Tx Fog

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
South Texas
Well a few of us FJR owners in Texas got together at the latest CMRA race

https://www.cmraracing.com/index.htm in College Station, Tx over the weekend

of July 30, 31st. Some of the guys were lucky enough to arrive Friday night

and see the Saturday races. I wasn't so lucky and had to work til 10 a.m.

Sat. and started the 390 mile trek up there. The FJR was prepped and ready.

I headed north from McAllen on 281 and didn't stop for 157 miles when I

arrived in George West to wait for David (FJR Bandit on the boards) to come

up from Freer. Oh the FJR only took 3 gallons. 52 mpg, best I've ever

gotten. After David arrived on his blue 05 we rode hwy 59 to Goliad (Goliad

has a rich and storied history in Texas almost as famous as the Alamo). Dave

and I took various backroads to Brenham. Brenham of Blue Bell Ice Cream

fame, alas the plant is closed on weekends, probably just as well for us. We

arrived in College Station at about 5:30. Gary (LGFT) had arranged to lead

us to supper at around 8. Around 7:30 ish Dan, Scott and Tim from the

Houston area, Gary, Dave and myself headed to the C & J BBQ joint. Gary

assured us it was good Q and it was. I shouldn't have had so much but I was

starving and the sweet tea went down well too. Yeah, this is Texas and we

put sugar in our tea. The next morning Gary took us on a short but fun ride

to a breakfast place and we were joined by a couple of his friends on

cruisers. Another FJR rider from (I think Houston) met us at the restaurant.

Afterwards Gary led a group to do so more riding while Scott, David, and

myself went to the track. This was my first motorcycle race to go to and it

was awesome. We parked in the infield and walked around the pits. Sat close

to the horseshoe to see some great passing moves. Danny Eslick from the AMA

Superbikes was there racing. I got to ride a spectator lap on the track. The

joke is that two girls on a Vino went by me. They kept the speed down by

having a slooooow pickup set the pace. But it was cool to see parts of the

track invisible from the stands. A couple of more FJR's showed up on Sunday

(Outrace and a fellow from San Antonio). I was lucky enough to pick up a

diecast replica of Rossi's M1 Yamaha. At 1:15 Dave, Scott and I set off for

home. Scott peeled off south of La Grange and Dave and I parted ways in

George West. Got home at 7:45 after a 860 mile weekend. Rewound my tape and

watched a great German Gran Prix won by someone on a blue bike.

Some pics can be seen here

Note that I was the only 04 there til Sunday.

Supper Pics




Breakfast pics






At the Track









David is a great guy to travel with, his riding style suits mine and we both

like DQ Blizzards. Gary was a great local guide and brought his pickup to

the track loaded with liquid refreshments. I also met some great folks

riding great bikes.

Dewayne (StexFJR)

McAllen, Tx
