CBS News Segment About Jordan

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Sag Harbor, NY
There will be a segment on CBS Evening News either this evening (10/13) or tomorrow evening regarding my son Jordan, Cpl Jonathan Yale, and Cpl Nicholas Xiarhos. I believe it will be linked in some way to the original segment that aired titled Six Seconds of Iraq Valor that was shown the night Jordan and Jonathan were awarded the Navy Cross. During that segment, Nicholas Xiarhos who's life was saved in Ramadi by Jordan and Jonathan's actions was interviewed. Tragically, Nick was subsequently killed by an IED in Afghanistan. I think the new segment will contain more of the interview with Nick.

It was on tonight. About the last 5 minutes of the broadcast.

Jordan and Jonathan were not mentioned by name, but they did show the truck heading towards the compound and mentioned "2 Marines."

Just saw the TV piece...powerful...seeing the truck bomb zigging and zagging toward Jordon just reminded me clearly again the high cost of freedom and the clearest example of heroism I know...I salute all three of these Marines

Chris... My wife and I watched the segment tonight and it was powerful. It truly is a reminder of the ultimate sacrifices others have made on behalf of our county and its people. It was tough to watch but made me proud to be an American. Rich

Thank you, from a grateful nation, for your son's service in our defense. You have layed much at the alter of freedom.


My heart goes out to you. From one Veteran to another, I Salute Jordan for his bravery and selfishness.

Thank you for giving Jordan the guidance to have so much integrity.


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Thank you, from a grateful nation, for your son's service in our defense. You have layed much at the alter of freedom.

What he said! You raised your boy to be a brave man. Your loss, is your country's gain. Humble citizens appreciate what was given by some, that all may live freely.

Thanks, as always, for all the support. That was tough to watch last night. The Xiarhos family were one of the first 1/9 families to reach out to us when my son was killed and then to lose their own son it was almost to much to bear. The last time I saw the Xiarhos family and the last time I saw Nick alive was at the Navy Cross ceremony.....It completely breaks my heart.

Eternal thanks to all who serve and all who have served.

Nick's dad said it all when he said He'd never been so proud and so sad in his life.

I must be getting soft in my old age. Can't watch anything about these young soldiers without crying like a baby. Screen is getting blurry now.

Just watched the news clip ---- so, so sad................

Axeman, our hearts go out to you and your family, as well as the Xiarhos family.

We thank all our servicemen who help make our Country (and the World) safe.
