EOM 2015 - Lewisburg, WV - 25-27 September 2015

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FYI - I have reached out to the MSTA organizer - Very nice fella and I look forward to meeting him in person. We're going to keep in touch between now and the rally(s) and neither one of can come up with any valid concerns with being at the same venue at the same time. They are a more diverse group, brand wise, but all share the same passion as us - two wheels...
This is true and they tend to be a bit older, dare I say they average retirement age, at least the ones I have met.
I'm not sure how that differs with this group.
Well, based on the unofficial polls completed, I'd guess our average age is around 55-59, vs 62-66 for MSTA. In either case, we all do have a similar passion and some a-holes (who sometimes like to call others a-holes)!

If we take all or most of the rooms, it'll be a non-factor. :)

I'm certain, after all is said and done, that we will come out of this with some names, numbers, and addresses that we didn't plan on. It's all good.

Those on the fence about this trip, better jump off one way, or the other.

"In either case, we all do have a similar passion and some a-holes (who sometimes like to call others a-holes)!"

I would never call FJR riders a bunch of a holes.

Thanks Wayne for making this shout-out! And, maybe after meeting us they will at least think we're nice A-holes.

I received a pleasant surprise email yesterday from Wayne Reeves, organizer of the FJREOM rally that falls on the same weekend as Fall Colors in September. He took the initiative to contact me, and express a desire to chat about making this September weekend a winner for everyone! Since his initial email, we have corresponded back and forth, and I'm looking forward to meeting him and the other FJR members. Their philosophy seems to be the same as ours, and all I see is expanded opportunities, rather than any concerns. Wayne has a friend who lives in the area, and he may be able to share some info with me that I wasn't aware of, and I've also learned a few things over the last few years that I may be able to help him with.

Wayne shared with me that the group had also come to the QI in 2008. He and his wife stayed an extra day, just to take a little leisure time. While riding to lunch, he was involved in a serious accident, and woke up in the ICU. He was taken to a Roanoke hospital, and it was declared that he wouldn't ride again. There was speculation that he might not walk. It took 33 days, but he walked out of the hospital, and started a long progression back to normal. We have exchanged numbers and will be touching base with one another between now and Rally time. I truly appreciate the fact that he took the time and effort to contact us. Happy New Year Everyone! Syd

I'm actually looking forward to this other group being there (as long as we ALL have enough rooms). At least it's not a Harley stampede where we would have nothing in common other than our 2 wheels. These MSTA guys sound pretty cool and relaxed, I'll have no problem cracking a beer with them and listening to their stories.

I also see Gerald (clocklaw) made a comment (post) over there....

Hey OldButNotDead.....the pot shouldn't call the kettle black.

As one of the many dual forum members (FJRiders & MSTA), I am looking forward to this weekend, EOM is always a great experience. I look forward to meeting some of my MSTA peeps at this same event, hopefully there will be some 2up riders there. Personally I have limited experience in the location, maybe I will bring more than one bike. :)
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Screw your name tag and lanyard issues!

This year you're getting:


and a King Sized Sharpie.

That will eliminate the never-ending supply of lanyards we all have, and you can write as big or as small as you'd like. I'll even give you a several of them so you can put one on your front, one on your REAR, and one on your forehead each day we're there.

You're welcome!

(But seriously, I kinda like this idea!)


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Several of the people I ride with locally are MSTA members, including myself. I'll go out on a limb and say there's no difference between FJR and MTSA folks. If you're not paying attention that old fart you strike up a conversation with might be an MSTA member! Of course, we know the FJR is the greatest bike ever but an MSTA rally parking lot is a little more interesting with many different brands of sport touring bikes to look at. Having more like-minded people around is a good thing.

Several of the people I ride with locally are MSTA members, including myself. I'll go out on a limb and say there's no difference between FJR and MTSA folks. If you're not paying attention that old fart you strike up a conversation with might be an MSTA member! Of course, we know the FJR is the greatest bike ever but an MSTA rally parking lot is a little more interesting with many different brands of sport touring bikes to look at. Having more like-minded people around is a good thing.
Agreed Lee, I just did not get the name calling, by a fellow FJR owner.
And I'm sure that we'll all get along just fine.

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Syd and I are having a very good conversation about things for September - I'm looking forward to meeting him in person. This is a win-win for everyone.

A concern from 'someone' on our side of the fence was getting caught up behind a MSTA parade. I don't know anything about the pace their groups typically ride. I do know our groups can span a pretty wide spectrum pace wise. There are two solutions - one, get up and get on the road before other groups go (shocker, I know) or be patient and I think we will find these other groups to be as courteous on the road as we tend to be. This is a two way street; if I see a group closing in, the right thing to do is check up and let them make a clean pass. This seems to be a forgotten theme to many out there today; I watched a fella on a C14 almost explore cow pastures last spring in SE Ohio because he was set on not letting us past.

I also shared with Syd that the last time the meet was in Lewisburg, it wasn't a good time for me. I know I need to let it go, but it's crept back into my head as the discussion to return to WV has progressed.

I'm looking forward to September...


Thanks Wayne for making this shout-out! And, maybe after meeting us they will at least think we're nice A-holes.
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I would never call FJR riders a bunch of a holes...
Yer goin' ta hell for that whopper there Bugnatr...
Ouch Wheatie! Not you.

I have never been to any FJR gathering and not had a great time. Wayne and the crew did a bang up job last year. I'm just bummed I can't go to all FJR gigs. Best group of riders I know.

Hello Everyone, I'm the aforementioned Syd, and I just can't help but say a word or two!
I've been a member of this forum since I won the MSTA raffle bike in '08, which was at our Star Rally in Kerrville, Tx. That raffle bike was an '08 FJR, and winning it was one of the highlights of my life. I've since sold it, and stooped to a DL 650 in favor of higher footpegs, and lighter weight. I think we are all looking forward to joining you guys in Lewisburg. Yeah we aren't spring chickens, just like you guys. I'm guessing our average age isn't far from that of your group, maybe 58 or so. There are a lot of very experienced riders who run the gamet from greased lightning to just a little rumble of thunder. The fast ones probably won't slow anyone down, and the slow ones will get out of your way. Ours is an AMA sanctioned event, as someone mentioned, so I'm going to do a little digging to see how that will effect possibly riding together. Take care, and let's have a great time! Syd

Thanks, Syd - it's going to be a great weekend...

Wheaton - you're bike wouldn't pass a pre-ride inspection even if it was conducted by the refs from the Dallas / Detroit game...so, yeah, you better just stay home, cause I don't want to listen to all the MSTA folks complain about that SC plated FJR holding everyone up...


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