Of FJR's, deer strikes, and vanishing Bambi's

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Sept 29 2007 I injured the FJR and killed a Bambi.



Every day as I trailered the Harley to asphalt then rode, I would see Bambi, lying right where she took her last breath. Poor Bambi. It's OK if you shed a tear at this point. You finished crying? Good.

As the days rolled by, I could see that the coyotes had their fill, then the vultures. Soon, all that was left of Bambi was a skeleton; even the hair on the legs was gone, she had evolved to nothing but bones.

And every day I checked to see if she was there. I promised myself that when I got the FJR back, I would take a picture of her carcass and my freshly rebuilt FJR as a 'After' picture.

This is where it gets weird. After 3+ months, the very DAY I get the FJR back, camera in pack, ready for the photo op, Bambi is gone! I even walked the area to see if any remnants existed, none were to be found.

I had seen her on the way to pick up the bike, a Saturday morning. Knowing that no county worker works a Saturday, I even made plans to borrow a camera so that on the return trip, riding the FJR, I could take a pix.

...and she was gone, vanished. To this day I don't know what happened, who or what took her, but it just seems really weird that after 3 months of passing by her, the very day the FJR returns to the road she had disappeared.

Some may call it coincidence, I think something bigger is involved. The problem is I'm not smart enough to figure it out.

What do you think?

It's possible that someone picked up the bones for hobby work. Bone is cheaper than antler for scrimshaw type practice carving, for example. Or maybe someone wanted to wire it together for their Halloween lawn ornament? :unsure:

That would've given me goose bumps... too weird. Maybe she's so askeert of the feej now, that she got her bony ass up and ran way when she heard you coming.

Just hope she doesn't show up unexpected-like and crash your bike again.

The macabre is a powerful entity....
