40,000 mi. later

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2005
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Seattle, WA
...so, it's about time I get this thing serviced as it's running just a tad less crisp.

*** disclaimer: don't try this with your bike. I just put things off waaaaay to long!

'03 FJR #229 (received first day of first shipment of first year, mid July 2002) A week later I rode it over to (then) Sunnyside Yamaha, the first one they had ever seen as they had not received any as of that point. Picked up some filters, cap, sweatshirt, oil from Guru Glen, chatted w/ owner Dan Denchel for a bit and off I rode. (neat people over here, I thought to myself) This may very well have been (one of ) the first fJR's on Washington states' roads. What a thrill..., what a sweetie!

At that time, the fjrowners forum (mainly european) was the place to be. It seemed bikes should have a name back then as we were a small but enthusiastic and growing clan of Feejer owners. Stepping out my front door very early one Sat. morning and rolling up the garage door, a fine silvery/gray mist hung in the air. I rolled the bike out, preparing for an all day ride and briefly pondered.... hmmm.... "Misty Dawn". The name has stuck.

Oh..., back to the servicing. So, yesterday I take the bike over to Sunnydesertpowersidesports :blink: in Prosser for a tune up. At 500 miles I had a rudimentary initial service done at a Seattle area dealer. That was it! I have always changed oil and shaft oils very regularly and frequently (several times in the first 5,000 miles) and did not bother with the Motorman Break-in. Metalurgy and machining being what it is nowadays, there's a lot of hype going on with this. Engines of the 60's and 70's may benefit from these breakin procedures but... well, I digress! (Nor did I alter any mixture settings or or install engine add-ons with mapping changes)

Up until yesterday, I still had the orig. battery (July '02 to Sept '08) 6 yrs!!! always on a battery tender.

It finally died in the shop while doing compression testing (I knew it needed replacing and had prearranged for a new one anyways). Also, I had never done the valve adj. check, never a throttle body synch., still had (honestly!) the original spark plugs in which were a creamy brown but with a good bit of a gap from wear. This bike was still getting 50+mpg on the fwy. trip over for servicing!!!

Folks in the shop were a bit intrigued that the bike ran so well with the mileage and lack of tune up at 40,000 mi.. So was I! This would be a thorough (and most overdue) full service. Valves were all within spec., no adj needed. After reading Eric's story (OCFJR) on how long an engine will last, I requested a compression check. All over 90% spec., 195- 210 psi. The throttle body synch was out a bit (never having been done) so that was brought back to spec. Went with iridium plugs, new stock air filter (orig. was o.k. looking). A new (recall item) throttle position sensor was installed even though the orig. seemed to be working just fine.The ride home was so smoooooth. Misty was purring once again where she had lost just a bit of her snap. At steady 70+mph fwy, I got 52 mpg going back to Seattle.

This bike is/was not a ticker. Under sedate throttle hand, it's always yielded 50+ mpg and when playing hard, down in the low 40's. Steering head bearings are fine (checked and snugged up) and some tires had decel. wobble to different degrees which was a factor strictly of the tire, not of suspension or steering head. (current Pilot Road 2's have no wobble whatsoever and are proving to be the best I've had on the Feejer).

Why so trouble free and long lasting and good mileage??? I'm not an engineer or cert. mechanic but I offer these meager insights:

I seldom go out for brief jaunts, (to the store and back, around the block, or whatever). Seldomly do I ride less than an hour or more and a good day's ride is 400-600 miles (done a few SS1000's). So..,the engine is up to temp., no frequent start/stop to work the battery, no clutch dumping wheelie-ing antics or stoplight burnouts. Its seen triple digits (with a bit of discretion) several times, hit the rev limiter on more than a few occasions and climbed above 150 mph on one (test) occassion. Fuel.. always mid grade octane (usually Shell) and techron fuel system cleaner every 5,000 mi. or so. Always used Yamalube 20/40 and now Shell Rotella diesel 15/40. I'm not shy about pushing her through the canyons (blew a corner early on in her career) but tend to ride "fast smooth" as opposed to "insane erratic". All that and maybe...., just maybe, I was one of the lucky ones that got a bike that was buttoned up right right out of the factory.

...thoughts of trading up to a new FJR are quickly fading. There's been speculation (even Warchild hinted at this) that the Silver one's ('03) were the best running, & lightest (non ABS) model FJR's. (No need to start a war on that as it's more rider than machine) but with an upgraded suspension in the thought process, can I really do better with a new/er one??? I think not.... Life with Misty is good!!!

(and the folks at Desert Powersports are tops!!!!!!)

I think a lesser machine, with my lack of regular maintainence, would not be looking so good at this point..... but then I ponder OCFJR's dilemma..... What (if anything) did we do different??? I haven't the answer.......

o.k., catch you folks later! Roamer

love your post, fun to read and may be a reminder to a lot of folks incl. myself to not be too anal about maintenance as long as one does the important and obvious oil-, break fluid changes and plugs... :rolleyes:

Just the way I like my women: tough and dependable whether they get regular maintenance or not.

My '03 story (47,000) is very similar, but a little more TLC. Riser, seat, windscreen...that's it. No BJM, no PC III, none of the usual stuff. Best bike I've ever owned (and highest mileage, too). Will keep it another four years (10 altogether) I'm planning. Funny that they mostly got the first years better than the later years, ticking the exception. I do realize, too, that government requirements are making it hard for manufacturers to build engines that meet environmental specs yet still run passably.

May your love affair with Misty Dawn continue for many more happy years.

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Considering all the concern I have seen and heard about babying these motors your post made me laugh. The Japanese are crazy. Their quality control guys have been costing them money for years. They just talked you out of a new bike...Haha. Enjoy!

