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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. C

    What are your best ways to improve visibility?

    Since I am seldom the lead rider, I depend on my husband to provide the forward visibilty on country and mountain roads (which is we tend to ride.) He rides a Harley chromemobile that is almost blinding when the sun hits it on the front. Running all 5 front lights at all times, he is highly...
  2. C

    Commuter Chronicles, Volume I, No. 3

    You hit the nail on the head about the adrenaline rush. When younger, I particiapted in all sorts of sports and activies that were exhilarating...snow skiing, water skiing, dirt and quad riding, team sports, tennis, you name it, I plaed it. Gradually, as I got older, Istopped playing or...
  3. C

    Engine dies on an 08 FJR

    I assume you have read the Owner's Manual by now and realize this is a safety feature designed into many bikes. However, you might want to be on the outlook for stalling problems. I have an '08 that I bought from my sisiter-in -law. She had had stalling problem when coming to a stop...
  4. C

    Looking for new feedback -- Gen II Heli Triple Clamp

    Okay, so the Heli clamp may be the answer to by upper back problems, but I'd like informed input. I am female, 6'1", 155 lbs (that's pretty thin guys) with an athletic build. I work out and I am in good shape, but at 58 years old, I find riding with my head and helmet cantilevered over the...
  5. C


    Thanks for the photos. In some of the photos it looks like you have a stock seat, in others it looks like a custom seat. Which do you have, or do you have two different seats?
  6. C

    Sore Neck/Shoulder muscles after longer FJR rides

    Runners carb load, as a skier, I have always "aspirin loaded". Now that I am riding, sounds like i need to start Vitamin I loading. BTW, I see you are a Norton man. MG and I sometimes ride with some '72 Norton owners from Visalia. Those bikes draw lots of attention whenever and wherever we stop.
  7. C


    Make that 2 grandmothers.
  8. C


    That would be great. Is there anything tricky I have to do to access the photos?
  9. C


    Not a turn off at all--just a question. Yeah, you are right, I am a female. The only other female I have ever seen on an FJR is my sister-in-law from whom I bought the bike. We are both tall with very long legs so we are never limited on bike options because of that. The thing is, women lack...
  10. C

    Gaurald Backrest

    You may not be handsome, but you may be the man for me. I think I need a backrest for my '08. Sounds like you make 'em. Any pix or prices?
  11. C

    Pictures from SWFOG 2009

    Regarding your quote, it was definitely a politician. My bet is either Everett Dirksen or, get this...Voltaire.
  12. C


    Thanks. I've only had this FJR for about 6 months and 3,700 miles. I don't find it exactly fun to ride. Fast, but not fun. In fact, I have it for sale, but don't know what I'd get as a replacement. After reading the Master Yoda info, I am open to the idea that the problem is me, not the...
  13. C

    Hiway 50/89 Tahoe Sighting

    Ya could be talking about me. I was there then. Didn't intend to be in a group, we just got joined up. It was a slow trip south on 89 on the west side of Lake Tahoe as there was a marathon going on. We actually missed our turn and had to turn around as we had come up from Kirkwood on...
  14. C


    I'm new to this. Do I reply by just typing at the bottom? Sorry to be such a dummy, but I am old, tired, and technologically challenged. Is any one tail bag preferred to others.
  15. C


    My back gets tired on long rides. I would like something that I could lean against when the opportunity exists. I see a company named Bakup offers an FJR backrest for stock seats. I am apprehensive about whether or not it would actually adjust far enough forward to do any good. I am 6'1" and...