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I'm in but my wife has other plans... something about her daughter supposed to give birth 7/21/10. Priorities ...
That's YOUR story.

More likely you let her read some of our posts and there's no way she's coming to this event.
Maybe if you promise that Bust-a-nut won't be there with his shaving kit. :rolleyes:
Ok, ok. I mentioned an open marriage... goats came up. :rolleyes:

I'm going stag. And that's all I'll say about that.

But I will be escorting beemerdons and son Seth to Eureka.

I give up, Eureka!

I can't not go.

Spend 4 Days riding that area last May, I just couldn't resist. sighed up.

BTW you can pass my drink ticket along to Fairlaner since I don't

but I enjoy watching people fall down,(just not on bikes) :devil:

BTW you can pass my drink ticket along to Fairlaner since I don'tbut I enjoy watching people fall down,(just not on bikes) :devil:
I don't think there will be enough drink tickets for that.....


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At the risk of getting piled on, what do we get for $140 besides a shirt? Maybe, two buffet dinners. Just like to know.

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At the risk of getting piled on, what do we get for $140 besides a shirt? Maybe, two buffet dinners. Just like to know.
It will be the same as previous WFO events like WFO-8.....updated obviously for the venue and menu. Hopefully, Warchild will become available to update the website.

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47 attendees at this point!
I sent my payment in
Make it 49: I'm in! :yahoo:

And how appropriate to land that number for someone from the Bay Area, stepping-off point for the Gold Rush--"Eureka! There's gold in them thar hills!" Golden destinations, golden machines, golden friends. It's gonna be, as we like to say around these parts, "compeeeeetely golden."


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Glad to see you will be joining us there after all! :)

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