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  1. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    The "charging system failure" on Jerome Byrd's NT700V was a fifty-cent connector. He had the # of parks and states he needed to finish and that connector was the only thing that let him down on the "light-weight" Honda. Dang, it hurts when stuff like that happens!
  2. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    Jerome Boyd, the guy with the electrical issues is riding an NT700V. The NC belongs to Hammy Tan.
  3. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    Five of us attending the National Rally in Spearfish were stopped for lunch in Custer yesterday a few minutes before noon yesterday and I met Joe Green on his FJR as he was waiting for the left-turn light. He was on his way to Rushmore. I had somehow gotten the time mixed up and...
  4. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    Re: Tobie's pictures -- wrinkled hands seems to be a theme. :-)
  5. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    There may be fewer than 50 National Parks, but most of the National Monuments and apparently some other things like National Grasslands signs seem to be in the Bonus listings, too. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Alaska comes into play if only as a sucker bonus.
  6. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    When I rode the ET Highway for the Team Lyle Rachel Days Insanity in the middle of May, it was in excellent condition.
  7. Phil Tarman

    FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

    I live in Greeley, CO, and just finished working as an interim pastor in Newcastle, WY, for the last 3 1/2 months. I could have seen a lot of riders go north on I-25 and if I was still in Newcastle, I could have sat outside the travel trailer I lived in and watched even more go north on US85 or...
  8. Phil Tarman

    No Country For New Bikes

    Well, I own an NT700VA. I've put over 10K miles on it and I've spent a big potload of money making it just what I want it to be. I am 67 and have had five knee replacements. I needed something lighter than the two Concours C-10s which I had ridden for 150,000 miles. I had suggested to the...