The Journey begins July 11th

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I'm a technology project manager for a large financial institution. I negotiated the vacation in my yearly employee review :D .

Also, I can work from anywhere if they really need me too, but they will compensate if I have to do that.

I will begin my vacation at 5pm on July 11th and do not intend to return to the cube until 9 am August 11th.
So if you don't mind my asking... what do you do that allows a whole month off? They'd kill me if someone wasn't around to herd the servers, and nobody else is stupid enough to take over the job.

(but I AM heading up to TN in a couple of weeks for the Honda Hoot, by gum)
OOOOH... A "project mangler" ;) Anytime could live without those for 30days... okok, off the sarcasm :)

Enjoy the ride!

You go, girl!!!

One assumes you now be moving to the Ride Report section!?!? :unsure:

We'll be waiting to share your journey. :yahoo:

Hey everyone. Just checking in to let you know everything is going great.

I spent the day at Ft. Bragg today. Man that was SURREAL. I was stationed here in '89 to 95 with a Korea stint in 92. It's sooooo strange to see places after 13 years. I think about those days sometimes, but being here brings reality crashing down on how much I have changed since being a soldier.

It's sooooo strange to see places after 13 years. I think about those days sometimes, but being here brings reality crashing down on how much I have changed since being a soldier.
Aha!! Now you know why we can't "go home". Good for you for retracing sites that live in your memories.

Just reading about your trip, for the first time. You go girl! What an adventure. A whole month of just meandering around on your bike, doing whatever you want to do. Sounds like heaven. Keep us posted.


Saw you on here posting. Just wanted to say hi! Hope your enjoying your trip so far, I am seriously jealous!

If you make it up towards Louisville, KY shoot me a PM. We've got an extra bed/bathroom that hardley gets used!

good morning from reno nv after the turn around. I'm having issues with my data service on my phone so wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and doing fine. california was simply amazing. heading for golden where new tires await.
