An XS Odyssey and props to MadMike!

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Looks like it's time for another update.

I've replaced all of the fuel lines, gone thru the carbs (found a part is missing internally on #1), and gotten the bike to fire up and run again. I'm still not hitting on #2 tho. Popped an old spark plug in the wire and got spark on #2, and compression test comes across well, 115-118 105 100. Numbers might be a tad off since my o-ring on my compression tester is shot. While pulling the spark plug boots for the compression test, one of them decided to dissassemble on me, so it looks like new wires are in order. If I'm going to go that far, I'm upgrading to higher output coils and 8mm plug wires. Who knows, maybe the coil or wire is weak and #2 will start working with the higher output coils and fresh wires.

Ohh well, back to work.

Looks like it's time for another update.
I've replaced all of the fuel lines, gone thru the carbs (found a part is missing internally on #1), and gotten the bike to fire up and run again. I'm still not hitting on #2 tho. Popped an old spark plug in the wire and got spark on #2, and compression test comes across well, 115-118 105 100. Numbers might be a tad off since my o-ring on my compression tester is shot. While pulling the spark plug boots for the compression test, one of them decided to dissassemble on me, so it looks like new wires are in order. If I'm going to go that far, I'm upgrading to higher output coils and 8mm plug wires. Who knows, maybe the coil or wire is weak and #2 will start working with the higher output coils and fresh wires.

Ohh well, back to work.
Thanks for the updates, a couple comments that may/maynot help you.

If the bike sat for any length of time, I bet you have some spooge in one of the fuel circuits. I resurrected several of these bikes over the years, and remember stripping the carbs down, taking it to the local bike shop (not dealer) and having the entire dipped rack dipped but ehy also did somekind of sonic or vibration thing that broke up the crap. There are 2-3 circuits for fuel in these carbs, and I bet one or more are blocked. THey can be a real beast to get clean, but once clean, are bulletproof.

On the spark plug wires, be careful, the coils arent user freindly and dont lend themselves to diss and reassembly unless you are extremely skilled. It can and has been done, but most just upgrade to the accell coils, better spark, new wires & caps. I've trimmed my wire ends a couple times and last year replaced the caps with new NGK caps. Trimmed teh wires back, filled cap with Dielectric grease then screwed back on. Work good as new. I have the aftermarked accels as my backup if the stock ever quit.

I wish I had the time, and permission to rebuild another XS11. WHen you are done, if you give this bike some time (or rather you some time to learn it :rolleyes: ) you will love it as uch as you do your FJR.

Jeesh, what's a fella gotta do to get an update?
Well, Silent was on the forum earlier today, so we know he's not out in the shed with his hand stuck in the transmission.

And his handle is Silent, ya know.

I really want to see this bike when he's done. Gonna be nice.

Those carbs were a bite! I was in them so much, my wife must've thought the carb cleaner was my after shave.

My XS (an SH) sat for years and had carb issues (always #2, it seemed). I found that an old guitar string and lots of compressed air through the tiny circuits worked wonders. Finally forced out the splooge that was giving me a black #2 plug. Also found that bench testing the carbs was crucial before putting them back on. The needle valves that you get aftermarket do not seal well sometimes. Oh, and polish the seats with brass cleaner and a Q tip, and be meticulous about your float heights.

Other thing I fought on that bike was the gas tank. It was rusty and a constant source of fines that would collect in the carbs. I used Kreem initially, then ended up stripping it away and applying this acrylic treatment that I bought at Caswell's. Problem solved. I also replaced the coils with Accels, and the spark plug caps with NGKs, as Bulldog suggested.

I loved that bike. Lotsa grunt...

Have fun.


UPDATE as prommised B)

I've been waiting on parts to come in, and then for the time to install them. The parts came in a couple days ago. Plugs, Coils, Wires, Caps, and a missing washer from under the main jet in the #1 carb.

I pulled the carb rack again after doing some research over at the XS11 forum, and I came to the same conclusion that Bulldog9 did. When I cleaned the carbs originally, I didn't seperate them from the rack. This turned out to be a mistake. I wasn't able to pull the choke units out with the carbs still in rack form. This time I broke the rack down and pulled the chokes out and I found the #2 fuel port was gunked up. Cleaned it out propper with cleaner and compressed air and reassembled the rack. They are still sitting on my bench waiting for the time/effort to put em back in. I'm currently chasing a different problem.

