FJRForum Official 2017 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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So there were 4 spots heading north east when I checked an hour ago. They were all pretty close to one another. Now there are only 3. Did someone turn off their spot?

On Sunday night @ 11:45pm, I saw that 1 rider was coming into south padre (and I'm here for the holiday weekend). Figured I'd try to catch them either at the bonus, which is odd cause it's a daylight only, or see them at their hotel. Sure enough, I caught up with them and it's none other than our very own Brian Walters, riding his trusty FJR (GEN 3 nonetheless)!!!

I've got a pic, but will have to wait till Tuesday when I get home and access to a pc to post.

There is no one that I *don't* want to win, I'm happy for all of them. However, we all have favorites and my first pick is Wendy (because it's about time!), but Erik is pretty high on my list of favorites as well. So happy to see them both doing so well. Kurt and his Ninja, of course. But how about the young guy on the 40 year old Wing? He's rocking it. And was considered hopeless at the start. I believe he's a complete rookie, has he ever done any rally? Maybe the MM or something up that way? Anyway, good for him! I'd really like to see him continue to do well.

Lots of interesting movement in the standings after CP2. Wendy and Erik are pretty notable. Looks like Wendy is working hard for those points (lots of miles). Erik is really within striking distance - quite a few are actually. There's several people who climbed 30 plus places, Mike Riley climbed 40! And Coons hanging in there with his mechanical issues is impressive as well. I believe he got them all sorted at the last check point. I always like watching Bob Lilley. He's a real character. He had some mechanical issues last leg, but I think they're all sorted out now.

Its going to get interesting next several days!

Paced with an IBR rider on a GL1800 this afternoon in central Arkansas for about 20 minutes this afternoon. Looked like he was on a mission.... Which I suppose he is! Was fun to see a competitor in the wild. Funny how easy it is to pick out an Iron Butt bike even before you can see the confirming details.
Agreed until, you see Kurt Worden! No aux tank, no hard bags, side bags, top case. He travels so light you would never think he's in the rally!

Stole this pic from Richard Swim, I hope he doesn't mind. Priceless pic of three of my favorite people. Boyter, Purney and Lipps.LUV ya guys, keep on Truckin' and really appreciative of Richard for this pic.


This is a fine, fine photograph!

Three of the most hard-core Cognoscente riders on the planet.

Impressive. Snake should keep his hair down more often.

Don't recall it being mentioned yet, but Wendy Crockett made a 12 position jump during Leg 2, but rode 3800 miles to do it. I had to double check the spreadsheet because the next closest riders "only" rode 3200 - 600 less miles than Wendy! She averaged 5.93 points per mile.
On the flip side of that coin, John Coons only rode 2350 and didn't gain any places (still 3rd), but closed the gap to less than 800 points from 1st after being just over 3000 points down after Leg 1. He averaged 9.05 points per mile! Well rested and poised to strike?
Smunderdog, Your observations is beyond fascinating. That delta beyond belief when looking at Crocket (gen2) and Coons in the 2nd leg.

Meese put in 2900 miles, (900 less than Crocket, 550 more than Coons) and gained 8 spots to for an overall top 5 position. Fascinating as well, ...and there is more to it:

Meese didn't go to the keys, instead stayed close to the 1st and 2nd checkpoint, dabbled in couple states to the north. I think maybe his overall strategy was to avoid the physical/mental toll of the keys (hot weather, traffic) and kinda tread water and save energy in preparation for leg3.

*IF* that was his plain it gained him 8 positions overall and possibly even better: Well rested and fresh in comparison to others(?). I thought about this earlier, and i can't help but wonder if Coons wasn't thinking the same, or maybe it's the mechanical stuff that limited his miles, I don't know where Coons went 2nd leg, but we know he didn't go far (in comparison to some of the riders) based on the miles, but holding a top 3 spot while ranking 59th in (leg2) miles sure is groovy. Damn groovy


Really fun to look at the numbers.

And the math the top riders are applying on an hour by hour (minute by minute) basis is intense. time|distance|points. So simple, and at the same time, so complex at the level these amazing riders are performing when points, puzzles, weather and fatigue ....etc etc are thrown into the mix.


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"But how about the young guy on the 40 year old Wing? He's rocking it. And was considered hopeless at the start. I believe he's a complete rookie, has he ever done any rally? Maybe the MM or something up that way? Anyway, good for him! I'd really like to see him continue to do well. "

Kitty-I first met Dylan at the 2008 MM, his first rally. He has competed sporadically since then, lately finishing BL8 last year and winning the northern Void (Reading PA start) in 2016. He has been to Prudhoe Bay on a Wing. Nicest guy you could meet and I'm pulling for him to finish well too!

RJ, nice work on the spreadsheet.
Thanks, some really fun stuff to track/observe. These riders are amazing. Kudos to Smunderdog for his efforts, I'm traveling and really limited on time.

BTW added a mileage sort

oh, and when are you coming to Renoville so we can catch-up, tell stories and talk about Carver.

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"But how about the young guy on the 40 year old Wing? He's rocking it. And was considered hopeless at the start. I believe he's a complete rookie, has he ever done any rally? Maybe the MM or something up that way? Anyway, good for him! I'd really like to see him continue to do well. "

Kitty-I first met Dylan at the 2008 MM, his first rally. He has competed sporadically since then, lately finishing BL8 last year and winning the northern Void (Reading PA start) in 2016. He has been to Prudhoe Bay on a Wing. Nicest guy you could meet and I'm pulling for him to finish well too!

Thanks! Geez, I was at the Void last year, just don't remember him.

I am thinking there is a high point value on a moose up in Maine. 4 riders on there way up there. Are they getting sucked into a devious trap. This rally is by far different from past rallies. It seems like you can still garner a lot of points without doing the miles. Curious as to how this will all play out in the end.

So if you put a string together on the way out could you also use the same string on the way back in just reversing your route? I haven't read all the rules but maybe someone can shed some light on this. Its possible the points are only able to be used once during each leg.


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Interesting to see the bonuses when this is over. Colorado has drawn a lot of attention on all three legs as has Kentucky Tennessee.

(Pants' wife) "Hey, bring up that map and show me where the riders are now."

By Jove, me thinks she has got it.....

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