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  1. F

    EOM 2015 Home Safe Thread

    It was good to see everyone again. Followed Derk/Christina & Dana up SR 219 where they split off for the east coast and me heading to fly over country. Got home at 6p Sunday. From Elkins, WV, went US 33 w and US 47 w, picked up US 50 thru Belpre, OH, then back on US 33w out of Athens, OH. Great...
  2. F

    home safe thread

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="extrememarine" data-cid="1096015" data-time="1379903185"><p> Annette and I are home. Annette is a trooper - after running NC209 this morning, we made a b-line for Columbus. We made that run on 2 fuel stops - no lunch or breaks, just...
  3. F

    home safe thread

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="extrememarine" data-cid="1096015" data-time="1379903185"><p> Annette and I are home. Annette is a trooper - after running NC209 this morning, we made a b-line for Columbus. We made that run on 2 fuel stops - no lunch or breaks, just...
  4. F

    Where's the photo of Dwayne in the creek?

    How about- "Did I get all the pavement dust scrubbed off the tires yet"??
  5. F

    FJRF009.2: "Intermittent Ground Wire Connection"

    Just tell the dealer "it was a repair that you needed to make"!
  6. F

    Making your next TBS easier

    I have the PAIR ck'd/cleaned when doing valve ck's. (26k intervals) Fred
  7. F

    Tire Wear

    Looks like wear on a dual compound tire, run with low tire psi. I use 40-42psi front & 42psi rear.
  8. F

    What's in your airbox?

    Any rat worth his weight, will go thru steel wool, fiber glass, and Brillo pads. Hardware cloth and those real stinkie moth balls are the farmers friend. If you get a rat worth his salt, he'll make a fine nest in the middle of the most sacred area of wiring in the machine. After chewing all the...
  9. F

    Heater Flaps

    I've found with them out, and the windshield up, to create a pocket of warmer air to ride in up to 60-65 mph around the waist area. Fred
  10. F

    Help a noob out

    The saddlebags and their liners. Fred
  11. F

    How did I get a -2 Reputation?

    When I was in the service it was "You #1 GI" or "You #10 GI". Then when the movie "10" came out, all things in life were right again!! Fred
  12. F

    EOM '11

    As we get closer to EOM11 Linda and I will have better plans. If you travel down US33 E, Lancaster to Logan, you'll go right by our place. There' some good rides in the area when there hooked together. Fred