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JEBUS....look at the size of the snot-locker on that thing!!

There's got to be a cat inside that abomination.
Oh 'fer chrissakes Howie. That's up there to break the wind. Something that you should be intimately familiar with... :eek:

I think it's a beautiful bike, BR.

Congrats on the score and best wishes for smooth roads and only "warnings" ('cause you know you are gonna get pulled over on that)

From the sounds of it, Kawasaki found the old formula Honda used to make the VFR 800's (back in the day). It's a gentleman's sport bike. ;)

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Calm down, Fred...

I was referring to THIS snot-locker.....


Personally, I LOVE the new Ninja 1000...and coming from a dyed-in-the-wool Kawasaki fan, it would make a PERFECT companion bike to my ZRX, once I replaced the seat.

Plus, a Michelin Exalto would look awesome on the back end of that thing! :)

Calm down, Fred...

I was referring to THIS snot-locker.....
Imagine my confusion... snot-locker generally being a term for the proboscis.

Perhaps you've been sniffing around your nether regions a bit too much lately?

So, since we are apparently talking about the exhaust path, I suppose that we are still in the same general area of gas dynamics expertise (breaking wind). I'll have to concede that the new Ninja has a pretty offensive looking rectal exit port.

But... take heart! It's just all the rage these days!! All the newly designed bikes have truly butt ugly exhaust pipes, which is probably the manufacturer's (not so subtle) efforts to make sure that we all rally against the EPA tree huggers efforts to limit exhaust systems to just OEM.

Put some aftermarket open slash pipes on that thing fer chrissakes!!

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The only thing I didn't love on the bike was the SLEX. (Snot Locker EXhaust). It has gotten mixed reviews in the press, I decided I was ambivalent. I will confess it has grown on me a bit, helped by a few of my co-workers actually liking it. It is definitely a polarizing aspect of the bike.

And yes, it makes no sense to buy one of these things. Nothing but trouble if used properly.

Michelin Exalto my ass.

I hope they sell a boatload of these so there will be some cheap used ones floating around in a few years...

It looks like the tank is really tall; do you feel like you're 'in' the bike rather than 'on' it?

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The only thing I didn't love on the bike was the SLEX. (Snot Locker EXhaust). It has gotten mixed reviews in the press, I decided I was ambivalent. I will confess it has grown on me a bit, helped by a few of my co-workers actually liking it. It is definitely a polarizing aspect of the bike.

And yes, it makes no sense to buy one of these things. Nothing but trouble if used properly.

Michelin Exalto my ass.
Ya got to be working in a beauty shop, the only people who could like the looks of that got to be a little gay.
