I welcome redundant questions

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
North Georgia
This is my response in another thread where the writer asked a question and was warned to use the search funtion before he got flamed. I got a couple pm's and thought I'd spread my view about new members with old ?'s. My view is that's what we're here for. If it bugs you move on, don't bother to waste your time reading it and don't waste more time being negative and cynical.

We all love our bikes and need various levels of help to get the farkle thing right. Our friends and family sure don't want to talk about bikes so that's what this forum is here for right?

Go ahead ask me which oil I use, I'll answer if it will make you feel better.

I've been to all sorts of bike forums and though this one is very helpful its also the worst with telling posters to try a search. Geesh if you think you're too smart to answer the same question twice then don't but don't tell the poster how to post and discourage others from answering his/her question.

This forum is also the worst at sending threads to the pompous "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads "

The fact that somebody wasted the time to create that thread speaks volumes to me.

There is only so much info one can ask about in a motorcycle specific forum and newcomers are a constant as are the ?'s about farkles and such. When I buy a new bike I always go to that forum and ask the same ?'s, only this forum tells me that's a boring question.

O.k. how do you feel about abortion?

What about ending the war?

When is the housing market going to improve?

I tried the search function but couldn't find the answer.

Ooops did I hijack this thread? sorry carry on.

Oh yeah, the search function can be useful but its more fun if we all try to be useful.

Thanks to those that have answered my posts and replied to my pm's, I have my bike set up quite nicely thank you.

I've even seen in other forums where each member will list in their signature what farkles they have on their bikes. At first I thought that was lame and tacky (being a cynic myself) but then found it handy when I read stuff that I wanted I would just pm that member. No "dumb, boring, repetitive" questions to bore the entire fourm with and always got a good response.



What oil do you use? I think my oil makes mine wobble at 45-50 mph. My tires are great though I got them from this B.C. guy who carved em outa stone.

[A fish rises to the surface and takes the bait...]

This is my response...where the writer asked a question and was warned to use the search funtion before he got flamed...and thought I'd spread my view about new members with old ?'s. My view is that's what we're here for. If it bugs you move on, don't bother to waste your time reading it and don't waste more time being negative and cynical.
Often the questions asked need/deserve more than just a yes/no or simply do 'this' and all will be ok. By doing a search you get all the background and details that the collective has spent some time and effort putting together. While some topics have a lower signal to noise ratio, they still provide a lot useful information. If someone asks a question that has already been answered well or thoroughly I would do the search for them and either link or copy/paste the answer. Why not have them do the search and short-cut the process. Once they are more informed about their question it is easy to clarify or elucidate further.

Steve, my display is showing error 19, why and what should I do? Are you going to look it up, do a search, use your memory and then write a guide for me? Worse yet, I need information, are you going to ignore my request and not reply even though you know what the answer is but the answer is, but it is too involved for you to write it all out? Being able to do your own search is a big help. I don't advocate flaming a newbie for not searching but it is a life skill they need to learn.

Your point is taken that some things are really simple and there is no reason not to answer, but others are more involved with many different takes on the issue. It helps to have the data and information that has already been worked out and proven correct. FWIW, today a newbie asked a question that has been well answered in the past, I wouldn't have done nearly so well to answer briefly, based on my take. I did the search for them, and gave them the links to the better threads and posts on their topic. I also included how I got to those answers, hopefully they will be better able to help themselves is the future. No flames, chiding or preaching were included with my answer.

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What thread did somebody warn somebody else to use the search function? If you're going to talk about another thread you really should include a link. I can't remember seeing a thread where somebody got warned about searching.

I get this sneaking suspicion you might be talking about me in this thread, but then no warning went on there....so maybe it's some other?

Meanwhile, might I suggest this great forum software company where you can download and make a forum and administer it exactly as you want.

...and moved thread as it clearly wan't FJR Specific...and seems at home here for the thread title.

