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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. E

    Guess who got a C-14

    interesting how one of Fred's alternative forum members wants to know whether he will sell the FJR, " Posted - 07/12/2007 : 15:13:28 Show Profile Visit onu2002's Homepage Send onu2002 an AOL message Reply with Quote You gonna sell the FJR? Tom"
  2. E

    WFO Routes and a new fire

    You will not need to change routes if riding 89. This fire affects a scenic by way.
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    Who needs the world record parade......

    Who needs a world record parade when you could do something like this down Park City's main street?
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    Top Case and side cases

    I like to call it intelligent ignorance.... I have not experienced any wobble at high speeds with the yamaha top case and side bags. This could be that I have a large windshield, dnno (cb+4+2). I have had the bike fully loaded with top case and left side bag packed. As for the right side...
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    Summer Jacket

    Bought the Cortech GX Air. love it. Thanks for the input.
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    Trunk Mounting

    If you can't get it in time from University check your hardware store. You are looking for an 8mm flange bolt with a 1.25 thread. Recently had to buy some myself
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    Special Attendee Announcement

    Best SLC Sushi ---- (Yoku tabette kara) Ichiban Sushi $$-$$$ (they came from P.C. so they might have a place up there still) Takashi $$$ Both are nice, Takashi is a bit more expensive, smaller dining area.
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    Summer Jacket

    I would like to get a summer jacket since I am burning up. I would like something with protection and air flow. Do you have a jacket you like in the summer? your suggestions are appreciated.
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    Utah Road Construction Projects

    Unfortunately I might have signed up to help a neighbor put in his yard. I saw your other post, are you riding hwy 31? Isn't that skyline drive through fairview canyon and electric lake? I would love to go if things don't go as planned. What time will you be leaving?
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    Utah Road Construction Projects

    As a local rider and commuter I though it would help if I gave a few pointers on Utah's notorious road construction projects. You can check the UDOT website at There are not many projects which will affect the rides created for WFO, but there are a...
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    2007 Stumbling on acceleration

    I have experienced 2 different incidents in this last week. Both were independent from each other in terms of altitude and riding style. My Cherry 07 had roughly 1400 miles on it at the time of its first episode. It was parked with the ignition on, but not running. Elevation, 4300 ft (Salt...
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    WTB 03, 06 or 07 yamaha top case mounting bracket

    thanks for the contact info. Mike has hooked me up. Thanks
  13. E

    WTB 03, 06 or 07 yamaha top case mounting bracket

    I would like to buy a top case mounting bracket to fit my 07. I know the 03 will work, and I would expect an 06 to work as well. If anyone has one of these or knows someone who does, please contact me. I will be leaving on a road trip next week and would like to take my top case.
  14. E

    Mature Riders and FJR's

    On the younger side at 32. Love the smooth ride, and a lot more stable than the ZRX12.