Bearly Flying (Don Peterson)

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Chicks Dig Scars
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Jun 21, 2005
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A Child Of The Universe
Condolences to friends and family.

Sorry about the original title misspell. I am having internet problems and speeds are about like dial up. I'm posting this from my phone which is down to 4g but faster than anything else in the house. Thanks to the Admin who did the edit.

Don Peterson
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I was contacted yesterday by Don's sister, Julia Weir, who told me that Don passed peacefully in his sleep earlier this week. This was completely unexpected and as the baby of his family Don's death has been very shocking to them all, and of course to his friends.

I first met Don in 2004 (where else - at an FJR rally) and we have been friends ever since. As Don was a key member of the team that created the CFR rally in 2009 in Nakusp and he was again a key part of our planning for CFR 2018, I will miss him more than I can say.

Don's other passions included RC aircraft and classic 'Vettes and he was active in both of those communities too.

If anyone would like to attend there will be a memorial service held at the Ponoka Golf Club on January 12th starting at 2:00PM. I know that as many of the CFR committee as possible will be attending.

Condolences to Don's family could be sent to Don's sister Julia whose contact information follows: Ms. Julia Weir, PO Box 625, Stettler, Alberta, Canada, T0C 2L0. Julia's email is [email protected]

Just devastated. RIP Bearly Flying


Truly sad news. Another Don gone, and during holiday seasons.. I feel for family and close friends...

I....well, I am still speechless. Don was my first friend here. Very first.

He always had great advice, and even more important back then, great verbal kicks in the pants to help get me thru the shit I was going thru personally back then.

This....well, inside I am swearing up a good old Alberta storm, which I will spare you all from, but this blows...big. F#$!k

and if an admin could edit his forum handle in this thread to the correct spelling, that would be respectful. TY


Don was the first member of this forum I met personally. He an Odot stopped by after SFO several years ago, and spent 3 days here.
I was hung over for 3 days after they left.

Gonna miss the guy and his phone calls where we bought each other drinks while chatting.

It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, and a day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them

This is F@#ked. I was so looking forward to seeing Don this year. I met him many years ago and we have stayed in contact. RIP my friend.

So sad to read this. I always enjoyed reading Don's contributions to the forum, always thought them to be principled and adult, and admired his commitment to and love for his late wife that he freely disclosed. I finally met Don at CFR 2009 and was struck by his kind and calm demeanor in what I perceived as a strong and capable man - a leadership type. I was looking forward to seeing him again this summer at CFR. So sad that he is gone now, but there is solace in knowing that he and his beloved wife are together again, at peace. RIP Don.

There is a good pic of Don on the CFR2018 page of

I am on the road and don't have the tools to repost here - maybe someone can help?

He is also in several of Pegscraper's pics from CFR2009 which Ed recently posted to our WooHoo thread on this forum.

Bearly as a descriptor of his physique (I resemble that remark) and Flying for his love of RC - I suspect he was on those forums before he got the FJR. Last time I was in his garage he still had his 1985? FJ1100 in the red and white colours. I had a 1992 FJ1200 the first year with ABS.

Starting to sink in that I'm not getting any more of those late-night "how the hell are ya Dave?" calls

Was thinking about the big galoot as I drove all day. Some here won't know that Don was indeed a leader - as Exskibum surmised above. Bearly started his own business in the Alberta oilpatch doing oilfield service work many years ago. He ran many of his deals on no more than a handshake and maintained long-term service contracts with many of the Canadian exploration companies - who sometimes define the term "demanding customer". Through feast and famine times Don was always able to stay afloat and keep his key men employed. He was the straightest of shooters.

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