos are 1/2 as good as yours!!!

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She and her photos are spectacular. Last year john dialed up almost the exact route for a friend of mine and I. We loved it. Thanks for the pics.

Wow, it takes me back, while at the same time getting me to think about when I need to go back... the area is absolutely beautiful and the riding is just as good! I have not had a chance to go through my pictures or videos yet-- things come up in life sometimes. But hopefully 1/8 of my photos are 1/2 as good as yours!!!
Well, git on it, boy-oh!

She and her photos are spectacular. Last year john dialed up almost the exact route for a friend of mine and I. We loved it. Thanks for the pics.
Thanks for coming along! Got more coming up! B)

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We then traversed Needles Hwy which was awesome...






We came to Needles Eye Tunnel and they were holding traffic... we weren't sure why but found out there was a search & rescue effort for someone who had fallen on the other side... I wasn't quite so upset about the wait after that... we did, however, had a group of about six Harleys decide that they deserved to go the front of the line in front of all the other vehicles... when it came time to go through the tunnel, the ranger that was directing traffic made them wait and let everyone else go by... HA!

This is one narrow tunnel!

And down the other side...


We were not as fortunate as we had been earlier in the day with slow traffic and there had been many cars that refused to pull over even though they were holding up dozens of other vehicles... it was getting frustrating... okay, I was getting frustrated so hollered at John to take a break at Sylvan Lake to cool off...



We then headed east for Mt. Rushmore...

And opted to get our photo opportunites from a turnout outside of the park given the amount of traffic, etc... it's pretty impressive even from the side of the road!


John/MNFJR05 taking it all in...

Heading up the hill...


We scooted around to the profile view of George...


And then it was time to skeedaddle back to Spearfish...

Hwy wait... we aren't stopping here?!?

Okay, okay... it was obviously getting very close to beer-thirty and the horses were being called in to roost... the route home covered all kinds of terrain...



And the last road, Spearfish Canyon... heaven! Didn't get to stop much for photos but that would be remedied the next day...

We did make a tourist stop at Bridal Veil Falls... John had told me the light would be better this time of day and he was right...

And with that, we were back... fantastic day, great sights and roads, and good friends to share it with... but wait, there's more! :D

That ride through Spearfish Canyon was fun that day- we had really good luck with traffic. I rode it the next day and got stuck behind all sorts of cars and pirates.
