All right...everybody off the couch!

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Filming courtesy of our own Billy Fitz (Yamafitter).

Well, that was awhile ago as he's got 3ft of snow right now. Current shot....


Thanks for the video Khuna!

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Perfect, and describes my son-in-law to a T. At 2:00:

"I want to feel the wind in my hair; or at least my nose hairs if I'm too bald" LOL

How do people ride motorcycles without having a road under them? I don't understand.


Wish I learned on dirt as a kid. Whenever I am on dirt now, somebody made a mistake...

I get the message... But, that narrator's voice is annoyingly whiny and his message is a load of pretentious crap.

Whatever your own adventure is comprised of is completely up to you. Yes, by all means get off the sofa and "Just Do It", but telling other people that they have to ride a particular way to be really living is just too much to stomach.

Like a lot of other riders here, I've ridden dirt bikes (a lot) in the past, and sure it's a crap load of fun, but it isn't the only way to have fun on a bike.

No, a fun post would have been seeing that guy riding and having fun doing all that great riding without the stupid lecture.

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I've always found Aussie accents to be a bit annoying, and not sure why. I get his message, and don't think it's meant to be an off-road only thing, it's just what does it for him. The video was great though!

An inspiring start to the week. My home couch is just fine, thank you very much.
Yeah, upon a successful hip joint/socket replacement early next month, I will (hopefully?) be ready to ride again, come Spring 2015. But until the New year, it's the couch 4 me!

Send lots of videos guys!
