Avon Tires

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Camden, ME
I just replaced my original Bridgestone tires on my 05 FJR with Avon ST tires that have been so strongly recommended by many in the FJR crowd. They are far superior in terms of road feel, cornering, and general confidence. However, there is one issue that is not so great- if you let go of the handlebars above about 30 mph there is very strong shking of the bars. The Bridgestones never did this at all until I had about 8,000 miles on them. At that point the front tire was cupped aand there was some mild vibration if I let go of the bars. Can anyone with Avons give me some advice?

This is normal for the Avon tyres. The 'wobble' they cause is usually felt only during decel, and usually only if you take your hands off the bars. No one is really sure why this happens, but there are many theories.

I read this many times, but my last set of Avons had a slight shimmy at take off and just prior to complete stop. Never anywhere else in the speed range, two hands, one hand or no hands, speeding up or slowing down.

Suspension settings perhaps?

I've had two sets of Avons and both did this. My wobble was felt just before the bike came to a stop. Both times, it went away after a few hundred miles.


Michelin Pilot Sport's up front do the same thing, in fact there is a recent thread about it:


Something about sport oriented tires on a heavy bike I suspect.

Easy fix, dump the Avons. Had this happen when I put them on my ST1100. Spent $ trying to correct the problem, only stopped when I replaced the tires with another brand. Been through a few other brands and 3 sets of Pilot Roads on the FJR - no problem. I know some of you guts swear by the Avons but how come almost time someone has a headshake wobble it is with the Avons. Defense rests. :p

I replaced the stock stones with the Avons also. Slight shake on decel around 50 mph.

No idea.

Every set of Avon AV45 and AV46 on the six bikes I've used them on display a front wheel oscillation between about 45 and 40 mph.

As twowheelnut relates, one can feel a wiggle during a slow, gradual take off, and also just above stopping speed during very gradual deceleration. I'm certain that stems from the tread pattern. I'm confident it's also the instigator at the higher speed, but not the only reason - many tires display the same higher speed behavior. Almost any bike will display at least some deceleration wobble if the tire gets deflected: How long or how sever the wobble is related to the damping forces, of which the tire is also a part. Really, that kind of wobble has been around for over 50 years: Since front forks came into vogue, which used the same general geometry as still present.

Like most folks, I find the Avon wobble an annoyance. But, since I've live with such wobbles for over 35 years, I don't get emotionally upset about it. Since other tires will do it, and the Avon's provide more of what I do want from a tire, I choose to use them. I'm not about to cut off my nose to spite my face.

Best wishes.

Avons (like Weebils) wobble, but they don't fall down! :D

Actually, I haven't noticed a wobble from my Avons... I must not be as sensitive to it as some of you...

I don't get it.

I have been running Avons for 55,000+ miles now. Several sets. The only time I had a wobble was when one of the front Avons was very worn and cupped. This was after 12,000 miles of no wobble. The 3 or 4 other Avons fronts I have used have never exhibited the wobble. And one of those I replaced at a VERY worn 18,000 miles. On my prior bike to the FJR - a Concours, the first time I ever used a set of the Avons, they actually got rid of the decel shake I had been experiencing with Michelins.

Now the decel wobble, really it should be called a shake, is the result of many variables. Suspension geometry, suspension settings, rear tire characteristics, head bearing lossesness/tightness, front tire condition, air pressure, and balance. Lots at work here.

So why do I not get the shake? Air pressure 41-42psi, and perhaps cause I am lighter than most at 170lbs? I just don't get it.

And remember, lets get our terminology right here. The Avon "wobble" is because of the tread pattern, and is felt at speeds below approximately 5mph. Usually goes away in short order as the tires are worn.

A "shake" can happen with any tire, usually when they are worn or cupped, and most often occurs during deceleration in the 45-50mph range, though can occur in many other conditions too.


Don't let go of the freaking bars!!!

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However, there is one issue that is not so great- if you let go of the handlebars above about 30 mph there is very strong shking of the bars. ... Can anyone with Avons give me some advice?
Yep, I've got Avons, and my advice is like the previous 2 posts - don't let go of the bars.

Now my complaint about the FJR is different - I find if I take my hands off the bars I can't use the front brake. Actually, another complaint, if I take me feet off the footpegs I can't change gear either ('01 model here). Come to think of it, there are many stoopid things I can do that will result in me complaining about something :yahoo:

Okay, here's my $0.02 worth.

In order of what I've run are (and this is by memory at work, I might go back and re-edit this once I am at home and have my notes)

Bridgestone - BT020 (Originals)

- Lasted 9,000 km Handling was superb at all times

Metzler Z series

- This is the one with the bad reputation, but I had no problems

- Replaced early around 7,000 km because of impending trip

- Worked as well as the BT's


- Immediately would wobble at all speeds if I let go of the handlebar.

- Didn't notice it untill they were replaced with the next set but they had a tendancy to want to make the bike stand up in the corners.

- Lasted around 11,000 km

Bridgestones - BT020

- Immediately noticed a difference over the Avons, bike handling was again "neutral".

- Lasted about 10,000 km

Bridgestones - BT020

- Lasted about 8,000 km before I replaced them. This was done before the tires were worn, they could have easily exceeded 10,000 km again.

Bridgestones - BT020

- Still on bike


Observations and Conclusions:

I was willing to put up with the wobble problem on the Avons, but it wasn't a little wobble. If left unchecked it would turn into a full on tankslapper. The interesting thing was as the tires wore down the wobble got less and less (but never disappeared).

What I found most surprising was the difference in handling. When I put them on it was just before a long trip. So I never had much seat time just with my local riding till I already had alot of miles on them. But when I replaced them with a set of Bridgestones I was blown away by the change in performance. The Avons required constant pressure on the handlebars to hold your line in a corner. Not a big deal and I obviously got used to it. But once I switched back to the BT's I realized just how nice the neutral handling was with the BT's. Overall I found the Avons to be worst tires I have run on the FJR. I really was not impressed considering all the hype.

The second thing I noticed was the mileage. The stock set didn't last very long. (Barely 9,000 km) But the subsequent sets have all easily lasted beyond the 10,000 km mark. The Avons were good and worn by 11,000 km. Overall I am actually impressed with the miles and performance delivered by the BT's

The metzlers worked as well as the Bridgestones and I wouldn't have any issues at this time with going back to the them. Except.... They seem to obviously have a belt seperation issue. So I will wait till they get that figured out.


So all in all. The Bridgestones give me far better handling, the cost difference is neglible. And the mileage difference wasn't as great a difference as I thought (over the Avons). So for me I've been sticking with the BT's.



Two sets of Avons - no trouble at all. Just before I replaced with the 2nd set (read:worn), I started experiencing wobble. This was around 20K. Turned out to be suspension. Firmed up the compression dampening in the front and no more wobble.

I had PilotSports & that was tankslapper material on decel, no hands. I even brought the tire back to the dealer to have them check everything - never went away.


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