Infringement on memories

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
So sad when you lose something. A wallet or your keys? :angry2:

In this case I can no longer ride to a spot that is near to my home and where I have been going for 35 years. I spent many nights with my kids here viewing meteor showers as they grew up. Hang out spot in my late teens and early 20's into my 30's and 40's and now to 55. Hauling telescopes and photo equipement to do all nighters. Even took the gang of local FJRers here when they were camping on Mt. Laguna.

On most days you can see the Salton Sea and into Arizona.

Feels like I lost some of my past which I always revered thinking about whenever I stopped here.

I rode up here about 6 months ago and it is now fenced and NO TRESPASSING - US GOV. The whole frigin top of the mountain. Seems like a huge wall, 12 feet high of barbed wire and mesh. Looks really expensive.

180 degree pics of this spot from May 2009. I just found these. Thought I would share my old most favorite local ride. It is hard giving up this liberty.


Great pictures, looks like a cool road.

Any reason given as to why it's closed?

Not unlike when Rufugio Canyon was closed when Reagan moved in. Sometimes these things happen

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. They put up a fence to keep me out, but they keep Mother Nature in...

That really sucks. :angry:

Yes, location is the most southwestern part of mainland USA. Gov likes fences here. A fence fetish you might say.

Gov. like building them and watching them and repairing them. Huge amount of people it takes watching and managing fences. Most likely built due to new technology going on this site which was/is an USAF station during WWW2 plus homeland security reasons, I imagine.

The back country here is being totally ruined either for security reasons or green technology (wind turbines) and the SUNRISE POWER LINK going through my little town's main street. Huge power towers running through pristine wilderness, looks awful to me. Another sad state of affairs.

Local power company is going to make huge profits at our visual expense not to mention safety concerns for fires.

the gubment wants us to stay out whilst they look for space aliens.

I think we have one on our forum.....



Nedd I say more... :D

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i'd guess that the trade off for NOT expanding energy production would be to accept rolling black outs throughout the state while other states flip them the bird for trying to beg/borrow/steal power production from states that know they can't sustain increasing demands with little more than wishful thinking and cotton candy clouds.

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Lets see how long before this gets shut down. :glare:

Anyway could you give some road locations so that we can google earth and spy on the gubment. As far as loosing liberty you ain't seen nothing yet. Buckle up its going to be a rough road ahead. The military industrial complex is coming to a town near you. I just hope they all remember the Constitution. To defend the PEOPLE from the enemy, foreign and DOMESTIC.

My two centabo's.

Iv'e been reading about ever increasing closure of gov't lands on the OHV sites.
You may want to rethink that, they don't belong to us anymore: FYI to all

OUR NATIONAL PARKS NOW BELONG TO UNITED NATIONSAcross this great land, our national parks, wildlands, forests, and lakes are being turned over to UN control. Joseph Urso, Jr., a friend of the ministry who hails from Knoxville, Tennessee, recently sent a photograph of the entrance sign of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Notice the telling phrase on the sign: "AN INTERNATIONAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE."

This means that, under the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, a precious resource_owned by American citizens for over 200 years_has been turned over to the UN's bureaucrats for control. Yes, you and I will continue to pay taxes for the maintenance and upkeep of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. But we no longer own it. Now, the UN has ultimate jurisdiction. This alone is startling evidence that the once independent nation-state known as the United States of America is going out with a whimper and not a bang. Our sovereignty is coming to an end.

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I knew something was up. I can smell it. +1 :trinibob:

I am keeping my eye out for trouble... :eek:neeyedsmiley02:

Careful. My post was apparently too subtle of a hint that we need to back away from the political and stear the thread back to motorcycles to avoid getting it locked.

Careful. My post was apparently too subtle of a hint that we need to back away from the political and stear the thread back to motorcycles to avoid getting it locked.
+1, Gunny! So Mark, did you "do the wild thing" with all your hot girlfriends up there on the mountaintop and do you have any pictures? You and I like women, Bluesy posts up pics of Bust: WTF!

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When I lived in Atascadero, the house butted up to the Salinas river. I could jump on the dirt bike, travel the river bank to a narrow point, cross the river and go riding for miles. Then some asshat neighbor put a fence across to prevent bikes, walkers, doggies, horse riders, etc from accessing the river. I was so hurt and pissed that I actually moved to the Hondarosa.

If you are ever in central kali, be sure to ride this road - it's still open and much like what you used to have. <clicky>

and clickymetoo
