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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. V

    Routing for 48 States Ride

    For the past few weeks I have been playing around with potential routes for a 48 states ride. The planning for any LD ride is critical, but even more so for this one I think. The actual ride probably would not be made until next summer, so I have lots of time to prepare. Do any of you have...
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    Nashville to Denver

    I left early Friday morning. The plan was to ride two moderate days, and pull into Larkspur, CO (45 miles south of Denver) in time to grill some steaks and watch a little football with an old friend of mine. I routed through the southern part of Missouri, and enjoyed winding through the Ozarks...
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    Rearset Powerlet

    I preparation for my upcoming trip to the Rockies, I installed a Powerlet for my heated vest last weekend. I used the kit for the 2006 FJR, rearset, left side. The only problem I ran into was snaking the wire from the footpeg up under the seat. Actually, the wire itself was not an issue, but...
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    Low Cost Sat Radio Mount

    For long trips I love having satellite radio on my motorcycles. However, it is not something I use with everyday riding. When I searched the web for mounts I could use on a motorcycle I found several that looked great. But it just struck me that for no more than I use it, I could probably...
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    Wiring Kit for Starmate?

    I just purchased a Starmate radio for the FJR. I have had a Roady for the last few years, but have just growm to dislike the XM playlists. I have Sirius in my car and just like it better. Anyway, the question is does anyone know of a wiring kit that would allow me to wire the radio into the...
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    Corbin Arrived Today

    I received my new Corbin seat today. Ordered July 3. Arrived July 18. I was very pleased to get it so soon. I popped it on and went for a short (hour) ride. The sitting position is very different, and very comfortable. The biggest surprise was that it really did not lower the seat height...
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    First Impressions - the 300 Mile day

    I picked up my new FJR Thursday night, and it didn’t take me long to hook with a fellow Middle Tennessean on Today (Sunday) we went out to ride together. It was my first day of really trying out my new bike on an extended ride over a variety of road types. After logging nearly...
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    Took the Plunge

    Having put 21,000 miles on my BMW R1150R (that’s the naked BMW) I decided I wanted something a little better suited for longer rides. I have done a couple of Iron Butt Rides on the BMW and have another scheduled in September. Last Saturday I rode down to Birmingham and back (500 miles) just to...