Oil change; should I, or should've I?

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Jun 6, 2022
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Did an oil change on my '09. Weather got nice again, and put on another 1600 miles before putting it away for the season.
Would you change the oil again, or wait for next year, and more miles?
Did an oil change on my '09. Weather got nice again, and put on another 1600 miles before putting it away for the season.
Would you change the oil again, or wait for next year, and more miles?
No problem. If I am close to needing a change, I'll do it before I put it away. Otherwise, I run it the following spring.
As long as your last ride got the oil temperature to operating temperature, and burned out all the moisture, you will be good to go so save your next oil change till when you reach your next mileage interval.
^^^ +1
Moisture in the oil (and mufflers/exhaust) is far more harmful than moderately used (but dry) oil in the engine. For this reason, you should never start the bike once it is put away for the season. Moisture (a combustion byproduct) will condense in the oil and exhaust unless everything is brought up to full operating temperature for more than just a few minutes. Occasionally, when the winter weather gods give me an opportunity, the bike may get out for a rare skoot in late December or early January but I make sure it is a decent run. Doesn't happen often because even if temperatures rise to significantly above freezing, the roads are still salt covered unless there have been a couple of days of good rain.