Wally's PCIII "Smoothness" Map converted for Gen II Bikes

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Making Grand Canyon replicas from air boxes...
Sep 2, 2006
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I was about to try a Gen II version of Wally's smoothness map when I decided to do some comparisons to see what's different between Gen I and Gen II fuel maps. Before I get into details, here's some references:

(I don't know who "converted" Wally's map for Gen II)
Wally's map was originally developed for a 2003 FJR with aftermarket exhaust, but he also made a "bone stock" version available that was created by his business partner (Bill; so I'll call it "Bill's smoothness map"). I started my adventure by comparing the Gen II Wally map to the original (using the power commander software's map compare utility). No differences (except for a blip at 0% throttle around 1.5k RPM; that's wierd). I expected there to be some difference between the two maps. Next I downloaded maps from DynoJet's website for both the 2003 FJR (M409-001) and the 2006 FJR (M419-001). A comparison between the two reveals some differences. Since the PCIII fuel maps describe departures from the stock ECU's fuel map, this leads me to believe that there is a difference in stock ECU fuel mapping between the 2003 and 2006 FJR. How much different? Probably the difference between the two PCIII maps from DynoJet.

So to properly convert Wally's smoothness map for use on a Gen II FJR, wouldn't it make sense to adjust the original map by the difference between the 2003 and 2006 stock mappings? I'm no expert in power commanders or performance tuning, but it seems logically sound to me. Are there any tuning experts out there that can verify my thinking?

Being the impatient person I am, I won't wait for a response before trying it myself. Since I have stock exhaust on my bike, I'm starting with the "bone stock" version of Wally's map (now a.k.a. "Bill's smoothness map"). Using some copy&paste skills along with some help from MS Excel, I created my Gen II smoothness map via this mathematical equation:

[Gen II smoothness] = [Bill's smoothness] + ([DynoJet's Stock 2006] - [DynoJet's Stock 2003])
My bike happens to have a K&N air filter, and the used PCIII that I purchased just happened to come pre-loaded with a custom map for a FJR with a K&N air filter. So I also created a Gen II smoothness map for a K&N air filter as follows:

[Gen II K&N smoothness] = [Bill's smoothness] + ([Custom K&N 2006] - [DynoJet's Stock 2003])
And to reward those of you that read this far, here's some maps to download:

Again, I am no expert, so use these maps at your own risk. If anyone takes the risk, please report your experience. If anyone is an expert, please let me know if my idea to mathematically adjust Wally's map makes any sense.
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I just got off the phone with DynoJet tech support. They verified that my method of converting the smoothness map for use on Gen II bikes is correct. So, once again, here is the smoothness map properly adjusted for Gen II FJRs (it may not be perfect, but it should be closer than using the original map).

These were not actually based on Wally's map, but his business partner Bill's map that was tuned for a stock bike (but with the same goals). Wally's map was tuned for a bike with aftermarket exhaust. If anyone has been running Wally's map on their Gen II bike, I (and probably others) would be interested on your feedback after trying this map.

This is a little off topic, but has anyone else noticed that the AVG MPG readout became very optimistic when the PCIII is installed on the 2007? Adding the PCIII didn't seem to change my actual MPG (around 43), but my readout jumped up to 46+.

What up????

This is a little off topic, but has anyone else noticed that the AVG MPG readout became very optimistic when the PCIII is installed on the 2007? Adding the PCIII didn't seem to change my actual MPG (around 43), but my readout jumped up to 46+.
What up????
Maybe the bike computes MPG based on how much fuel it's telling the injectors to spray, rather than how much the fuel injectors truly sprayed. The PCIII intercepts that fuel injection signal at some point and adjusts it (by adding fuel in many cases).

I just got off the phone with DynoJet tech support. They verified that my method of converting the smoothness map for use on Gen II bikes is correct. So, once again, here is the smoothness map properly adjusted for Gen II FJRs (it may not be perfect, but it should be closer than using the original map).These were not actually based on Wally's map, but his business partner Bill's map that was tuned for a stock bike (but with the same goals). Wally's map was tuned for a bike with aftermarket exhaust. If anyone has been running Wally's map on their Gen II bike, I (and probably others) would be interested on your feedback after trying this map.
Great job!

I am going to add these to my site now. PM me if you want your name/info added to the header.

direct address for future reference folks:


:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

The throttle snatch issue has been drivnig me nutz! I am glad to find that you guys have researched and corrected this terrible problem.

I just downloaded one Rayban put on his site (above) called pc3_06gen_Holeshots_Wally_Combo.djm since I have the Holeshots. I'll will post back after I have tested it and let you know how it does on my 2007.

Thanks again!

I have a 2007 with a stock airbox, but added 2 brothers slip-ons. Any recommended maps for this setup? I'm gonna try the Muzzy Slip-on file for Gen 2 above.

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Does the PCIII actually fix the abrupt throttle that occurs just off idle? The damned thing is worth $300 if it does.

Ed :hyper:

G'day All,

Excuse my ignorance, but a newbie here. I take it that a 01 would be Gen 1?

If so, would the smoothness map made for the 03 also work well in the 01?

Was all the gear stock on the smoothness map that was made?


I suppose I should think better of posting in a thread about Power Commanders...

But we have quite a bit of experience developing fuel and timing maps more or less from scratch, with programmable after market engine control modules.

What we have found is that to get the best results we need to develop the fuel and timing maps for each individual engine, even if the engines are nominally the same. For example, we have four of the 2003-2005 YZF R6 engines (nominally the same), and although good maps are similar, they're not identical.

I guess my point is that someone elses map is a starting point, but its not necessarily the best ending point.

And then, of course, there is the issue of the warranty, and the issue of emissions, and the very real issue that small changes in torque (a few ft-lbs here or there + or -) aren't really discernable by most riders. Most riders make changes and then subjectively talk themselves into believing that they've made improvements. Heck, I've seen folks make changes that actually cost them on the dyno, and they've been convinced that things improved by their subjective impressions. If you really want to pick up some improvement in accelleration or climbing, go on a diet. A common rule of thumb is that 7 pounds is roughly equivalent to 1 horsepower.

I am not a politically correct kinda guy, and I don't think bringing up emissions is a political issue.... I remember just how lousy the air was in LA in the late 1960's, and I know how lousy the air is in the vicinity of major roadways even today. Its a personal responsibility thing.

El Toro, I totally agree with what you are saying, but some times you need an intermediate to cover you while you are still working on the mods. When they are all done then would be the right time to spend the $ and get a custom map. I would think.

I omly want to do that once.


Those cows produce more emmisions in one day than my FJR will in a lifetime.

Pickles, check for my PM!

I down loaded the useless Pickles calculated Gen II smoothy with K&N. Seems to be a little better off the bottom but I can still find a minor stumble off idle if I really look for it. Wonder if I can tweek the first 2000 rpms a little richer. What would I do to achieve this. Do I just load the map into the controll panel and change the numbers a little , save it, and re-download? I know, us newbies are dangerous....lol

Having just returned from a 3500 mile road trip, I would like to get in on this Power Commander group buy.

Did a basic search on the forum and could not locate it. Could someone direct me to this buy. Thank you.

Having just returned from a 3500 mile road trip, I would like to get in on this Power Commander group buy.
Did a basic search on the forum and could not locate it. Could someone direct me to this buy. Thank you.
It's in the "Group Buys" section.

C'mon, it's only Tuesday.

Hold everything. I think I left my brain back in Colorado. Just found it mixed in with my dirty clothes as I unpacked. Thanks.
