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      Coachpilot replied to the thread Unusual Tire Wear.
      Actually it's NOT very unusual on these big bikes. And here is why- Think of how much weight is on that poor little contact patch when...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread Heading South.
      Loving your trip almost as much as you, aside from reading it in the A/C (I'd still rather be riding). If you keep posting, I'll keep...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread FJR1300 Speedometer.
      Definitely a brightness setting. Holler if you can't find the procedure. Mine is very unreadable at low settings, especially on a sunny...
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      Coachpilot reacted to Whooshka's post in the thread are you a moto camper? with Like Like.
      It's the Extra long/extra wide. I originally bought the smaller one but after a couple of practice runs on the living room floor, I...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread are you a moto camper?.
      Do you which Exped mattress you have. SO many to pick on their website. Thanks!
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread The Repair and Upgrades Begin.
      Try taking your hands about 1/8" or 1/16" off bars on a3rd gear decel from 50 to 25... I'm curious if you get any slight...
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      Coachpilot reacted to RossKean's post in the thread The Repair and Upgrades Begin with Like Like.
      While I (almost) always have at least one hand on the bars, I do check for oscillation and for tracking to one side or another from time...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread The Repair and Upgrades Begin.
      Thanks for the insight and taking the time to address this. Actually, I've done them ALL... even bought the special tool to properly...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread The Repair and Upgrades Begin.
      My 2017ES shook on decel from 40mph down to 25. And on cruise control at 35. Changed to new Dunlop RoadSmart-4 and that only raised the...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread The Repair and Upgrades Begin.
      If I were that far, I would DEF put some tapered steering head bearings in it! I'm yet to hear of anyone on this site that says it...
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      Somewhat related to panic - look where you want to go, not at what you want to avoid. Target fixation is real.
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      And... panic = a tighter grip on the bars and bracing with your shoulders. This prevents the bike from both leaning and turning. Once...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread Top box.
      Sorry about the slow reply. I bought my bike with the HD support rack, not just the plate. I think it's a Yamaha part # but you'll have...
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      Coachpilot replied to the thread Top box.
      It's probably more of a decision on the size. I have the smaller (39L) OEM box on the upgraded support rack. Keyed to side bags and a...
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