Saved my ass

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Bakersfield, CA
On Labor Day, on California's Hwy 1, I pulled out to pass a few cars and was immediately confronted by a large rock. Although my estimate of it's size grows every time I recount the incident, I'm sure that it was at least 10" in diameter. Estimated speed at 60-65mph. Maintained a good grip, keep the bike straight and shifted body weight slightly to the pegs. Shattered the rock and from the noise, which was much louder than I remember from having had a tire blowout, knew that something was broke. Fortunately the bike handled the situation and without much drama, quickly slowed to a stop. The rim was bent to the extent that the wheel would not roll, once my speed dropped, blocking itself against the brake. Pretty amazed that I didn't go down. The bottom line is that this is a GREAT bike and pretty much handled the situation with minimal assistance from it's pilot. Thanks to the FJR designer, whoever that person(s) was.

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Wow! Glad you are OK and kept it up.

And Ditto's about the FJR design... it is sooo capable.

Now get that rim fixed...

Okay, don't sell yourself short.

I've heard of guys laying it down with something like that big being unavoidable; they just did not want to chance going over the top.

You Rocked the situation dude; held tight, held your ground and allowed the bike to do it's thing.

Heck! A rim job' I'm sure theres plenty of folk in the last week would not mind swapping tabs with ya on that price tag.

So' 'Thata Boy' Thank your Grace and keep on rolling(When the rim gets fixed of course).

Glad to hear you are ok the bike must have very good rims to withstand the impact, but you kept it togeather and did what you had to.

Maybe you also had a little help from above.

good job

Good job! I'll bet there is some dirt riding experience in your past.

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Rather fortunate result Pastie...great job keeping your wits about ya. Hope you're back on the road real quick.



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WOW! Good choice to hang on tight and ride through it! IT WORKED!! Glad to hear that. When all other options don't look good, Go with the flow!! :yahoo:

Nice save dude. When in doubt, stay calm and flow with it. I have had to many close calls where the FJR saved my ass. I wish I could take credit but the damn bike just told me to hang on, I'll get your ass out of this.

Good to hear you're okay. When I have a close call, I always analyze what I could have done differently to avoid the situation. Have you considered the possibility that you target fixated on the rock, thus hitting it? We should try to learn something from close calls.

Yamaha Engineers went to the martial arts to perfect that karate chop rim rock thing.

It slices and dices, and the rear rim produces mounds of nori rice rolls.

Your memory, as I understand it everytime you access a memory it gets replaced and recoded. Experts say the most intact memories are in people with amnesia since they cant revisit them. I have an x wife that was so damn good at revisionism that I'm sure she would have that rock the size of K2 by now.

WOW! I just heard about this last night! You must be the same guy my nephew and his wife stopped to check on! He noticed that there was no cell service there and turned around. I have an '05 FJR and he rides an '07 FZ1, we rode through there early this year on a trip up to Oregon. Ditto on the amazing abilities of the FJR. Really glad you came thru all in one piece!

"The rim was bent to the extent that the wheel would not roll, once my speed dropped, blocking itself against the brake"

The front locked up while you were still moving, yet you didn't go down? Umm, no -- don't buy it.
