Is a new 06 worth $4k more than an 05 with low milage

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Aug 11, 2007
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My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.

He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?

My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.
He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?
It depends if you are in California or not. If you are NOT in California $13,400 is way to high. D&H in Alambama was selling the 06's A's (not AE) for $11,800, and that was before the 07's were out. California dealerships don't seem very willing to deal since there is a CA model only and you can't buy a 49 state model and bring it in to CA. Pisser.

There are some differnces between the 05 and 06 to consider plus the AE vs not AE? But anyway I just bought an 07 for $12,800 out the door (not AE) or 11,999 plus tax but I would have bought the right used 06 for $2,000 less if it had the right accessories on it, miles condition etc. heck I really like the 06 blue too. One thing for sure, you buy a good bike you won't be unhappy.

I have decided I like the Gen I Bikes better. Perhaps because I own an '05 and don't want to spend more money. But one guy I know just bought a used '05 when he could have bought an '07. He likes em better. He's a Maintenance Manager at a Yamaha dealership. He likes Gen I better too...

Things that make you go hmmm

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.
You won't save anything, as it will be consumed by farkles. Wanna save some money, RUN AWAY!!! Save Yourself!!! It's already too late for the rest of us!!!

Insomnia blows....

I recommend this one.

Having had an '03 and now an '06A I can state that the bike was SIGNIFICANTLY improved in the '06 model year. The ride and handling are noticeably better, but the biggest difference is the LACK of engine heat that cooks you on earlier bikes. I got rid of my '03 for that reason. My '06 I've ridden in 90F with humidity to match and no heat related problems from the bike. My '03 was warm in the 70s, HOT in 80s and I just didn't bother to start it at 90+.


The first question to ask is why you would buy a bike fom THIS dealer, as opposed to any other one?

Shop around and you'll find what you want at the price you want to pay. Buying a used bike privately will save you taxes (at least up where I live) and buying this late in the season (again, depending on where you live) should garner you discounts - that '06 is a year old - doesn't matter that it is new - it is an '06 and eventually, when it comes time to sell (perhaps in a couple of weeks if you decide you don't like the AE mechanism), it WILL be last years' model.

Then you need to consider that the $4K covers the extra cost of the AE model altogether in addition to the newer model year

Sencond-the-Last your new bike has new tires, new brakes, a new warranty and qualifies for YES, which, in the US you can buy for less than $400) - your '05 has nothing backing it.

And on the other side, the '05 may be farkled up (check) which adds some value and is less expensive (though NOT 4K less).

Then there are the technical differences between the first and second generation bikes - heat management, longer swingarm, better rider protection, linked brakes, lower RPMs at speed, gear indicator and so on.

I'd personally keep looking, for a new A model sitting in a showroom or a lightly used second gen machine with a balance of warranty for less $$, but that's just me.

Ya makes yer choice and ya pays yer money, then ya lives with the decision.

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I rejected the FJR for the entire run of the GenI, then bought an '06 after finding out the issues with the earlier models which caused owner unhappiness had been rectified. Why buy something that will cause you grief? IMO, the GenI bikes are worth zero. Others of course will disagree.

WTF? Gen 1 bikes worth 0? Without the Gen 1 bikes there would be no Gen 2 bikes. You'll always find people that will bitch no matter how great a bike is. As for the heat issue, I just don't get it. Yeah, it's warm, but definately not hot enough to stop me from riding. People bitch about surging on 07's, too stiff throttle's on 06's. Any year FJR is a great bike. Just adjust it enough to suit you.

I had my eye on an FJR for years, but didn't know anything about the heat and ticker issues of the Gen 1 bikes before buying my '06. I bought it used (had less than 400 miles on it), and I am really glad I didn't get the Gen 1. It isn't that it's not a great bike, but there have been multiple people who have posted on this forum that have owned both that have said that the Gen 2 bikes (06 and newer) have better heat management than the Gen 1 bikes, even after all of the "fixes" that people have tried.

That in and of itself makes it worth it to me. I can't stand heat from a bike.

Now, having said all that, I have seen several posts here of '06A bikes for sale for less than $10k. So that '05 price seems high. In addition, that dealer is trying to take you from behind with his price on the '06. There are many dealers that will sell for much less than that, and many that will sell an '07 for that price.

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I bought a brand new 06AE for 12,600 OTD in late January. I would never swap it for one without the YCCS, but i like gadgets. My local dealer offered retail and only a hint of a small price discount. I had searched ebay for a couple of months and eventually found a dealer in MN who was willing to box and ship a brand new one for 12,800. I got him to put it down on paper. I strolled over to my local dealer, with paper in pocket, and sat on one. Andy the salesguy strolled over with a big smile, as usual, and I told him my intent to buy the same bike from guys in MN. I showed him my paper and offered him the same deal, otherwise that bike in the midwest would be mine. 5 minutes later he matched the price.

I bought a used '05 FJR w/ABS with 2,300 miles on her and am VERY pleased with it. I prefer the 06 color (Galaxy Blue) over the '06+ year models. To me, there is just not enough differences between the to Gens to warrant buying a Gen II bike. I personally would save the $4k and use it to farkle the used bike.

Somthing to consider; If nothing else, the resale value of the ABS is worth paying the addtional $500.

IMO, the GenI bikes are worth zero.

The 123,000 miles I have put on my 04 FJRs were absolutely the biggest waste of time. Good grief, what was I thinking?

And I must be 'well done' without even realizing it, as most of those miles have been put on in the desert southwest. 'Course there are those that would say the bazillion brain cells I surely must have fried by now makes a certain amount of sense and explains a few things.

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Another couple things to consider. If the heat doesn't bother you than the 05 could be a good option. Also I imagine the 05 is out of warranty which means you cannot purchase the extended warranty. This could be big or it could be nothing. The last thing is the insurance companies changed their rating on the 06's as more of a touring sport bike rather than a sport touring bike and the rates are significantly lower. I don't know if that effected all the fjrs or just gen II. One last thing is you could get a fjr1300A for a couple thousand cheaper than the ae and that might make the numbers a whole lot closer. good luck Everett

My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.
He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?
I wouldn't buy the AE myself. You're better off with the 2005A if you can stand the heat or mod it with the heat shield.