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Often the questions asked need/deserve more than just a yes/no or simply do 'this' and all will be ok. By doing a search you get all the background and details that the collective has spent some time and effort putting together. While some topics have a lower signal to noise ratio, they still provide a lot useful information. If someone asks a question that has already been answered well or thoroughly I would do the search for them and either link or copy/paste the answer. Why not have them do the search and short-cut the process. Once they are more informed about their question it is easy to clarify or elucidate further.
Steve, my display is showing error 19, why and what should I do? Are you going to look it up, do a search, use your memory and then write a guide for me? Worse yet, I need information, are you going to ignore my request and not reply even though you know what the answer is but the answer is, but it is too involved for you to write it all out? Being able to do your own search is a big help. I don't advocate flaming a newbie for not searching but it is a life skill they need to learn.

Your point is taken that some things are really simple and there is no reason not to answer, but others are more involved with many different takes on the issue. It helps to have the data and information that has already been worked out and proven correct. FWIW, today a newbie asked a question that has been well answered in the past, I wouldn't have done nearly so well to answer briefly, based on my take. I did the search for them, and gave them the links to the better threads and posts on their topic. I also included how I got to those answers, hopefully they will be better able to help themselves is the future.

May I suggest you unbunch your panties a bit when it comes to the "Never Ending Pointless Recurring Threads" section. Just because it's in there, doesn't mean it's not valuable or worthwhile. Simply, we have used a bit of humor to *Usefully* categorize the topics that come up repeatedly. Why clutter the other sections with a bazillion tire threads? Now, if you want to find a tire thread, or octane thread, or 'How fast will an FJR go?' thread, you know exactly where to go.

This is my response in another thread where the writer asked a question and was warned to use the search funtion before he got flamed. I got a couple pm's and thought I'd spread my view about new members with old ?'s. My view is that's what we're here for. If it bugs you move on, don't bother to waste your time reading it and don't waste more time being negative and cynical.We all love our bikes and need various levels of help to get the farkle thing right. Our friends and family sure don't want to talk about bikes so that's what this forum is here for right?

Go ahead ask me which oil I use, I'll answer if it will make you feel better.

I've been to all sorts of bike forums and though this one is very helpful its also the worst with telling posters to try a search. Geesh if you think you're too smart to answer the same question twice then don't but don't tell the poster how to post and discourage others from answering his/her question.

This forum is also the worst at sending threads to the pompous "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads "

The fact that somebody wasted the time to create that thread speaks volumes to me.

+1 Well said. On the best forums, admins stay out of things unless things really run amok. Here the admins intercede way too much. What makes a forum good is the users not the admins.

What thread did somebody warn somebody else to use the search function? If you're going to talk about another thread you really should include a link. I can't remember seeing a thread where somebody got warned about searching.
It wasn't this one was it....because I don't see any warning going on there.

Meanwhile, might I suggest this great forum software company where you can download and make a forum and administer it exactly as you want.
Nice reply. It reinforces what Steve and I both said. We are not alone. Funny, in five or six years of participating in MC forums, I have never seen topics like this come up so frequently as on this one. Matter of fact I only remember one, a hostile takeover attempt on the TriumphNet by one lunatic. Are you guys into bikes or control?

I guess I sit somewhere in the middle on this issue. I do think posters should try and do some reading before posting but at the same time I do not feel they should hold back asking questions they might have. We all just need to step a little closer to the center.

My tires are great though I got them from this B.C. guy who carved em outa stone.

Oh no fencer, you ain't dragging me into this. I don't do tires, but I'll cut ya a nice plaque outa wood.

B.C. aka,


btw I have noticed some of the senior members do tend to be a little [SIZE=8pt]short[/SIZE] with or ignore the noobs when I know they have answers. Kinda reminds me of High School :unsure:

+1 Well said. On the best forums, admins stay out of things unless things really run amok. Here the admins intercede way too much. What makes a forum good is the users not the admins.

