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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Vstar2FJR

    Leaking Fork Seals??

    My 05 FJR has over 60K miles on it. Since this is the most miles I've put on a bike I've owned, I've never really had to think/worry about fork seals. I am beginning to notice an accumulation of dirt at the top of my forks just below my fork brace. The dirt must be sticking to some type of...
  2. Vstar2FJR

    How the Rocket III is Made It made me laugh.
  3. Vstar2FJR

    What I Learned on my Computer Last Year

    Ran across this on Delphi, thought it was too good to pass up, especially with this group. SUMMARY OF MY LAST YEAR ON THE COMPUTER I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs...
  4. Vstar2FJR

    Barbarian Mod Assistance for 05

    OK, I'm halfway through this mod on my 05. The pins in locations 25 and 29 have been carefully removed, I was ready to stick in a bent paper clip (large size) between the 25 and 29 pins, when I thought hey wait a minute, nowhere in the FJRTech article or anywhere else on this forum has anybody...
  5. Vstar2FJR

    Both Low Beams Burned Out at the Same Time?!?!?!

    Started my 05 for the ride to work this morning and noticed that I didn't have any headlights. That's strange, they were BOTH working just fine last night when I got home. Flipped the high beams on and they were OK, and since it was after sunrise, didn't worry about it. Arrived home before...
  6. Vstar2FJR

    Talk About Total Bike Control!!!

    Here's just over 9 minutes of video of some of the most outstanding bike control I've ever seen, even if it is at a stunt event. Not to be tried at home, and trust me, I wouldn't even think of doing some of this stuff, no matter...
  7. Vstar2FJR

    The Difference Between "guts" And "balls"

    The difference between "guts" and "balls"! Guts - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?" :haha: Balls - is coming home late after a night out with...
  8. Vstar2FJR

    Help With Barbarian Jumper Mod

    I've reviewed the information on FJRTech for the Barbarian jumper mod and CO adjustments. My 05 has 15000 miles on it and it's coming up on plug change time. At 8000 miles I noticed that the plugs on the #1 and #2 cylinders were white (lean), while #3 and #4 were a light tan (perfect)...
  9. Vstar2FJR

    Brake Fluid Compatability

    My 05 FJR is coming up for the 16K service and I want to change all the brake and clutch fluids. At about 5000 miles I changed the front brake and clutch fluid because it was all dark green/brown as described by Warchild in FJRTech. At that time, I used a good DOT 4 fluid, non synthetic. The...