CFO 2019 Photo Thread

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Someone's gotta start it so here we go! :D

I started my trip the week before CFO in Alabama with Turk & Jana… bike was supposed to be ready Tuesday morning but, long story short, it wasn’t so I ended up renting a car to visit with Uncle Hud and his lovely bride, Kelly, then headed back to ‘Bama the next day to get the bike… finally hit the road on Thursday and headed to Tennessee to visit friends there until alighting in Greenville, SC to watch the festivities for the start of the IBR (photos from that in the IBR thread)…

If you look in the dictionary for the definition of Southern hospitality, these folks are that definition…

The weather was stellar leaving ‘Bama… 75 degrees and no humidity!

Lots of waterfalls along 64…

Dean & Pam’s beautiful home and Doug’s immaculate Chevelle that he rebuilt…

Cool building art…

Full moon in Greenville the night before the rally started…

After the riders departed on Monday morning, I hit the road and headed for Kentucky for the night then through Indiana and up to Illinois to Marty & Michelle’s place along with fellow traveler Jason before heading for Dubuque…

I don’t have a hardwired mount for my GPS and the battery life on it sucks so had to go old school for routing…


Got a little time with Julie/fjrfarrier who was on her way home from an epic Colorado adventure…


Marty sporting a coffee mug that I got for him…


Great dinner and hosts…


Arrived in Dubuque on Thursday afternoon and got all settled in to the hotel… CFO rallymaster extraordinaire, CraigRegs…


Thursday night in bustling downtown Dubuque…


Dinnertime with the reprobates…


On Friday, we headed over to Dyersville to visit the movie set for “Field of Dreams” which has been a favorite of mine for many reasons (if you haven't seen it, you should)... the biggest one being I saw it after my dad passed away and it really touched me in how much I missed him and wished I had that five more minutes with him... today I got to visit the site where the actual baseball field is and reminisce from olden days just as Kevin Costner's character did... it was a really special visit and got to share it with some good friends as well... loved seeing families bring their kids out to the site and play baseball on the field with them!


Play ball!


Moody clouds…


Took the house tour which was fun…


Our tour guide, Clarence… he was a hoot and had all kinds of trivia about the making of the movie…



The corn field wasn’t quite grown up yet… neither am I…


I had asked Craig to take the picture above and when I was scrolling through, there was one unexpected photo in the group… he said, “Why did you take a picture of my crotch??” I said, “YOU took a picture of your own crotch, dude!!” LOL


Then headed to the lovely little town of Galena which was also a filming site for the movie before heading back to Dubuque and taking the Fenelon trolley up to the bluff for a wonderful view of the city, group dinner, and telling tall tales around the fire pit at the hotel... fantastic day!!



Did someone say pie?? :D


Taking the trolley up to the top of the bluff for a view of the city…




On Saturday, Craig led us on a merry adventure through the alphabet roads that wind their way through small towns adorned with American flags, children that wave at the bikes as they go by, cascading farm land as far as the eye can see… we also put together a specific letter quest to spell out a greeting to a fellow forum member who wasn’t able to attend the rally this year… missed you, Bob/Intech! :D


Some views along the way…









Double wheeeeee!!


We stopped in the quaint Swiss town of New Glarus for a nice lunch followed by a short tour of the very impressive brewery there (and picking up some libations for later) before heading back to the hotel for the group photo and final night banquet… then it was back out to the firepit for more frivolity and chatter before heading to bed… really great day!!

Lunch time in New Glarus…


Beautiful church….


Rescued copper vessels from closing breweries in Germany…


Found it!


One man’s cheese is another man’s beer…


Gave Craig a crash course on riding the Spyder so he can give it a little run around while it stays in Iowa…


CFO 2019 Group Photo


Yes that is our rallymaster doing his best squid impression…


Hanging by the firepit from the night before because I forgot to get one on Saturday…


Sunday morning folks were flying into the wind (and rain) for parts north, south, east, and west… CraigRegs offered me a place to store my East coast Spyder until I come back out in September for EOM so off we went to Altoona via the scenic byways of Iowa… the day started out a bit wet but cleared up by noon and was dry the rest of the way...


We stopped in Stone City for a little snack… No pie but we made due... the basket in front of me are funnel cake fries and Oh. Em. GEEEEEEE!!! They were om nom nom good!!





And a fun photo opp just down the road…they had a replica in town of the American Gothic house so we had to have our own modern version... all we needed was a pitchfork...



Continued on our way to Craig’s house and met his lovely wife, Barb, was treated to a delicious home cooked dinner and chit chat before heading to bed and catching my flight home the next day...

Barb said that Craig's 'Stich looks like a superhero costume so he built this to keep it hung up in... ;)


While I love my adventures on the road, I love the people even more… thank you to everyone for their hospitality and adding some more great times to the memory bank which is where the true richness in life is! <3
