If Angelina asked you to dance, would you dance?

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Yeah, well, we rode the Mission Impossible SS1K Saturday/Sunday and it was way cool. I'm sure Skyway is working up a stellar ride report complete with pictures. So, I figured I'd cover the highlight of my first LD experience. It happened yesterday on the way home after we completed our ride and power nap (3 hours).

I first spotted her up on top of the Grapevine. I was dicing through some traffic and a quick head turn for a lane change revealed the nose of a black Italian GT of unknown make poking out just beyond the car to my immediate left. I wondered what it was, but not enough to drop back and gawk. Most of those guys are just self-indulgent wieners anyway, right? Besides, if I caught up to him on the freeway he must be just another rich poseur with a complex. After a minute or so, my Escort started chirping that CHP tune that saved our bacon the day before. So I eased back into safe mode and another mile up the road there they were, three that we could see, aggressively enforcing speed laws. Cutting the sick and the old from the herd, so to speak.

Once we reached the bottom of the hill (bummer, 'cause I wanted to do some downgrade blasts), the Escort went nuts with some X Band, which is usually no big deal but the signal strength got my respect. After a while all got quiet and the threat had passed.

About that time, the "pack" rolled up on us. A brand new black Lamborghini Gallardo was in the lead, followed by a brand new 911, and a hopped up looking Lexus was bringing up the rear. Somehow, they got some separation and we needed the lane to move around some traffic, so we dropped in behind the Italian job. He started picking up the pace, we called, he went, we followed. Being behind that thing was my favorite position (no pun intended), as the exhaust note is heavenly to behold in the upper RPM range.

FWIW, the FJR will keep up with the new Lamborghini until it tops out, then it's all Lamborghini. Unfortunately, the real world of Highway 99 on a Sunday afternoon ain't like the Nevada desert. He could only spool up to about 165 before catching the next pack of cars, so we were at an advantage due to the slower (75-80 mph) traffic.

Next, Skyway positioned himself in front of that monster and sprinted, Lambo chased, then Sky backed off and Lambo had to get on the binders to keep from running under Sky's rear Avon. I was like, WTF?

That's no way to represent. I found out later that Sky's fully loaded and bulbous Yammi topbox gave him a problem at about 125 (maybe he can expound further). Still in all, it was no way to leave that guy with an impression of our mounts.

So, I stepped up. I bolted down the right lane and I'm not sure if he didn't see me (as there was a big rig between us) or he just wanted to give me a headstart, but he didn't jump on it until I was out front by a carlength or so. He also didn't catch me until I backed out, as I knew I was running out of steam anyway and wanted to watch him fly by, which he did, to my front row thumbs up as I watched him go by. We played cat & mouse for what seemed like 5 miles or so, keeping it somewhat on the sane side. I imagine some of the other drivers were on their cell phones to report the event, and some of them were just awestruck. Imagine tooling down the freeway and have an exotic Italian go by you at a 100 mph delta with a touring bike in pursuit. :eek:

Finally, I got bored so, utilizing three different packs of traffic to my advantage, I ran and hid from him, ultimately taking the predetermined exit to meet up with the other two riders for In-n-Out Burgers.

It was some serious two-thumbs-up entertainment! I have always been kinda hoping to get a crack at a Z06, so this was like winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for me. And the perfect climax to my cherry-poppin' long distance experience.

It sure was sweet to run across a guy in a $180,000 car willing to let it stretch its legs, and it looked like he was having as much fun as we were. Skyway figured he was delivering the car to its new owner. "Here you go sir, all broken in and everything. Thank you for choosing Lamborghini".

Anybody have a cigarette?

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Sounded like fun, I wish i had the time to go with you guys!

Yea, I learned the Yammie trunk doesn't like speeds over 125 or so.

It was some serious two-thumbs-up entertainment! I have always been kinda hoping to get a crack at a Z06, so this was like winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for me. And the perfect climax to my cherry-poppin' long distance experience.
It sure was sweet to run across a guy in a $280,000 car willing to let it stretch its legs, and it looked like he was having as much fun as we were. Skyway figured he was delivering the car to its new owner. "Here you go sir, all broken in and everything. Thank you for choosing Lamborghini".

Anybody have a cigarette?
Wow. Did you happen to get a photo of the car as you were dancing? Now that would be cool if you did. :)

No cigarette but I could offer you a cigar.

Great post toecutter. Made me feel as if I was there with you. Wow. Good fun.


Ain't Eve gonna be a little jealous though?


Great post toecutter. Made me feel as if I was there with you. Wow. Good fun.

Ain't Eve gonna be a little jealous though?

Eve came out to greet me in the driveway when I got home. I placed my hand on the handlebar and confessed all. I told her that my girlfriend and I had a three-way with a brand new Lamborghini. She said she was glad she wasn't along for that ride, but I think she would have been game anyway. She likes going fast if it feels safe. It may have looked crazy to the casual observer, but when I scare myself, it's time to back off. No scary moments on that encounter, just good felonious fun.

I believe it was this model except in black. A fully loaded bike is no way to represent either. The first run behind the car was my best shot. The FJR was right on his butt until I backed off with a rear end top box wobble. That and traffic was fast approaching when a little further up the road the car was standing heavily on its brakes. The Lamborghini was very fast and gave off a sweet exhaust tone.

I gave out a chuckle when a Lexus ES300 and a Chevy S10 lined up beside the car.

Disclaimer - this all happened below the posted speed limit. :rolleyes:


Sounded like fun, I wish i had the time to go with you guys!

Yea, I learned the Yammie trunk doesn't like speeds over 125 or so.
caveat: 2up, the aerodynamics are good and there is no issue with the topcase at 135. So I hear.

True: 2up the box in back(v46) is quiet as a mouse up to 140+ but........ she hit me when we got out of the stratospheric. YMMV

It's almost been a year since the ride. Ian, wanna try it backwards? It would be quite the challenge! We could call it Mission Impossible II.


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