Crappy Day ends well - Construction a Tip Over but then there were the Farkles

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2021 BMW R1250GSA
Mar 2, 2014
Reaction score
Spearfish SD
Sarg (Gary Sargent) and Nohairforthewind (Scott) both Good Ole Boy's from Ioway contacted me and advised they were in the area. We met last evening at the Crow Peak Brewery for a gabfest and a beer. I volunteered to take them riding today. Like all FJR owners they are Great Guys, Gary has a Gen III and Scott rides a Blue Gen II both have Russel Seats and are ready for the "long haul"

Met this morning at the Sturgis McDonald's. Took a pre-rally tour of Sturgis and some of the Rally Venues. Chip, Full Throttle, Main Street etc.....

My Crappy Day began and ended at the Full Throttle.

When I raised the side stand and went to move the Gray Ghost tipped over on her left side, sloping and down hill parking lot, rock under my foot, I don't ffing know....

Canyon Cages prevented a real disaster but she did roll far enough to damage left mirror, Clutch lever bent, left fairing scratched and left bag lid has some rash. There was a "POP" form within the fairing as well. The left mirror is "loose" in that it is not as solid in it's mount as the right one. Haven't opened up the fairing to see what might be amiss, will wait for Insurance Adjuster I think. END OF BAD NEWS

After a brief inspection everything seemed ride-able so Off we went.

Neither Gary or Scott have helmet Communicators but were interested in procuring same. Senna dealer in the local area, right along my intended ride path is our own "ALEX Johnson" Real Time Industries. Alex has just moved from somewhere to Belle Fourche SD, 10 miles north of Spearfish. We stopped and met Alex, he had all kinds of goodies and promised us Senna 20's on Thursday. We left our Saddlebags with him and he installed his great reflective stickers on them while we rode. Gary also got a set of Givi Crash Bars (Stainless Steel) which look real nice. Givi Tank Bag too - Alex did all right i think.

We rode West to Alzada MT and visited the Stoneville saloon for lunch, Cheap Drinks and Lousy Food is their claim to fame, the owner and bartender is tattooed like a Tiger or maybe a Lion, but she is tattooed like a cat.

After a leisurely lunch we headed South on one of my favorite roads from Alzada MT to Hulett WY with the intention of then hitting Devil's Tower and then riding a nice twisty road back to Alex's to pick up our stuff.

This road has some nice high speed sweepers signed at 55mph which you can see through real well :) ! The more technical section is further to the South in the last 8 miles before Hulett WY LEO's are hardly ever in the area as it is far away from either county seat and straddles two states as well.

Much to our chagrin Construction reared it's ugly head about 15 miles South of Alzada and after talking to the Flagman and learning that there was 8 miles of Mud, three Pilot cars and more gravel after that we reversed course and headed back to Alzada. the more technical section is under construction now and should be ready for the BH Roundup next year.

We arrived at Alex's and picked up our stuff and headed to my house for some farkling.

Got all Gary's bits installed, the Givi Crash bars were a struggle and necessitated a trip to the hardware store for a set of Ball End Allen wrenches. Givi Tank Bag ring went on easy Some custom reflective Stickers to adorn the area between the License plate and the rear reflector were installed as well, they look cool and Alex will have them available soon.

Thunderstorm blew in so my wonderful wife made us some supper and the fellow's left here a few minutes ago headed to Deadwood then back to rapid City for the evening.

We'll ride a few more of my favorites again tomorrow, Spearfish Canyon, Vanocker Canyon, Nemo Road and a few other twisty bits.

More tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about the tip over John but I am getting awfully envious of all the great riding your getting with fellow members. The wife and I are mulling over coming down to the Black Hills from August 8th to the 13th. I have to see Surgis once during the rally just to say I did it.

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Doode, you are becoming my hero.

Ride, Ride, Ride..

Fall down, who cares, buy more parts,

Ride, Ride, Ride!


Happen to have any pics of Gary's bike with the GIVI crashbars installed?

Curious to see them installed on a bike.

Bigjohnsd, you remind me of, Me! I'm far away but, I'd like for you to show me around your neighborhood some day. If ever you're in my neck of the woods, give me a holla. :)

I've dropped my bike a few times. Now that it's no longer a virgin, you will get used to the minor scratches and wear them like a badge of honor. :D

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I had a similar drop at a gravel turn around. I also have the canyon cagees and bag guards. The bike fell with its top lower than the tires and it took 3 of us to get it righted. Luckily I didn't have as much damage.

This and the fact I need a mounting point for more lights got me thinking that the cages could be combined with their LEO bars that come up a bit higher and have a flat area to mount lights. An email to Ryan got only an offer to sell me both pieces unfinished to have modded / combined and power coated. Perhaps a pair of the LEO bars will pop up for sale sometime.

Had a great time today John. Can't thank you enough for the hospitality and help with the farkel installs. The chicken salad was great! Like you said perfect meal after a hot day. Ran into lots of rain, some small hail and lots of lighting but safely back at room now. Looking forward to more miles tomorrow.

Xcsp. Will get some pictures up tomorrow if I can figure out how.

Big John, you really are a great host and guide. I am anxious to meet you next June. Sounds like the guys are really enjoying themselves.

I replaced my mirrors with FZ1's so if I should have a drop my stock mirrors are not going to be damaged and the FZ1's could be repaired with sandpaper and a rattle can. Sorry to hear about the drop.

Last year a 'tip over' cost me my right Achilles tendon...which kept me off the bike for 8 months and enduring painful rehabilitation. I am sorry about your fall, but be happy the bike took the damage...and not you. That's going to be my plan next time...

Hey John, sorry to hear about the tip over. Had one myself in Sparks after the ride with John from Reno. Pulled up in the parking lot and got off the bike only to find that I was blocking off a cage. I pushed the bike forward a few feet and didn't notice the the side stand was no longer down, and I just could not get her back upright when I finally figured it out. Fortunately, no damage and the Canyon Cages paid for themselves right there.

It was great to meet and ride with ya, looking forward to the Spearfish Hoedown!

If you do decide to go with a Laam, or even a Russell (both are withing 20 minutes of the house) and want to do a ride in, your always welcome here.

