Venting About Winter!

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Just spent 40 minutes "spring-blowing" my driveway.

At this rate, the roads may still be snow-covered by the time I need to leave for Owosso!! Maybe time for a darkside studded snow tire...


Spring, my ass...........$%*&@!*#&^!%# winter.....
What are you complaining about? I can see fire hydrants. mail boxes, and street signs. They are all burried under snow here, the kick in the balls is, they are predicting flooding because of such a late start of the spring thaw.


Spring, my ass...........$%*&@!*#&^!%# winter.....
What are you complaining about? I can see fire hydrants. mail boxes, and street signs. They are all burried under snow here, the kick in the balls is, they are predicting flooding because of such a late start of the spring thaw.
Personally; I like this scene if I'm still in snowmobile mode, which I'm not anymore. Seen enough of this crap for one winter. Time for sun, heat and Margarita's!

I have a couple inches of Spring on my lawn this morning.
Spring just keeps on giving. All of 6" up here in the sticks this morning...left the skateboard in the garage and took the 4X4 to work.

The way you wet siders go on. Sunny and mid 50's here today. Oh, btw, thanks for keeping it on that side of the mountains.

Sorry guys, I didn't even need my quilted liners in my mesh suit today.
(and I mean that in the nicest way possible...)
you should know that karma bit me in the ass. When I went in to work, it was 70F outside. When I went to leave work to go home I about crapped my pants when I checked the weather and saw it was 45F outside! Thank goodness for cargo space on the FJR because I at least had the quilted liners to put into the mesh gear. Then this morning there's a pile of ice outside my door in the form of hail.

Yea, that karma, she's a bitch!

Today in Pittsburgh was sunny and "warm" in the mid-40s. The big storm currently crossing Kansas is due here Sunday afternoon into Monday and will bring 4-12 inches depending on your "luck".

An Ohio legislator has done the right thing and indicted Paunxatauny Phil for fraud. Thanks to our neighbors in Ohio!

This week's forecast (for what its worth) is to make it all the way to the low-to-mid forties. Partly sunny too! I may eventually get back on the road. It hasn't been this late in the past half-dozen years or more!

Note: In this part of the world, a groundhog's forecast of six more weeks of winter is a GOOD thing. I still have a couple of feet of snow in parts of the yard and still tons of sand and salt on the roads although there's no snow or ice in most places. Since GH Day, almost eight weeks and counting...

Bad Karma continues. 32F this morning. I was leaning toward riding and then my wife said "You are taking the car, right? It's freaking cold out there" which in my lack of sleep induced haze was enough to push me over the edge. Took the MINI to work instead. Oh well, I have a bunch of stuff sitting in my office that needed the car for me to bring home anyway.

Heavy snow in Pittsburgh today with the storm moving east. It will be gone in a day or two, but still unseasonable for here in late March.

Heavy snow in Pittsburgh today with the storm moving east. It will be gone in a day or two, but still unseasonable for here in late March.
Yeah we got slammed pretty hard here last night, and its still coming down like there's no tomorrow...should be all gone by Thursaday.

We don't get much snow here in Boise, but winter has been hanging on.

We are finally starting to see signs of Spring.

BTW the FJR ran just fine yesterday.

I shouldn't have posted the forecast for this past weekend. After spending the weekend in shorts (or out riding my quad in the desert), I have to fly to NYC tomorrow for work, and I see snow in the forecast today!

More like a week or two. We're lucky if spring and fall last more than a week. At least it's a dry heat...

I've been holding off riding this past weekend in Connecticut because they put a ton of that road brine down. We got no rain, and there's none anticipated for at least a week. Which really sucks as this next weekend is supposed to be nice.

Am I being overly paranoid about the road crap and corrosion? Or will it still get onto/into the bike a week after it's put down unless it's washed away?
