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Well-known member
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hastings, MN
2008, 14k miles, zero scratches, and I'm in love. :love:

I expect that I'll be an active participant here.

First thing I noticed on the ride home......NEEDS MIRRORS. Can't see anything.


Welcome to the asylum. Either mirror extenders or Yammy F1 mirrors. I found F1's on sleaze-bay for like $30 delivered. They're not perfect, but I can see beyond my shoulders.


Welcome to the asylum. Either mirror extenders or Yammy F1 mirrors. I found F1's on sleaze-bay for like $30 delivered. They're not perfect, but I can see beyond my shoulders.

If you're gonna buy FZ1 mirrors, spend the extra and buy the OEM 2005 mirrors. 90% or better of those that have bought the cheap knockoff versions have hated them and ended up buying OEMs anyway.

Nice bike BTW...

Yeah, the knock=offs start sagging 3 or 4 minutes after being installed, and I'm told they don't fold like the genuine item.



OK, I give up. What the heck are those big chrome things - police sirens, fans?

thank you! the other gentleman was correct, they are speakers (and they work quite well).


OK, I give up. What the heck are those big chrome things - police sirens, fans?

Speakers? :huh:

And to BLS, may I suggest in addition to FZ1 mirrors or mirror extenders also consider installing frame sliders?

Happy trails!
Thanks. Sliders are one of the things I plan on putting on. My wish list is already too big for my wallet. :lol:

Welcome to the asylum. Either mirror extenders or Yammy F1 mirrors. I found F1's on sleaze-bay for like $30 delivered. They're not perfect, but I can see beyond my shoulders.

If you're gonna buy FZ1 mirrors, spend the extra and buy the OEM 2005 mirrors. 90% or better of those that have bought the cheap knockoff versions have hated them and ended up buying OEMs anyway.

Nice bike BTW...
Thanks for the heads up!

thank you. I really like it. rode it to work today and have the feeling it's going to be an everyday affair.
