Givi V46, now I have it, now I don't

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Valley City, OH
I was planning to put some miles on the new 06 FJR today. I opened my Givi top box and put a few things inside, closed the lid and locked it. Got on the bike and right away I saw that i was very low on gas, so I headed to the nearest gas station to fill up. Its about 6 miles to the gas station. When I got there and started to put gas in, I noticed that my V46 is GONE. :eek: I filled up, and drove back home looking for a V46 . Nothing ! I live in the country so the road has drainage ditches on both sides, that are way overgrown with weeds. I got home, and took the wife and the car and drove the route again, still nothing. :dribble: Looks like I'll be calling the insurance man on Monday. Had a helmet and spare face shield inside the box. With the Givi backrest and other options, I'm out about a grand :eek: I have no idea how this happened. I did have the box off a few days ago as I was waxing the bike, but I put it back on and LOCKED it in place. oh well....... check your top boxes, when they show up missing they are impossible to find.

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That is bizarre... you'd have thought that if it fell off, you would have felt/heard something! Is your mounting plate damaged in any way?

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Same thing happened to a VFR at this years Uuth 1088, He figured he had hit the release button and not noticed it. He had all his rally stuff in there so after not being able to find it just went back to the hotel and DNFed the rally.

twowheelnut- yep I guess it does, seems that me and Homer share a lot of life experiences.

groo- checked the mount, no marks at all.

Only thing I can figure is it fell off and someone saw it and picked it up. I've driven up and down the road several times and there is no sight of it.

Oh well :blink: Hope the insurance will pay up quickly so i can get another one, I kinda got to like having it. Great place to put a helmet when I stop for a break. B)

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twowheelnut- yep I guess it does, seems that me and Homer share a lot of life experiences.groo- checked the mount, no marks at all.

Only thing I can figure is it fell off and someone saw it and picked it up. I've driven up and down the road several times and there is no sight of it.

Oh well :blink: Hope the insurance will pay up quickly so i can get another one, I kinda got to like having it. Great place to put a helmet when I stop for a break. B)

You may want to call the local PD or FD..maybe a good human dropped it off. I know i would have tried to chase you down, but if not..I would have turned it in.

Check ebay or local craigslist for those items for sale as well.

I'm thinking maybe some sort of safety lanyard or alternative positive mounting bolt might be in order when I get my V46. Was yours color matched to the Cobalt Blue? Givi told me they wouldn't have the color match plate done till the end of July.

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I wonder, was there anything identifying you as the owner inside the trunk? Someone might have picked it up, but not known how to get it back to you...

I'm thinking maybe some sort of safety lanyard or alternative positive mounting bolt might be in order when I get my V46. Was yours color matched to the Cobalt Blue? Givi told me they wouldn't have the color match plate done till the end of July.

I wonder, was there anything identifying you as the owner inside the trunk? Someone might have picked it up, but not known how to get it back to you...
Great idea Fred on the lanyard. My V46 was bought for my '05, but I sold the 05 blue plastic part. Looks like I will be able to get the right color when I get a new one. '

Groo- nope, no ID of any kind on the box or inside. I will be sure to put that info on the new one. I did have it locked, so if it did not break into a million pieces, it is still locked so no one can get inside it. Thus the need to put owner info on the outside. live and learn :angry:

Deer along the route are probably filling it with salt as we write :D People chuckle at the safety lock-pins I put on my side bags, but I still have 'em.

People chuckle at the safety lock-pins I put on my side bags, but I still have 'em.
Got anymore details on those pins? Any pictures?
If I'm not mistaken, it consists of drilling a hole through the front black plastic tangs on the lower leading edge of the sidecase, and the rubber allignment guide they fit over... then using a PIP pin to eliminate any possibility of the case coming off accidentally. TWILKIN had it done to his, and it looked pretty safe. seems that Allstate insurance has not plans to pay for this. I was told that since it was not stolen or involved in an accident, they do not cover it. I have $2000.00 of additional coverage on this bike to cover things like this. The agent told me that if something is stolen from the bike, they expect to see damage on the bike to prove that the item was removed by force. So :angry2: if someone steals your GPS or tankbag and they don't damage something on the bike, Allstate is not going to pay. Check with your agent and see if you are covered. This is getting to be quite an education for me. I will be shopping for insurance :angry:

Maybe it never fell off, maybe you're wrong and it was 'stolen'. I believe if it was stolen (even by aliens whilst you were riding -- your comprehensive coverage will cover it.

Maybe it never fell off, maybe you're wrong and it was 'stolen'. I believe if it was stolen (even by aliens whilst you were riding -- your comprehensive coverage will cover it.
Thats what I told my agent. He said that they would have to inspect the bike and IF there was not any other damage to show that it was taken by force, that they would not pay. :blink: Just another way for them to get out of paying a claim. :(

Really nice insurance company you have there Ohio fjr1300....real bunch of :asshat: :asshat2: :asshat: :asshat2: ....sorry for your luck....


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