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As all said get well with no after problems All the way from CA. to AR. comes all the best Karma from all the fjr riders

weekend rider

Whoa! Check it out... a FJR with hi-mount, underseat exhausts... COOL! :D

Pretty sure what the insurance suits are going to say about this bike.... something like: "adiós muchachos... to the boneyard it goes..."

Looks like a '06 might be in Ron's future....

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Hey, Ron,

Just a little Colorite touch-up paint and it will be good as new. :D

Heal well.


Just talked to Ron, he still doesn't remember anything. Besides the broken collar bone, he has a very bad concussion. He didn't ask about his bike, but he did ask me if I got the card out of his stuff to give to Michelle for planning the trip! He also asked me to pass along these words to his fellow riders... "don't pull a Ron."

Come on Ron, you gotta post about the Dot vs Snell Debate

I'm not familiar with that helmet by visual, but Ron looks like he falls into the "Pushin' 50" set. Maybe even pullin' 50. :D

Us old guys have to look after each other.


It's hard to keep the shiny side up when the whole the bike is shiny... :rolleyes:

Get better quick. I'm sorry to hear and see about your get off. I know that anything that deals with the collarbone is painful. Take it easy and relax. You'll be good as new soon.


Okay everybody, repeat after me:

I will slow down 10%.

I will slow down 10%.

I will slow down 10%

I will slow down 10%.

I will slow down 10%.

Puh-leeze, oh purdy puh-leeze. Let's stop the madness and finish the ride.
That is my mantra, and likely why I'm reading and posting this on earth rather than the ethereal plane. I get crap about my 1" chicken strips from frequent fallers all the time.
I like your style. Both of you.

I'm reading the "Proficient Motorcycling" book right now . . and I hope I can buy in to that mantra of deriving pleasure not in pure speed, but in total mastery of the bike and my riding situation. I will not fret chicken strips or getting left behind in a group ride.

Not making any assumptions about Ron's speed here . . I just second MadMike here.

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First: All my wishes for minimal injuries and a full and speedy recovery.
Second: DAMN! This is something I didn't want to hear about anyone. AR roads are not designed to be predictable. See your exit out of a curve before pushing. Watch for the loss of horizon (elevation drop right out of sight on the other side might hide a hard turn). No one knows what bit Ron but we sure don't want anyone else bit.

Third: I'm trying to send out positive vibes to everyone else for a safe weekend.
+1 on all of that, and for me it would be most helpful if we knew what bit him so that the rest of us can benefit in some way from the experience. I guess that mindset comes from 20 years of Air Force accident investigation experience. First you make sure the pilot is ok, then you figure out what happened so you can hopefully prevent it from happening again.

I also saw in another post that Ron's thinking of the card he brought along for fjrchik! That shows that the fog is lifting somewhat, which is a great sign. We'll be thinking of you, Ron, and meanwhile, don't be shy about asking for pain meds!

Best wishes, Ron, for a fast recovery.

This sport is f*cked how dangerous it is. Maybe we should switch to something safer... say deep exploration cave diving?

That bike is toast. It hurts my eyes to even look at it.

