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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. tmc

    Broken saddlebag mount tab (upper)

    Long story short - my upper front mounting tab for the left bag is broken. Bag still hangs on, but I am going to implement the Toecutter safety clip like ASAP. Wondering if any of you dorks super nice forum members can recommend the best way to re-attach the broken tab. It broke off in one...
  2. tmc

    tmc's Cal24 Extravaganza

    (copied from Cal24 forums) RALLY N00B! First of all, any misspelling or poor grammer in this post, I blame on RJ. He was my mentor, after all. So, like Alex, I too took Friday off to get my stuff together and hit the road to Rickey Lake. Apparently, this is the original name of Topaz lake...
  3. tmc

    Tweeting the Cal24

    Anyone who feels like losing a few IQ points should follow my Tweetster link and my live-twitting of the Cal24 rally this weekend. You can find me @cal24_tmc - that's @cal24_tmc Also, my spotwalla link: Enjoy!
  4. tmc

    The el-cheapo audio mixer, in pics

    So here it is, in pics for those who need to see it to believe it. The diagram (borrowed from someone): Now the box: And finally, the guts: And that's it. THe parts list: 4 x 1/8" stereo minijack 6 x 10k ohm 1/4 watt resistors 1 x small project box Plus some solder, a drill, and a...
  5. tmc

    Bust, get your sock & hand lotion ready BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Run Dolly's clones, RUNNNN!N!!!!!!
  6. tmc

    When the best laid plans don't go according to plan

    So I had a great route all set up, the bike was prepped, and I was about to get all dressed up to (not) fall down... Here's my route: Looks good eh? Then my wife's water broke (thankfully in the bathroom). And instead of a leisurely ride through the mountains, I got one of these...
  7. tmc

    Why I think Ron Artest is cool!

    Anybody driving one of these on LA streets has to be AWESOME. Or nuts. Whatever! Story:
  8. tmc


    So, I've got this problem. I have a 8 month prego wife at home, and I am having trouble sleeping because of umm... noise. Chainsaw like nonstop noise. Apparently this is common, but it's killing me. I have some of those orange foam earplugs, but damn, after a few hours they are all itchy and...
  9. tmc

    SacTown Magazine article

    Ok, just a heads-up here. This month SacTown mag has a really nice writeup on some coastal drives - with specific directions and information listed. One of the roads included was Naciamento-Fergusson. It really is a very good article - as are most pieces in SacTown. I mean, it's great that...
  10. tmc

    Do-ti-do-ti-do-ti-do.... !BUMP!

    It's reaching epidemic levels folks. BE EXTRA CAREFUL OUT THERE! Riding in this morning, I was split at a red light, minding my own damn business, when all of a sudden... BUMP?!? :blink: I thought for sure some a-hole was mad I was split, and bumped me on purpose. Nope. Some prehistoric...
  11. tmc

    Scala Q2 - finally did the mod

    I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. So much better, so much clearer. It's really not a hard mod. Anyone who has even minor abilities with a soldering iron can do it, just make sure to follow the instructions found HERE. Cost = $0.99 I tossed the old helmet speakers in the trash...
  12. tmc

    Draggin knees!

    Seriously. WTF LOL ROFL etc.... What's next? A Volvo wagon clowning some of our forum members? Oh, wait, that already happened. :blum: