How a day with no plans can turn out perfect.

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sonora, CA
This weekend got off to a fine start. Saturday morning, I had to deal with a slight water leak and had to don the hat of a plumber to get it fixed. :(

Before that, I headed to my shop to meet Motorgod and his riding buddy on a BWM GT (sorry Renojohn, they beat you over Ebbets this weekend) to hand off the last unclaimed hydration kit from the GB.

Fast forward to Sunday am. I get a call from Highlander whose out pre-running the upcoming YO-YO-YO-Yosemite ride, looking for some Sunday action in the Foothills. We decided upon a quick run into the Central Valley to check out the Delta area before the weather turns to baked and crispy.

So on the way, I put in a call to MM2, (gotta love the Autocom :yahoo: ) who quickly suits up to meet us at a pre-determined rendezvous point. Here's our first stop in Elk Grove to pick up MM2. I pitty the poor soul who plans a ride through Elk Grove and doesn't at least make the offer of a day riding along the delta. :butcher:

Me and BIL and his SV650


What you don't see to my left is a poor guy on a oil leaking/dripping/smoking like Cheech Harley Davidson, due to a bad oil filter seal. But this was not your usual fresher than fresh leather Harley rider, this guy had more than 80K miles on his bike. B) He was not sweating things at all, probably due to the fact that he was a resident of Sac and only minutes from home.

Highlander showing off his 06 blue. (Traitor!!) :p


So off we went for lots of windy roads along the various waterways while zig zagging ferry crossings. The weather was stunning and only surpassed by the company I was in.

We took a lunch break in Rio Vista, but I can't remember what was making everyone laugh at this moment. I think it had something to do with Mike's charm-meter which was in FULL SWING on Sunday. :lol: Luckily for me I wasn't catching the brunt of it, which makes a nice change. :D


Here's another angle from the frosty


We also made another pit stop along the way, where we helped ourselves to some oranges from a tree on an abandoned property. :dribble:

Then it was time to point the bike's back in the direction of home.

Sometimes the best days of riding appear from nowhere and when you least expect it. Ain't nothing better in life than this.

See you guys again soon on the Yosemite ride.

We took a lunch break in Rio Vista, but I can't remember what was making everyone laugh at this moment. I think it had something to do with Mike's charm-meter which was in FULL SWING on Sunday.
Yep, I was flying a bit "fast and loose".......I guess it was Kristi's day! I had a great time and I'm glad you called my house and invited me to join you. Riding with old friends is always special and "spur of the moment" just adds charm to the day. Of course, its always good to see Mr. Smooth but I have the same problem trying to reconcile seeing Dave on that blue bike! And I finally got to meet your mercurial BIL, Jeff. I was almost certain he wasn't a figment of Kristi's imgaination....a never-present owner of the SV650 parked in your garage (Shyeah, roight!).

Anyway, one day's fun and its back to the machine shop for you, buddy! You've tempted and teased us, gotten into our wallets and abuse our credit cards and savings accounts. Now you must deliver.

When I get the new bike home I'll have to run it up there so you can take some measurements.

At the rate it's going it'll be pretty close to WFO before I get it to you.

Wish I was there! I rode to Costa Mesa on the 13th, so I missed on a lot of good rides that weekend.

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Dude...who said you could go out ridin'???

Get back in the workshed and make me them sliders I ordered last night!!! :p


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