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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2005
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Heath, TX
I rode up the tail of the Dragon from Robbinsville to Rockwall TX on Friday, Mileage about 800. Actually got blisters from AE throttle!

Anyway sad to report that I had just heard my friend D's daughter's husband was badly injured riding his Yamaha cruiser.

Think what happened - he was running down the right lane past cars lined up to go straight or turn left in the left lane. The lane he was in was clear and as he was approaching the intersection an 80 year old lady with a wheel chair attached to the back of her caddy turned left in front of him. He hit the rear passenger door and moved that big car so the collision was energy intensive.

He was thrown from the bike and hit the concrete hard. No helmet no gear. The docs say that the trauma was such that nothing could have saved him.

The sad part now is that he is alive but brain dead. It is a tough decision to pull the plug. He leaves a beautiful young wife and 2 great kids.

Ride safe my dear friends.

sorry to hear, and will keep the family in my thoughts/prayers.

How'd you compare the Dragon to the Snake (421 Bristol to Mt. City)?

I only had 600 miles to get back to AL, didn't have the blister problem, but perhaps the throttle spring mod may help (I've held off on removing one, as I'm not sure how/if it will affect the YCCS 'puter or shifting). I do have good gloves (Racer brand) that may have helped me.

sorry to hear, and will keep the family in my thoughts/prayers.
How'd you compare the Dragon to the Snake (421 Bristol to Mt. City)?

I only had 600 miles to get back to AL, didn't have the blister problem, but perhaps the throttle spring mod may help (I've held off on removing one, as I'm not sure how/if it will affect the YCCS 'puter or shifting). I do have good gloves (Racer brand) that may have helped me.
Thanks Rick. The dragon has more turns I think. I rode it alone with no traffic early in the morning. The road surface is good and it was a fun ride. Both are great roads and worth doing.

How many lives is it going to take before legislation is enacted to protect motorcyclists?

I think that the reputation of "bikers" is the sole reason no politicians consider making new rules seriously.

Best of luck to your friend and family.


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That's really tragic news.

For the sake of all of our SOs, we should all take the time and pen and paper to make sure our SOs know exactly what to do in the case of severe injury. My wife knows exactly what to do, and I'm confident she'll be a plug puller if she ever needs to be.

How many lives is it going to take before legislation is enacted to protect motorcyclists?
I think that the reputation of "bikers" is the sole reason no politicians consider making new rules seriously.

In this case maybe a helmet wouldn't have made a difference. It's the doctors opinion. No one knows for sure, but the thing that won't ever change is that no matter what our law makers legislate motorcyclists do to protect themselves there will always be a huge group of riders that will look for ways around the "Man" telling them what to do. Most riders want to make their own decision regarding safety gear.

New laws need to be enacted and enforced that impose big penalties on persons found at fault when a motorcyclist dies or is severely injured in an accident involving another vehicle.

Most often when a motorcyclist looses his life when struck by another vehicle and they are found to be at fault they are usually just issued a moving traffic violation carrying a small fine rather than secondary manslaughter charges. This is wrong!

The motorcycle community needs to make a stand to hold legislators responsible to make these changes. All drivers must be held accountable rather than just telling the officer, "I didn't see him!" This type of driver negligence would stop or drastically decrease if more were charged and held after such an accident occurs.

Any body out there in our government hear me on this?

It's time we bikers get a much bigger voice. Laws were changed to prevent accidental deaths of law enforcement officials working or highways and they have helped, so it is possible to have the motoring public made more aware of our presence too.

We could all start by writing a letter to our congressmen and senators, and be persistent in our demands for change. All our lives are at stake.


Sorry to hear about that TrippleT...

Toughts and prayers are with the family.


They are starting to listen. here is Clutch's law which passed after Clutch a motorcyclist was injured.

CLUTCH'S LAW (FAILURE TO YIELD) - This act imposes an additional penalty and driver's license suspension on any person failing to yield the right-of-way when the violation results in physical injury, serious physical injury, or death to a person (Section 304.351). This act is commonly known as "Clutch's Law". This section has an effective date of January 1, 2007. This portion of the act is similar to HB 1080 (2004).

How many lives is it going to take before legislation is enacted to protect motorcyclists?

I think that the reputation of "bikers" is the sole reason no politicians consider making new rules seriously.

In this case maybe a helmet wouldn't have made a difference. It's the doctors opinion. No one knows for sure, but the thing that won't ever change is that no matter what our law makers legislate motorcyclists do to protect themselves there will always be a huge group of riders that will look for ways around the "Man" telling them what to do. Most riders want to make their own decision regarding safety gear.

New laws need to be enacted and enforced that impose big penalties on persons found at fault when a motorcyclist dies or is severely injured in an accident involving another vehicle.

Most often when a motorcyclist looses his life when struck by another vehicle and they are found to be at fault they are usually just issued a moving traffic violation carrying a small fine rather than secondary manslaughter charges. This is wrong!

The motorcycle community needs to make a stand to hold legislators responsible to make these changes. All drivers must be held accountable rather than just telling the officer, "I didn't see him!" This type of driver negligence would stop or drastically decrease if more were charged and held after such an accident occurs.

Any body out there in our government hear me on this?

It's time we bikers get a much bigger voice. Laws were changed to prevent accidental deaths of law enforcement officials working or highways and they have helped, so it is possible to have the motoring public made more aware of our presence too.

We could all start by writing a letter to our congressmen and senators, and be persistent in our demands for change. All our lives are at stake.

Triple-t-go : That is why I belong to tne AMA motorcycle association. I know some like some do not

But at least they are trying to get laws passed to help all motorcyclist whether it be the road, dirt or what ever kind of riding one does.

I had to belong to race dirt bikes and they offer some incentives for the rider. they also put out a magazine

with some good articles and places to ride. I believe the cost is $39.00 per year or $ 500.00 for life time membership.

Sorry to hear about the rider mentioned hope every thing works out for them

weekend rider

May God bless him, his family and most especially those kids. My prayers are with him and his family.

On a different note, may the 80 year old lady be tormented for all time for her carelessness.

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May God bless him, his family and most especially those kids. My prayers are with him and his family.
On a different note, may the 80 year old lady be tormented for all time for her carelessness.

This morning in Dallas, a Mercedes hit two sport bikes. Killed one rider, injured one rider and one passenger.

Be careful and wary here in Texas.

Prayers for the lost. Judgement for the murderers!



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