It's getting warmer!!!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Minnetonka, MN
It’s nice to have a solid four seasons but when you own an FJR the winters get long, there talking forty’s next week though.

You walk past your ride setting there all covered on the stand looking dejected, it’s like kicking your dog by accident you tell him you didn’t mean it but you still get the look...

I just had to tell some people that should understand that it’s getting close but not yet!!

Plan ahead. Next fall, ride it out to my place, then it can stay here and you can fly out on weekends to ride. I'll even keep the battery juiced up and the gears oiled if you miss a weekend. Hey, I'm a giver. ;)

I often times forget how good I have it. Shucks, I must ride at least 3 or 5 good times a week. 150 to 200 miles.

Rode up to Punta Gorda, Florida from Naples last night cause eye had a taste for some Popeye's Chicken wit some red beans and rice. Only bad thing about the ride was having to put my bluejean jacket on when we came back which was about 11 P.M.

Gonna ride down to Miami tomorrow and check-out some Cuban chicks. I just love it when they look at you with them big blue eyes and start talking to you in english and then forgetting and start popping in and out from english to spanish.

Want me to send you some GOOD hand rolled cigars.

Hey, I'm in SoCal, the only problem I have is which road to pick first. Thats the price we pay for putting up with the high cost of living and bad traffic. :D

Ya.. well am going home and chip ice off my driveway, that’s why were so healthy up here, the cold freezes all the nasty bugs out and we have to work all the time to stay warm.

Did you know wood heats you four times? when you cut it, pick it up, stack it, carry it in the house and through it in the fire box.

Ratman, I feel your pain. It's even worse when "The Lady" (aka Mom Nature) teases you with 50+ during the week (when you have to work!) and then smacks you in face on the weekends with snow or gale force winds. :angry: God I miss Scottsdale, AZ in the winter...Just outside of DC here. Where's your homestead?

Ratman, I feel your pain. It's even worse when "The Lady" (aka Mom Nature) teases you with 50+ during the week (when you have to work!) and then smacks you in face on the weekends with snow or gale force winds. :angry: God I miss Scottsdale, AZ in the winter...Just outside of DC here. Where's your homestead?

But come summer in the midwest, we're livin' good, and all you southern boys are on FIRE!!!! Your summers are like our winters, its sucks to ride and fry.....

ZZZzz- in MN. :diablo:

Resist going out too soon, as even though the roads may be free of ice and snow, they remain covered with fine sand and salt dust which has just as much potential to destroy you and your bike. Sliding your front on sand is just like bieng on ice. :eek: I learned the hard way to wait untill May, ie after the April showers have helped wash away the road grit, after crashing due to braking on fine sand I couldn't see, because I couldn't wait to hear the pipes I put on as a winter project. Taking 1-2 hours to clean off all the salt dust afterwards, and it gets everywhere, :angry: isn't much fun either.

!!!!! Warmer !!!!!!!!

We have a High of 18F today.

Sunday Night Low predicted at 0F or lower

Figuring another 6 weeks at least before I get out.

