Trashed Instument Bezel

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Dec 30, 2007
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:angry2: Working on a Spring clean up with the 03 FJR and while cleaning up under the steering head I accidentially get some carb cleaner overspray up on the bezel and didnt notice it untill it was too late :unsure: It has acid stains all over the black cover from the cleaner and wont come off. . . its a goner. . . Can someone point me in the direction of dealership that may have one of these in stock. Seems everyone has them on backorder for who knows how long. Here is the part


Thanks for any help in advance,


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You could simply remove your damaged one, sand it smooth and repaint it with a spray can of "trim Black". It will be just as good as new and cost you under 10 bucks to refinish it yourself. Trim Black paint is available at most auto parts stores.

You could simply remove your damaged one, sand it smooth and repaint it with a spray can of "trim Black". It will be just as good as new and cost you under 10 bucks to refinish it yourself. Trim Black paint is available at most auto parts stores.
Or send it to Garauld for powder coating? It is metal, right? Not that you'll be riding anytime soon in Alaska. :rolleyes:

You could simply remove your damaged one, sand it smooth and repaint it with a spray can of "trim Black". It will be just as good as new and cost you under 10 bucks to refinish it yourself. Trim Black paint is available at most auto parts stores.
Or send it to Garauld for powder coating? It is metal, right? Not that you'll be riding anytime soon in Alaska. :rolleyes:


Its not metal. . . .its plastic. I'd rather just buy one if I could find one.


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I had something similar happen with my 04 Nissan Maxima Interior. The shift mechanism was squeaking so I sprayed "Jig-A-Loo" lubricant into the shifter. Some sprayed onto the plastic in the area. By the time I got a paper towel to wipe the excess off, it was clear that the stuff ate the finish (painted plastic) off anything it touched! :angry:

Then I read the instructions. <_<

I believe there is a revised part number for this bezel which may be why you can't find one in stock. I think what you want is CASE, METER UPPER P/N 5JW-8353E-01-00

Ron Ayers has this part for ~$75.


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ouch $75.00 Guess thats cheaper than a windshield. Oh yeah, I trashed mine with that stuff. Damned overspray.


What the heck are you guys doing with that stuff? Hosing your bikes down with it?

Oh, and in case you guys never noticed, these FJRs? They ain't got no carbs. :rolleyes:

Fred, What I choose to huff in the privacy of my own garage is my business :p Just gotta remember to use paper bag next time. Damn stuff eats plastic bags and drips all over windshield :huh:


I believe there is a revised part number for this bezel which may be why you can't find one in stock. I think what you want is CASE, METER UPPER P/N 5JW-8353E-01-00
Ron Ayers has this part for ~$75.

:yahoo: Thanks for the tip. . . . I will definately followup on that one and let you know. I guess a word to the wise with cleaning products is keep the carb cleaner away from plastics or painted finishes.

Most of the time WD40 works just as well and doesnt harm finishes if wiped up quickly. I just love the smell of carb cleaner in the morning, reminds me of napalm. :dribble:



I had a similiar white ruined looking part that happen to my windscreen after I used the wrong stuff(goo gone) to remove that NASTY STICKY YAMAHA STICKER that comes with the new bike on the windscreen. Nothing would make it go away............ UNTIIL.... I DISCOVERED THAT GOOD OLD FASHION WHITE CHROME POLISH ON THE TIP OF A RAG WITH SOME ELBOW GREASE AND POLISHING SMOOTHED OUT THE WHITENESS AND GOT IT LOOKING ABOUT 90% GOOD AS NEW(clear again no more white)... I can't even notice the flawed area anymore unless I really look hard for it. If I would spend a little more time, I think it could even look better than it does!!

Just my experience with the same problem.

