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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. P


    Thanks guys I'll play around with it in the test section.
  2. P


    Thank you, now how did you do it? I've been trying and couldn't figure out how to get the pics up.
  3. P


    Trust me I was scared my wire cutters wouldn't do the job. It took alot of patience with the grinder holding it just right so it wouldn't touch anything but the cages. Heres a couple pics of the finished results.
  4. P


    Great story and pics util you dumped her over in the sand. Luckly you didn't break off the clutch lever that sucks when your out in the middle of nowhere. I use to drive truck on that road with the highway paving project we would have to wait almost a half hour for that pilot car to get back. We...
  5. P

    And the communication revolution begins

    I bought the scala Q2 team set the new blue one. I have mine connected blue tooth with my iphone 3GS I use the hardwire to connect it to my iphone for music. This way my phone is in my pocket and the cord runs up to the side of my helmet. My girlfriend has hers connected to her phone via blue...
  6. P


    Before starting the install make sure you have a torque wrench, somthing to cut the wire cable cages with like a dremel. I had to use my 3 inch grinder with a cut off wheel. I got lucky and didn't knick anything. Allen wrench sockets, 36mm socket for the triple clamp nut, and ofcourse regular...
  7. P


    I just installed 1 inch risers that I bought from redlunaracing on ebay. Very good product you keep the stock triple clamp. The only modification is cutting the wire brackets that hold the cables.
  8. P

    Where do you buy your oil/fluids? Low cost?

    After reading the data that was put up from the guys at calsci I think thats how the spell it. You know the windscreen guys. I will always use rotella syn from Wally world. Deffinately the best priced and quality oil. As for oil filters for the FJR, their research on filters is convencing that...
  9. P

    Hey guys, new to FJR

    Well living in So. Cal. I guess I'm a SW member and hope to meet and ride with some of you guys.