Bad news for me

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You know, if you had killed her the first time you wanted to, you'd be out of prison by now.

Just a thought. :glare:

Seriously, sorry to hear about the divorce. It's never easy. BTDT, twice. Hang in there though, it will get better and better from here. One day, all will be restored. Plus extras.

I'm on my 3rd wife (12 yrs) & first kid (Boy 5). Not much is more devastating than losing a loved one & them taking you to the cleaners. As others have said, It will make you a bit more picky the next time you fall (good word) for someone & possibly show you how much better life can be ....Good Luck

I'm sorry you're going through this Tru. You can toss me in with others above who said we've been there, done that. It sucked then. Life's good now. Hang in there.

I once had to sell my bike to pay off my share of a lease after a breakup with a girlfriend. I ended up being out of riding for several years. My current wife is a bit afraid of motorcycles and isn't even interested in riding pillion. But is was she, watching me look wistfully at every bike we passed on the road, who said after I had landed a little side consulting contract, "Why don't you take that money and get back into motorcycling?" And she backs me up when I hit the road for a week or two every year.

The right one is out there. :)

Oh, and by the way -- when you find someone new, I'd be more than happy to teach you that wistful look. I've got it down pat. :D

Tru, I'm sincerely sorry to hear about the tough times. I'm sure it must be hard to go through but hang in there and you'll come out just fine.

I'm hopeful you will be back on a new 08 next year :yahoo:


PS This makes me more thankful of how blessed I am in this regard.

Dammit TruWrecks, that really sucks!

Sure hope to hear that things get better for you. Your efforts here are most of the reason that I bought an 07 despite the surging issue. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Hang tough buddy, we're in your corner.

On my 1st wife here so I won't pretend to know what you're going through, BUT that being said, when the #hit hits the fan, sometimes there's a higher reason for it. It may help to think of your current situation like this, "With change, comes opportunity."

Your FJR may still be part of your life, and if not, a FY09 model may be! In any case, hang in there! Sometimes ya gotta punt.


You've spread one hell of a lot of good karma around here. I know it feels lousy now but I'm sure you're going to come out better than ever.

Best of luck to you,


Well that sucks, Adn I know what I am talking about. I have been through "5" Divorces.. Got tired of buying houses as I lost mine each time. Here is the good part. You can now immerse yourself in the arms of strange women... Get a bike and get a hot pillion

Naw, Seriously dude, it sucks but will pass.... New bike will now mean no one to tell you when you cannot ride..! eeee eeeeee am i right??

Relax,,,,, It gets better

Truwrecks, I betcha didn't know this is the "Grumpy Old Ex-Husbands Club"? That also means you have a lot of friends who have experienced the same semi-tragedy and have survived (mostly intact). We're pulling for your complete recovery and waiting for the news of your return.

I like what someone posted about buying a "used" bike and still riding with the group. If you can do so, 2-wheel adventures would be great therapy.

BTDT! Getting back into motorcycling was my reward.

Cost me six figures, and would be a bargain at twice the price, considering where I am now....

Go in peace. Let your attorney do the hating. Stress kills.

"Justice" system is a misnomer. It's a "Legal" system, and justice has little to do with it. Don't expect much, and you won't be disappointed.

I am sorry to hear about the divorce ,I hope there are not young children involved for they suffer so much .

You are lucky if it is only 50% downuder I got told to expect to pay 60-70% and on going maintance of about 30% plus of my income for the children.My legal fees would be about $75,000 if I was lucky

Can you rent a bike around where you live so you can get out and enjoy yourself ,cause you will need to have some fun .

Thanks for the support everyone. She filed over two months ago. I've suggested counseling, but she's not interested. She married me to get out of a bad situation, now she can support herself. She has two boys. I'm the bummed the most over losing them. I've raised them for the past eight years. I already know she's not going to let me spend any time with the boys. She has to share custody with their father, and that doesn't leave any time for me. I will have to wait until they turn eighteen so they can make their own decision to contact me.

TWN: I only get to keep the dogs because she doesn't want to pay for the food and extra rent for her apartment contract. At least the dogs will be there to keep me company.

P.S. I found a demo bike that the dealer is willing to hold for me until the final divorce papers are filed. That will be in about two weeks if the wife doesn't challenge my lawyers proposal. It won't be an FJR, but it will have two wheels. I'll pursue another FJR as soon as the house sells.

Cost me six figures, and would be a bargain at twice the price, considering where I am now....
BTDT....I may never fully recover. Why does a divorce cost so much? Because its worth it!

I did 6 years of counseling to no avail. That's why I wear one of my favorite T-shirts from Big Dog:
"Its better to have loved and lost

than to be married to a


for the rest of your life"

Congratulations on the dealer holding a bike for you. I reiterate, hook up with the PNW guys and keep riding. You met the nicest people on an FJR! Maintain contact with us, we're all pulling for you.

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TWN: I only get to keep the dogs because she doesn't want to pay for the food and extra rent for her apartment contract. At least the dogs will be there to keep me company.
The only reason I bring this up is because 'my' dog was taken by my ex outta spite. Bitch.

TWN: I only get to keep the dogs because she doesn't want to pay for the food and extra rent for her apartment contract. At least the dogs will be there to keep me company.
The only reason I bring this up is because 'my' dog was taken by my ex outta spite. Bitch.

I have a buddy that not only got his dogs taken from him but was also ordered to pay "Canine Support" to his ex wife.

On another random thought, has there been any consideration to selling the FJR to a friend for a nominal sum (wink,wink) and then purchasing it back later?

Guess I'm on that wagon too, traded my first wife in for a HD. Was lucky no kids were involved. Didn't plan it that way but its strange how things will work out. Bikes can be replaced no problem and you are a good man to help raise those kids. Can relate to that one. Thanks for your help on the board and stick around until the new FJ comes into the picture. Your in our prayers TW and don't give up hope. It will work out. PM. <>< ;)

Thanks for the support everyone. TWN: I only get to keep the dogs because she doesn't want to pay for the food and extra rent for her apartment contract. At least the dogs will be there to keep me company.

P.S. I found a demo bike that the dealer is willing to hold for me until the final divorce papers are filed. That will be in about two weeks if the wife doesn't challenge my lawyers proposal. It won't be an FJR, but it will have two wheels. I'll pursue another FJR as soon as the house sells.
Keeping the dogs is a great thing, have you ever noticed how dogs are always glad to see ya. Good luck Truwrecks, and God speed your financial and mental recovery.

I'm sorry you're going through this Tru. You can toss me in with others above who said we've been there, done that. It sucked then. Life's good now. Hang in there.
I once had to sell my bike to pay off my share of a lease after a breakup with a girlfriend. I ended up being out of riding for several years. My current wife is a bit afraid of motorcycles and isn't even interested in riding pillion. But is was she, watching me look wistfully at every bike we passed on the road, who said after I had landed a little side consulting contract, "Why don't you take that money and get back into motorcycling?" And she backs me up when I hit the road for a week or two every year.

The right one is out there. :)

Oh, and by the way -- when you find someone new, I'd be more than happy to teach you that wistful look. I've got it down pat. :D
One question, just because I know women, any chance you have a pretty fair sized life insurance policy? I...I...I...don't mean nuttin, just curious. :rolleyes:

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