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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Bounce

    Parts For Sale Handy Industries BOB Lift + Extras

    Pics sent per request. No response. Needs a wipe down, but it shows the dolly, side extensions, rear wheel dropout, front wheel vice, and removable ramps.
  2. Bounce

    Parts For Sale Handy Industries BOB Lift + Extras

    PM sent (and responded to). IP shows Dallas.
  3. Bounce

    Updates from new owner with fuel smell and non-starting bike

    Good discussion and updates to info. Thanks everyone.
  4. Bounce

    Updates from new owner with fuel smell and non-starting bike

    How long did you trickle charge the new battery before installing it? I put it on something other than concrete and give it a good BatteryTender smart charge for 24 hours before installing it. It makes sure there's more than a surface charge on the plates.
  5. Bounce

    Smell of Gasoline?

    Won't hurt to service your fuel filler neck and vent lines.
  6. Bounce

    "Regular" FJR service??

    Swing Arm
  7. Bounce

    "Regular" FJR service??

    This spreadsheet was built based on the factory service manual for a Gen1 but there are many many things that remain applicable (service intervals, etc.) for all gens. From my web site at:
  8. Bounce

    Wanted watertight tail bag

    I used a heavy cordura "range bag" that I got somewhere. Look for the kind with the interior compartments you like and be sure that it has a flap to seal over the zipper. I only HD-Scotchguard once a year. Things were nice and dry in all weather. It was large enough to have to sit sideways...
  9. Bounce

    Need help in figuring out a fuel problem.

    Don't "hoist". Hands on bars. Right grip brake engaged. Right hip to side of seat. Right foot on center stand and touch to make sure both feet are touching the ground. Stand Up onto the center stand; pushing the foot/stand into the ground. The bike will come up without the need to lift.
  10. Bounce

    Thoughts on moving Frank, the garage king, from Colorado to Calgary, Alberta

    My 2003 was "put up" for about 10 or so years. I did it with intent though, so fuel was drained, fluids swapped, etc. But the new owner had it up and running within a weekend. Most of that was putting the plastic back on it. The point being that you might be surprised at this aspect of the FJR's...
  11. Bounce

    Long-Distance Endurance MT10 Project

    I like the multi-function gun cases! Excellent.
  12. Bounce

    Smokers (BBQ - not grilling)

    Merry and Happy to all.
  13. Bounce

    FJR Guy Scores the Motorcycle Cannonball Rally!

    Clearly he's never heard of Morris Krumke.
  14. Bounce

    Parts Wanted Corbin Smuggler

    Just saw this: It's a year old though.
  15. Bounce

    Parts For Sale Handy Industries BOB Lift + Extras

    Here's a screen shot of my post elsewhere to save some typing. Like the guy who bought my '03 will attest, I sell WAY under the value of the item(s).
  16. Bounce

    Knifemaker making knives.

    Mine that you made me are still a joy to use.
  17. Bounce

    Parts For Sale Accessories For Sale

    This thread is locked because it's a duplicate of another thread by the same author. Please follow and reply here:
  18. Bounce

    Yamaha FJR Turbo

    I know I'd follow such a journey as it was written up.
  19. Bounce

    Two years for the wife

    From the title I thought this was going to be a barter thread. ;)