Roamer & Misty,

What a nice story. You sure did get a rare one with excellent performance. The engineering on this bike never ceases to amaze me and very proud to have one myself.

Many happy miles and smiles to you!

Dare I make a comparison to my 140k HD UltraClassic? Original engine, never broken down, leaked oil or anything else. Heads have not been off, original valves, you get the idea. I truly believe that some motors just simply go together better at the factory than others.

Consider yourself lucky!

Good story roamer, and glad to hear that the PR2's are working so well. How many miles you have on the tires now?


Good story roamer, and glad to hear that the PR2's are working so well. How many miles you have on the tires now?
only 1,500 mi. on P.R.2's so far but based on other's testimonies, I expect to get 10,000 or more miles.

Tire wear seems quite relative as I seem to get about 25% better wear than many posting on these boards. I do only ride one up and always run 40-42 psi rr, 38-40 psi fr. I also try to be smooth with my starts, tires not clutching/grabbing/squirming for that initial tire wearing grip. Also, if I can avoid the Superslab on trips and jaunts, I almost always do so. The P.R.2's are proving to be smooth and excellent handling tires and are becoming the #1 choice of many riders who have used several different brands. For me: Bridgestone 020- oem, Mich P.R. 1's, Conti Road Attack, Pirelli Diablo Strada, Bridgestone 021's

(this discussion should be reviewed over on the tire threads)

'nuff said...., Roamer ;)

I just picked mine up today after valve check at 75,000 miles. All are still good with factory shims. Mechanic wanted to know how I maintained the engine? Had me worried at first, but he said cams, lobes, buckets, and upper area still looked new. I use 2 qts Shell Rotella T Syn and 2 qts Amsoil. I change it every 5,000 and the filter every 10,000. I also have one of those magnets on the filter. :yahoo:

Makes me think of my 97 Royal Star. I would take that booger in for valve/compression checks every 25,000 miles and they would damn near curse me out trying to get me to leave it alone; Finally, at 125,000 miles I told them that I wanted them to do everything because I wanted to know how the engine had worn-in, etc.

The end result, valves needed no adjustment and everything was in spec. Still gonna take the fjr in at about 25,000 though cause eye just love it toooo much.

Another happy '03 owner here :yahoo: -- 42,000 and many more I hope.

Regularly maintained though :) with aftermarket seat, windshield, shock ..... NO PC111 .. although I have toyed with the idea.

Took delivery July 18th 2002 -- bike # 0046

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Good story roamer, and glad to hear that the PR2's are working so well. How many miles you have on the tires now?
only 1,500 mi. on P.R.2's so far but based on other's testimonies, I expect to get 10,000 or more miles.

Tire wear seems quite relative as I seem to get about 25% better wear than many posting on these boards. I do only ride one up and always run 40-42 psi rr, 38-40 psi fr. I also try to be smooth with my starts, tires not clutching/grabbing/squirming for that initial tire wearing grip. Also, if I can avoid the Superslab on trips and jaunts, I almost always do so. The P.R.2's are proving to be smooth and excellent handling tires and are becoming the #1 choice of many riders who have used several different brands. For me: Bridgestone 020- oem, Mich P.R. 1's, Conti Road Attack, Pirelli Diablo Strada, Bridgestone 021's

(this discussion should be reviewed over on the tire threads)

'nuff said...., Roamer ;)
How did the Contis do for you? I have them on my zx9r and love them

How did the Contis do for you? I have them on my zx9r and love them

...wrong thread for tire discussion but since you asked...

I was one of the very first guinea pig/test pilots for the then just released Conti Road Attacks. It met with quite some controversy as some loathed the tires and others were more than satisfied. Seems the fronts had weak single ply sidewalls (stamped: made in Korea) which weren't up to aggressive braking or the heaviness of the FJR. Conti was replacing many fronts with a different front and after time, things quieted down. It is my understanding that current issue R.A.'s are redone, different load rating/ sidewall plies and people on many different bikes are liking them. Many a satisfied current FJR owner.

I liked the origs. until pushed extremely hard and got 8,000 miles out of them. They are a bit more Sport than Touring and have good feedback. Two "upping" may be more than the tire cares to deal with???? I just got off a set of 'stone 021's which barely went 6,500 mi and the Conti's were every bit as good. I imagine the new issues are even better.

And all this is just one person's reflections. I'm doubting (at this point in time) that one can do better than the Mich P.R. 2's (so you pay a few dollars more over up to 10,000 miles). On the FJR, it's almost unanimuosly reported to be one of the best tires Feejer owners have shod to date.

How did the Contis do for you? I have them on my zx9r and love them

...wrong thread for tire discussion but since you asked...

I was one of the very first guinea pig/test pilots for the then just released Conti Road Attacks. It met with quite some controversy as some loathed the tires and others were more than satisfied. Seems the fronts had weak single ply sidewalls (stamped: made in Korea) which weren't up to aggressive braking or the heaviness of the FJR. Conti was replacing many fronts with a different front and after time, things quieted down. It is my understanding that current issue R.A.'s are redone, different load rating/ sidewall plies and people on many different bikes are liking them. Many a satisfied current FJR owner.

I liked the origs. until pushed extremely hard and got 8,000 miles out of them. They are a bit more Sport than Touring and have good feedback. Two "upping" may be more than the tire cares to deal with???? I just got off a set of 'stone 021's which barely went 6,500 mi and the Conti's were every bit as good. I imagine the new issues are even better.

And all this is just one person's reflections. I'm doubting (at this point in time) that one can do better than the Mich P.R. 2's (so you pay a few dollars more over up to 10,000 miles). On the FJR, it's almost unanimuosly reported to be one of the best tires Feejer owners have shod to date.
Thanks for your feedback. I have the raod attacks on my 9 cause i do mostly highway, good tire. will look at the PR2's