Nice reply. It reinforces what Steve and I both said. We are not alone. Funny, in five or six years of participating in MC forums, I have never seen topics like this come up so frequently as on this one. Matter of fact I only remember one, a hostile takeover attempt on the TriumphNet by one lunatic. Are you guys into bikes or control?
There then must be another FJRForum with more members and traffic I must have missed. Non-contributing admins? Poppycock. Admins here are in the trenches contributing with everybody else. In my 22+ years of online forums it's the ones with admins that contribute, nudge, guide, defend, and occasionally cajole that have been the best.

...and it's bikes BTW. Headed back to the garage to move my Starcom from the tank bag to under my seat.

In my 22+ years of online forums it's the ones with admins that contribute, nudge, guide, defend, and occasionally cajole that have been the best.
22+ years of forums????? That is is 1985 friend. There was no true WWW in 1985. That was the days of DARPANET. The IBM PC was only 4 years old. WAN's were the territory of mainframes and mini's. Very few LAN's even had WAN capabilities. What the hell kind of forums were you on then????

22+ years of forums????? That is is 1985 friend. There was no true WWW in 1985. That was the days of DARPANET. The IBM PC was only 4 years old. WAN's were the territory of mainframes and mini's. Very few LAN's even had WAN capabilities. What the hell kind of forums were you on then????
Yes, 22+ years.

I thought about just saying "a long time", but since you pointed out five or six years yourself...I thought it important to note that online forums have been in existence much longer. I dialed into my first BBS with an active discussion forum in 1984 or 1985 at 300 baud. Yes, forum software and bandwidth are MUCH better now, but the basic forum personalities have changed little over that time.. We just have better caricatures of ourselves now. ;)

Now back to the garage again to see if the glue dried..... Fitting a tool tray with a StarCom, V1 remote, barrier strip, and cables is proving a bit of a trick. Pictures to follow in another thread later.

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Matt is right, been doing BBS's as well since well before the interweb was invented by Al Gore.

The personalities and interactions in this medium haven't changed one iota, only the tools are much better.

I do think the admins here to a super job keeping the site running well and everything in check.

I also think we as a group can be hard on the newbies, but that's a whole other thread.

Maybe we can point out some of the more obvious threads and forums in the welcome email or something. Might also help if someone put together a 'Search for Dummies' section, with tips on getting the best out of the search here as it often sucks.

Other than that, it is what it is.

Shame on y'all. Bustin a noob. nOObin' a skooter. ....and he's probably yer age or older. Damn...that could be yer granpa..askin you a question bout sumptin. Shame on y'all. ......wher'es mah bottle.....................................

Maybe we can point out some of the more obvious threads and forums in the welcome email or something. Might also help if someone put together a 'Search for Dummies' section, with tips on getting the best out of the search here as it often sucks.
Actually, it's been in place for months already.....when we were having problems with SPAMmers I had to update it significantly. However, I updated it just now too because the new version of the board software supports hyperlinks. Here's what new users see currently:

Forum Terms & Rules
As a new user you MUST first visit the New Forum Members and introduce yourself to the board. Only after you post your first message here you will then be allowed to post to other parts of the board.

You also are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to review several special board areas we have constructed just for new users including New Owners Read This, Important Information for New Users, and Frequently Asked Questions of popular information for the various model years of FJRs. The members are most appreciated and helped are the ones that do a little work to see if a question has been asked before....especially the common ones by using the Search Feature or Alternate Method.

That you will review and understand the Forum Guidelines that are very colorful in style, but also very important principles to understand and follow on the board.

Have fun talking about the board's main purpose....which if of course......FJRs.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this board or administrators. Any user who feels that a posted message is contrary to the board guidelines is encouraged to contact and Administrator by PM.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, troll-like, or otherwise violative of any law.

You agree that you are at least 16 years of age. If you are not 16 years or older, you must stop registration now.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you, this bulletin board including service manuals.

Feel free to contact an administrator if you have any questions or concerns.
The only thing I would suggest would be to take the word 'Pointless' out of the title; then the header is perfect and also not derrogative in nature.

(Many times I find good information and enjoyment from those threads.) JMO
