FJR's don't need a front tire!

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Walla Walla, Wa
Yup, it finally happened. I was riding back with my wife from her before mentioned conference in Stevenson, WA. We had fueled up at Goldendale & were heading north on Hwy 97. My wife was on our FZ1 & I was on my FJR1300.

As we were about to crest the last northbound hill before dropping into Toppenish I felt a weird vibration in the front end. At first I though it was the road, but it got progressively worse. I slowed down to 80 mph as I topped the hill & started down the backside. The vibration got worse & I noticed an intersection where I could safely pull off the road that was about a half mile ahead. As these thoughts were rolling around in my head there was a very loud "bang" as if someone had fired a 30.06 near the bike. The handlebars started to shake back & forth & I slowly backed off the throttle, but I knew the brakes were a "no no". I though I was going down for sure but somehow I was able to easy it off the roadway.

The OEM Metzler had 12,276 miles on it & the wear bars were not yet visible. The was a hole in the tire about 8" long x 2" wide! The steel belts had wires poking out. Yup, it had exploded. Had it worn out of did I hit something? That I will never know.

I have some great pix that my wife took but can't figure out how to add them.

I guess I cheated death today! :dribble:

Had it worn out of did I hit something? That I will never know.
No... the problem was the fact you were on Metzlers! :haha:

Okay, it's not funny, really... guess you haven't seen all the threads with these photos.... a mixture of Z4's and Z6's....





Here's a brand new Z6 tire.....


Steel cords on that Z6:


Do a search on the word "Metzler" and read the horror stories for yourself.... :bigeyes:

A Metzler? Go figure (ooops, that'll fire Randy up!).....I'm glad you kept your wits about you and safely got the bike and yourself to the shoulder. Will you be replacing the seat after the "pucker factor"?

Warchild! Damn it! I swore you had taken pictures of my tire! That's just what it looks like.

In fact, my FJR is all cozy tonight in Sunnysides shop even as we speak (type)!

They will have a new Avon on by 11:00 am tomorrow.

The best part of the story was my wife & I had to ride our FZ1 home in the dark! She did not like riding bitch but I'll be damned if I would! We had to leave all her luggage off of the FZ1 at SMC! :p

Glad you survived at 80 MPH. I had a rear blow out on some Bridgestones doing 80 on the interstate one night at 2 am that was not FUN at all. I can't imagine how I would have handled a front tire blowing out.

You are one lucky person!!

Anecdotes are like asshats, everyone has one.

But, I have let them Metzler Z problem drive my tire choice. I was getting set up for Z6's for my OEM Z4's, which I had never really had a problem with and someone from the Bay Area (SF) posted one of those delamination photos.

I said to heck with it. Got some of those good Michelin Pilot Roads.

By the way Metzler and Pirelli are the same company so I passed on the newly out at the time Pirelli Diablo Strada's (though I kinda like the name.) Devils Street yeah it has a touch of evilness to it.



Now for the never ending Tire Choice thread!! YEEEE HAAA


Dayem! Glad you are still with us! Guess you got your adrenaline high that should last for a while.

Yet another instance of Metzelers going bad, bad, bad. I don't care what their supporters say. I have yet to hear one instance of a Bridgestone, Michelin, or Avon doing the above.


At Techday this spring I had Dan & the boys install a new Azaro on the rear of my blue beast, it had 5,800 miles on it then. Tomorrow the front will be an Avon too.

Me & the rest of the fellas in our Valkyrie Club all like Avon Venom R's on our Valks, so I'm kind of an Avon man. In fact, I had an Azaro installed on the rear of our FZ1 just before my wife took it tho Portland last Monday. I was sure glad I did as we rolled along in the dark tonight with both of us on the beast!


Glad you are OK!

Stupid question time.

I don't exactly understand why breaks would be a bad idea in this situation, especially rear breaks?

Can someone enlighten me? :nono: :dntknw:

Congradulations on declining to join the 'Over the Bars Club', and having kept your bike out of the trashed bin.

You are supposed to be able to brake with the unblown wheeled tire.

I hope they did a real good rim inspection before mounting the tire. 80 mph is a lot of ground to cover on a slow stop with a nil inflated tire. Vibration has been a common theme in the Mets failures. You should have way slowed down sooner even if you wern't at a safe stopping area.

The OEM Metzler had 12,276 miles on it & the wear bars were not yet visible. 
The most amazing part of this to me is the mileage quote! How do you guys do it? I am replacing my tires YET again after 3000 miles...this sport is getting costly!

Glad to hear you didn't go down.

your one lucky young man . the blow out i had was in the rear about the same speed what a ride never thought i was goin to get to the shoulder (on the 75 kawie z1 900) . i really dont no how the metz. co. gets away with tihs bullshit someone is going to get killed . As soon as someone sues them maybe they can get some real quailty control people at there plant. i myself have use there product for many years on the old kawasaki z1 900 / kz1000 .

Sorry to hear about your misfortune and glad to hear you had the skill and sense of mind to save it.

I've heard the stories and seen the pictures many times, but, I guess I'm just an idiot. I've got about 8000 miles on my Z6s. There is plenty of tread left, but, I think I've heat-cycled them to death and they don't perform as good as a new set of shoes. I ordered a new set of Z6s and they should be here next Monday - say a prayer for me if it will make you feel better.

Glad to hear you are okay Saddletramp. Metzlers never again for me! Earlier this year, with my factory Z-4s, I noticed something squirrelly with the front tire. The cord/radials looking like they were ready to poke out. Thanks to the many warnings/photos on this site and especially "CraigfromDenver", took the piece of shit front Metz off and went with Avons. Dealer agreed something wasn’t right and Yamaha even paid for the new front tire (coodoos to them). I am still very surprised how some of you guys get high mileage out of the Metz tires. My rear Metz was about toast at 4800 and also replaced. Love the Avons and the much improved neutral corning characteristics they bring out. Great company too! Guys/Ladies, please be careful with the Metzs if you insist on using them…the Z4s and Z6s appear to be suffering from the same defect. It’s your life on those tires.

Wooooooooooow! :eek:

Ya' done good lad! Yep real good. Never had a blow out on a bike. Hope I do as well when that time comes.