The coils, wires, and caps came in so I pulled the old ones and soldered the wires to the new ones. I'm thinking this may have been a mistake on my part tho. The heat may have damaged the new coils :dribble: I installed the new coils and did a spark check with a plug, #1 & #4 (#1 coil) the spark is weak, #2 & #3 (#2 coil) no spark at all :blink: Checked around and found the resistor and bypassed it. Same-same. When I get the gumption up, I'll pull the caps off the new wires and put them on the old coils and see if I can get the old ones to work again.

Picked up a custom fork brace yesterday from Trail Kat. RC (Tkat) is a cool old timer that's been making his own custom fork braces for the XS for over 20 years now. Best thing since sliced bread according to the XS forum, and at the price, it's a sweet bit of kit!

Guess that's all for now, stay tuned for the coil odyssey to run it's course!

Same bat-time, same bat-channel!

I'll try and be a bit more timely with the updates. I wasn't aware that people were actually following this thread

I'll try and be a bit more timely with the updates. I wasn't aware that people were actually following this thread
Welllll, I am! :blink:
Then you'll be glad to hear that I finaly got off my ass and put the carb rack back in, pulled the new coils out and tossed in the old ones with a new cap, and she fired up on all 4! I guess it's a lesson learned with the soldering on the coil. Apperently I got the terminal to hot and it disconnected something insode the coil. I'll have to be more careful next time. I'll order up a replacement high output coil and another cap so I can have the old coil set as a backup.

Anyway, back to the running bit! Since she's hitting on all 4, I was able to bring the air/fuel mixture up to a point where she will run fairly well. At least well enough that I was able to do a carb sinc, and burn out some of the oil since the bike was upside down for a few days. Didn't sound 1/2 bad either B)

We be gettin somewhere! :yahoo: :yahoo:

I'll try and be a bit more timely with the updates. I wasn't aware that people were actually following this thread
Welllll, I am! :blink:

And some video would be good. Like, with you singing while you work, or talking to yourself.

Wrenchin' Ray / Garage Reality. :D

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Keep up the good work Ray. Its really cool to revive an old scoot back to life. I kinda like doing that with just about anything mechanical and its always nice to see the end results for sure. Can't wait to see the XS up and running and maybe give us an actual road test report when your done. PM. <>< ;)

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UPDATE as prommised B)
I've been waiting on parts to come in, and then for the time to install them. The parts came in a couple days ago. Plugs, Coils, Wires, Caps, and a missing washer from under the main jet in the #1 carb.

I pulled the carb rack again after doing some research over at the XS11 forum, and I came to the same conclusion that Bulldog9 did. When I cleaned the carbs originally, I didn't seperate them from the rack. This turned out to be a mistake. I wasn't able to pull the choke units out with the carbs still in rack form. This time I broke the rack down and pulled the chokes out and I found the #2 fuel port was gunked up. Cleaned it out propper with cleaner and compressed air and reassembled the rack. They are still sitting on my bench waiting for the time/effort to put em back in. I'm currently chasing a different problem.

The coils, wires, and caps came in so I pulled the old ones and soldered the wires to the new ones. I'm thinking this may have been a mistake on my part tho. The heat may have damaged the new coils :dribble: I installed the new coils and did a spark check with a plug, #1 & #4 (#1 coil) the spark is weak, #2 & #3 (#2 coil) no spark at all :blink: Checked around and found the resistor and bypassed it. Same-same. When I get the gumption up, I'll pull the caps off the new wires and put them on the old coils and see if I can get the old ones to work again.

Picked up a custom fork brace yesterday from Trail Kat. RC (Tkat) is a cool old timer that's been making his own custom fork braces for the XS for over 20 years now. Best thing since sliced bread according to the XS forum, and at the price, it's a sweet bit of kit!

Guess that's all for now, stay tuned for the coil odyssey to run it's course!

Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
My Lord I feel Old................ I bought one from his first batch, TKAT is a wizard and an amazing guy. It really does make a huge difference, even with the old air shocks in the front, but you'll really appreciate it if you upgrade to progressives in the front. The brace polishes up nice with mothers and 00 steelwool, mine is almost chrome like when it is clean ;-)

What coils did you get? The Accels I had used auto style for the plug wire, and nut/lug for 12v. The original coils are probably good, maybe trimming 1/2 inch off the ends and new screw on plug caps will get you what you want.

I'm really jealous, but if I want to stay married, I need to keep it to the XS and the FJR and the 442, oh and the Jeep ;-) Some day I will have another XS project............

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The old coils were good still, I was only upgrading to higher voltage coils since I needed to replace the cap and most likely the wires. I trimmed 1/2 inch off the #3 and screwed in one of the new caps and it sparked across the board. More info is in post #34 B)
