Need advise on a "bandanna" alternative

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Active member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ingleside Tx
Hello All,

Since I first learned to ride back in Cali, I've always worn a bandanna around my neck under my jacket. Mainly I can't stand the way the collar feels (OCD) on my neck, and the way rode grit feels on my neck (OCD) and back in Cali it kept the cold night air out. It was sorta my thing, had a large collection, friends would give me unique/colorful ones they came across. Anyway, here in South Texas (the arm pit of the south) its just too damn hot to be wearing a cotton/cotton-poly bandanna around my neck when it's 98* with 75% relative f-ing humidity. Keeps in all the heat. Have tried going without but as I mentioned............stupid OCD..... can't stand that feeling around my neck. any thoughts on alternative "cooler" fabrics.

To All, Be Good Be Safe


I work all the time on a nice black road king in upper nineties in good ole sw missouri humidity... I find that a pack towel works great to soak up the sweat and keep ya cool.

Lots of sizes to pick from and they're plenty rugged. I can't ride with it around my neck but I keep it fairly wet and carry it in one of my saddle bags with all my bottles of water, gatorade etc

Hey All,

Want to thank Riona, Frushlorton, Greg03, Majicaker, Silver Spirit, El Toro Joe, jmdaniel, Justin and NMRoad Runner for the great ideas. This was exactly what I was looking for without exactly knowing what I was looking for: thanks. ..........and special thanks to Chuckles 35

Really, everyone have a great day.

Be Good, Be Safe,


Daniel, just out of curiosity, let us know what you pick and works well for you. In cold weather, I can't ride without something wrapped around my neck. :)

Good Day All,

First..........sorry about the double pointless post.

Just taking a moment to give a little follow up on a few matters:

I've just completed my self imposed moto "Time Out" (refer to post.."always have an out"). After a 2 month time out I've got a new attitude, new tires and a new bandanna alternative.

Spent the last 2 months getting back to basics. Had one of those "Oh Shit" moments standing in front of the mirror. At 53 I realized that I was still too young to be looking so old, so tired and too damn fat. I've been riding my road bicycle again, getting back to a healthier life style. Dropped 20 lbs, on my way to another 35-40lbs. This has helped me to remember that riding is all about the ride no matter how fast or slow you travel.

The new tires are Bridgestones BT-23's. I don't know what all the fuss is about tires..........."Bridgestones, uncool beans"........but so far these things are just "cool beans" with me. Had an opportunity to run them through a few fast turns and they seemed quite willing to take what I gave them with plenty of room for more. I found the handling to be very light and persistant, a desire to stick. It's true, you dont realize how bad your last set was till you get new ones.

As for the bandanna alternative, Ive gone with the "Buffs" for now, ordered them from their site. Havent had time to take them on a moto ride, wore one around the beans. Love the colors and patterns, no matter what you do, look good while you do it. I plan on trying some of the other suggestions as well. I really like that silk scarf idea, gonna give it a try when the weather cools.

To All,

Be Good, Be Safe



Does anyone know how to bring the life back to an old dried up leather jacket? It was my first moto jacket.

Nice work on the road bike. Taking care of one's self is important.

As far ad the leather jacket, get some saddle soap and use as directed. You'll be amazed at the results.
