How the H*%l do you remove LT screws?

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Wow, don't know whether a higher quality extractor would have gotten the original bolt out (which would have meant missioin accomplished). But you were lucky that the extractor was 'cheap' (as a quality extractor would have been made of high strength steel and you would have never been able to drill it out. In any case glad you got the job done.

I'm with CC on this one - believe me, I tried to drill out the one I snapped off. It didn't work.

I've used plenty of blue loctite putting together my Cobra. The only place I used RED was on the bolts that hold the universal joints on the steering shaft.

I've never had a problem taking any bolts out with blue before, of course most of the bolts are grade 8 and are not liable to snap off any time soon.

Red is the type I've always heard you need to heat up to about 500 deg to get it to break loose. No personal experience on that one, but it sounds like that is what was used on these screws - pretty much overkill in my view!

I always thought it was the green loctite that required heat to loosen, but I guess heat will help loosen any of them. Here's a chart regarding the differences in loctite by color: Loctite Chart

I think they also make custom stuff for big buyers. I used to fix typewriters for a living and we used a lot of red loctite that had my companies name on the bottle. Since we worked with very small screws we needed a low viscosity but not much strength.
