Does anyone elses 06 whistle?

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Fred H.

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
My 06 has a pretty pronounced whistling sound between 30-40 mph that seems to be wind related, though I am not sure. I also hear it at higher speeds too, but the wind and road noise drown it out more.

Is it just me?

Maybe Yamaha has integrated 'deer whistles' too as an added safety feature.

Sure we aren't talking about the 'turbo whine'??


I keep thinking that it is a new whistle coming off of my Nolan flip up helmet due to the changed airflow- but your observation confirms my suspicion!

I was riding in 92 degree weather today in traffic and did not experience the heat like I used to with the 2003- so, I'll take the whistle over the heat.


OK, I am not that thick- yes, I tried that- this helmut has many noise points, generally around the mechanism for the flip-up. If you put you hand over this is goes away. But that is not the source of the whistle we are hearing-Fred, you don't happen to also have a Nolan cap do you?

I'm using an Arai Signet, and it does not whistle. It is not the helmet. It is coming from the front of the bike somewhere. I can duck my head behind the windshield totally out of the airflow and still hear it. I can also pull in the clutch and let the engine idle while still rolling, and hear it.

At first I thought I might have a wheel bearing going bad, but I think it caused by airflow. Windshield position seems to have no effect. It is pretty loud. I can hear it with ear plugs in.

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Mine does it to but not always, seems the speed of the bike and wind direction has to be just right. bete.

I noticed a whistle on my first ride home today. I'd say it was about 50 mph and didn't matter if I raised or lowered the windshield.

I, too ride with a flip up helmet though it was flipped down. Didn't try to isolate it as it was raining pretty good - drat.

Hey! at least it's not ticking!---take the whistle & tell everybody it's the afterburners. :D I'll take a whistle over a tick anyday ;) Keep us posted, I'm interested in what you find out. :ph34r:

I think it might just be all the waiters you're riding by on the street, jealous... :D
